Pick One. Either “My lips are sealed” or “Kiss my a**!”

Written in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "Is nobody going to say it?".... view prompt


Adventure Friendship Kids

He said. She said.

He said, “Pucker up!”

She said. “No way.”

He said, “ Either get with the program, or get out!”


She walked out to gather the thoughts of the lies and innuendos.

Stormed back in with what was left out on the field with the rest of the schmucks.

”Why the cover? Of one another? She said. Not really asking, but begging for a “Why?”

“Whose side are you on?” he said.

She said, “The side of admittance.” That there are truths and consequences for lies and inadmittances.”

He had moved on. For understandable reasons.

”The past is the past.” he said.

”Uh, huh.” She said.

He said, “What’s done is done.” he said.

”Uh, uh” she said.

The top had been blown off. The secret was plastered in the minds, hearts of many and the memories of any.

”How can you live with yourself?” she said.

He said, “Just fine.”

“Belligerence and ignorance do not make it all go away” she said.

”Works for me.” he said.

”I know.” she said.

He said. “What’s your problem?”

She said, “It isn’t right.”

”What?” he said. “Things are alright.”

”No!” she said. They are not alright.”

Truth be told. The truth is rarely told.

”Are you comfortable? she said.

”You are too controversial.” he said.

“The truth is funny like that.” she said. “Uncomfortable.”

“Obviously talking about it makes it true—for you.” she said.

”Micro”. “Macro”. “It’s all just the same.” he said.

”Not so.” she said.

Repressionistic nuances aside………

“The family is lying and have you by their side.” she said.

Stealing is eating off the plates of another and worse off—not swallowing the truth of every bite. she uttered. Under her breath. Because she knew it was futile. He had gotten what he wanted. Again. And. Again and Again.

It wasn’t so much that they were all in the scheme together. She shot back. It was lack of regard in the times of despair.

Money, fame, land, ownership was inked before the lid on the coffin was linked. Door closed.

Spot on. Was the elephant. The quiet, quiet elephant. Too scared, too afraid at the bigness of what orbited around lives every minute of every day.

”I am on your side.” he said.

”I do not want you on my side.” she said.

”I want the truth.” she said. Anything else is slowly killing me……she muttered.

”You can’t handle the truth.” he said.

She could not help but laugh in his face.

”How would you know the first thing about the truth?” she said.

He said, “I do just fine.”

Maddening was he. The elephant ready to stomp and squash her like a bug. Verbally, silently. Made little difference.She knew this to be true. But kept on riding anyway.

Notinsomuch did she follow her version of the truth.

She moreso followed the patterns of the lies.

”Common sense and logic are how I think.” he said.

Weirdly the discussion had the two in opposite sides of the room, each in their own corner.

They could feel the other’s animosity toward the conversation brewing and beginning to blow up. Sometimes we see an elephant, and sometimes we do not. The result is that an elephant, when present, is noticed.(wk)

Even a tiny baby one. Trunk and all waving in the winds of lies and despair.

“The elephant in the room large or small, refers to a question, problem, solution or controversial issue which is obvious to everyone who knows about the situation, but which is deliberately ignored because to do otherwise would cause great embarrassment, sadness, or arguments or is simply taboo.” (wk)

We are there. All of us in the room together trying to get it done.

Relentlessly so. Attacking one another in ways large and small. Using deficits and decisions as our guide that we are right and they are wrong.

It all comes down to one word.



The receipt lost in the mail.

Insisting on innocence becomes the 10,00 elephants in the room. The millions crossing borders, too. Some say insidious behavior goes on behind the back as a way of proving that they……

“Did not know.”

During the 1994 during the Colombian Presidential campaign, drugs had infiltrated the campaign to buy influence. And from the Cali Cartel a movement was borne.

The elephant in the room has been stuffed, painted and attached to things large and small. And displayed as a marker of hey “I got you.”

Either put up, shut up, or join the club because.

”You will not win.” he said.

“May I please have a rhinoceros.” she said. Her logic centering on the fact of not belonging to the madness.

He said, “Probably not. We cannot go back.”

”Will you at the least consider the elephant test next time, next encounter.” she said Coming down from the ceiling of which her mind blew up to in the process of the conversation about the same old same old.

He said. “he knew” there were secrets and murmurings through the years. He kept them at just enough arm’s length to make sure it did not matter negatively, to him.

she said, “Are you afraid the skeletons in the closet coming out to “roost”.

He said nothing. But the elephant amount of feat that crossed his face spoke large volumes of admittance in a mimicry moment.

They had been here before. That is why this sounded so familiar. Opposite corners of the universe with a history of shared momentary moments.

This was all too much to deny about a moment of truthful moment of truth.

Two opposite sides of the spectrum leave a wide gaping hole in the middle for the heavy, the heaviest of elephant to take advantage of the shortcomings and fault lines of human beings.

Sad. But. True.

Heavy and continuing.

Stay tuned.

What goes around comes around.

What stays is what we allow when we break out of the shell of our own doubt.

”Is nobody going to say it?”

July 12, 2024 20:51

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