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I was not a happy woman,  my friend Penny had brought me here to this cold and damp castle.  All because it was haunted.   “We might see a ghost, “ I’d been told

It’s not that I didn’t believe in ghosts, it's just I had no desire to see one.  And this castle was too cold despite having a warm sweater on.  There was no television, so it meant reading.  The only thing I liked about the castle was it’s library.  I found one on the history of the place.  I don’t know why I picked it up,  it’s just when looking through the shelves of books it fell onto the floor.  I was going to put t back, however there was something that made me want to read it.

I climbed under the blankets and opened the book.  I started to read.  It was built in the 1600s, by Lord Robert Campbell.  He brought his bride Lady Elizabeth to live there.  She died in childbirth.  The child was found drowned in the pond a year after its birth.  Lord Robert remarried, Lady Anne.  They had three children. Percy, Mary and Alice.  Lady Anne died six weeks after the youngest was born.  She had jumped from the castles second floor.  There was no reason why she took her own life.  She fell into a deep melancholy before the child was born.

The house remained in the family.  Today it was owned by Leonard and Darcy Campbell.  Fortunately the death of Lady Elizabeth, her child and Lady Anne was the last of the tragedy to fall upon this family. 

Penny had said there was a ghost, I wondered if it was Elizabeth or Anne?    As if hearing my thoughts I heard and saw a shaking of the chair. I shuttered.  I wanted to get out of the room.  I tried to convince myself that it was nothing.  The light then started to flicker and I jumped out of the bed and out the door.  I banged on Penny’s door and before she could even answer I opened the door.  Penny was reading a book and looked startled.  I was shaking.  “What?” she asked.

“I want to leave,” I told her.

“Oh my god you saw a ghost?  What was it like?”

“I didn’t see anything, now let’s go.”

Penny was so excited.  “I’m going into your room,” she announced.

Jumping out of bed she quickly made it to the room I was staying in.   I sat alone on her bed waiting for her to come back.  I don’t know how much time had gone by however it seem like an incredible amount.   I nervously made my way to my room.  The door was open and there was no sign of Penny.  “Penny,” I called out

No response.  “Penny,” I called out again.

Still no response.  I thought she might have gone down to the kitchen and I scurried there.  There was a light on in the kitchen and when I opened the door I saw Jane sitting at the table.  Jane was the manager of the castle.   “Sorry,  I’m looking for my friend Penny.  She went into my room and isn’t there anymore,” I explained.

“What room are you in? Jane questioned.

She had a beautiful Scottish brogue to her voice.  Which made me feel warm and inviting.

“I’m not sure,  it doesn’t have a number on it.  It’s three doors down from the bathroom”

Jane sighed.  “Not another one.

I looked and felt alarmed.    “Don’t worry Lassie.  She’s most likely found the door and can’t get out.”

We made our way to my room and she told me, “This room was meant to be Lady Elizabeth’s room.  The secret door as rumour had it Elizabeth’s secret lover would hide.  It doesn’t go anywhere, there is no passage.”

I loved a scandalest tale.   She went on to explain, “her lover worked on building the castle and was going to make it a passage out. Before he could start on the passage he hid in there from Lord Robert.    He got stuck and Lady Elizabeth was moved to another room and forced to stay there during her confinement.”

I looked puzzled,  “She was with child.Lord Robert knew the child was not his and locked her away.”

“She died in childbirth,” I added

“That was the official story.  Some say she was murdered by Lord Robert.  Some say she took her own life.  I think she was murdered as was her child.”

My heart sank, I couldn’t believe someone would murder a child.  “That’s so sad.”

We continued to look for Penny to no avail.  I was getting more concerned as time ticked by.  We decided to try outside, however when Jane opened the door we could see and feel a strong wind had gushed up,   Jane now looked just as concerned as me.  “We won’t get far in this wind,” she explained, slamming the door shut.  “I’ll call the police.”

I went into the living area,  I realised I was very cold.  I look at the fireplace trying to work out how to turn it on.  Suddenly the flame sprung up, creating a fire.  I jumped back.  I looked around the room and at first I saw nothing.  I then saw a woman in the doorway.  She was wearing a long yellow gown in the style of yesteryear.  My heart was pounding.  I wanted to scream, however I could feel I was unable to make a sound.

The figure stood staring at me.  Suddenly she was right in front of me.  I let out a loud piercing scream.  Jane came racing in, my scream did not scare the figure instead she stood silently in front of me.  “Lady Anne,” Jane called out.

The figure moved toward Jane.  I raced to hide behind a chair.  I had no idea if this would help, however instinct told me to do this.   The figure turned her attention back to me.  Then as quickly as she appeared she disappeared.

“I’m leaving,” I announced, coming out behind the chair.

Suddenly loud laughter rang out.  Walking into the living room was Penny.  “It’s not funny.  I’m leaving.  And where have you been?”

Penny continued laughing,  I rolled my eye and was about to storm out.  Leonard the owner appeared?  “I’m sorry,” he said to me.  “Your friend here said you’d like to see a ghost.   We do this for our guests.”

“Some friend you are Penny.  What makes you think I wanted to see a ghost?  So was that really a ghost?” I questioned.

“Hologram,” Leonard said.  “I’m sorry, I would never have done it if your friend here didn’t say you would get a kick out of it.”

I then stormed up to my room and packed my bag.  Penny came in looking very sorry, “Don’t talk to me,” I snapped.  “I’m taking the car and going to stay at a pub.”

Before Penny could say anything I walked out.    Penny started to follow me When  suddenly a loud scream came out of our mouth. Leonard and Jane ran up the stairs and looked at me.  Before they could get near me I disappeared.  They wanted a ghost, I was one.  I was Lady Elizabeth and until I was reunited with my lover, I was going to take my anger out on the guests intruding in my home.

October 20, 2020 07:55

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Loise Mwende
10:08 Nov 03, 2020

I love the flow of ideas


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