Rain, take this pain away

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt

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“Ugh, I’m sick of this sound!” a blonde young girl, with hazel orbs about 140 cm tall grunted as she looked outside the window.

I could only snickered at her because I am the opposite of her.

The sound of the rain is really soothing to me but yeah, I have to admit that it’s kind of irritating for certain someone if you keep on listening to it. It’s been raining for all day today.

Nothing to say because it’s raining season. “How could you just laugh? Aren’t you bored, Mia?” the blonde girl asked to me. I could see how annoyed she was.

I shrugged.

“Not to me, Hana,”

She groaned in frustration before landing her face on the sofa.

“I wanna go out…” she whined.

“The rain is going to be bad storm sooner. Didn’t you see the news, Hana,” I reminded her which only made her frustrated more.

“I’m bored…”

“It is going to be boring if all you do was whine, whine, and whine. Why not go and do something or anything?” I spoke while crossing my arms on my chest.

“Like what?” she asked while looking at me with a face that look like a death person.

“Like, hmm, games?” I suggested.

“Urgh! I’m not like you who play game all the time,”

I sighed.

“Then, why not watch any movie? Or maybe cook or bake or whatever you like?”

“Don’t wanna…” her reply made me want to throw her outside of the house.

“Do what you wanna do, I’ll just go upstairs,” I said as I already fed up with her.

There were only the two of us in the house now since my parents are in charge in the work trip at the city next to ours. They’ll only came back till tomorrow.

“Mia….” She whined when I was about to go upstairs but I totally ignored her because I’m done with her childishness.

She’s 18 but acted like 8 years old girl sometimes.

I went inside my room and turned on my gaming computer.

I was about to wear my headphone but suddenly someone barged into my room. I almost got a heart attack.


“I’m super bored right now. Entertain me!” she ordered as she landed on my precious messy bed.

“Really?” I stared at her in disbelieved.

“Hey, if you really are bored, why not help me with this game that I have been wanting to play,” I said as I took out a game from my drawer.

She took the game and read it aloud, “Resident Evil 5…?” she furrowed her eyebrows while looking at me in disgusted.

“Come on, let’s play or I’ll throw you outside of my room and let you die in boredom,”

She grunted as lazily she sat next to me.

“Alright, alright, I’ll show you how pro I am in this game,” she said with a smug face.

“Yea,” I replied nonchalantly.

The first play was okay but five minutes later, everything became very chaos.

“Oh my gosh, that zombie is chasing me! KILL HIM, MIA!!!” she screamed loudly while controlling her player.

I slapped my forehead and honestly I totally regretted for playing this with her.

“Seriously, just shoot that goddamn zombie, you idiot!” I said before shooting the zombies which was what I had been doing all the time.

“I’m the girl in the game, and you got the big guy so you supposed to protect me,” she said.

“Gosh, she’s not an ordinary girl or a princess. She’s a fighter too,”

“Well, I’m not a fighter,”

I just groaned as I paused the game.

“Hey, why did you paused it?” she asked to me.

“You sure you want to continue playing because I’m scared that I might lose my left hearing because of your screaming,”

She shrugged.

“Don’t you have any girlish game?” she asked as she headed towards my box full of my games.

She took one and said, “Nope, this one is a nope too, nope and nope…”

“Seriously? Don’t you ever have any game that has no gore, blood, action and shooting?” she asked to me in disbelieved.


“Oh my, you’re supposed to be born as a boy after all,” she sighed.

“Can’t help it that I’m interested in all these genre,”

“I’m tired of being bored. Can’t this rain just go away?” she said as she landed on the carpet while looking distantly at the window.

The rain still doesn’t stop but it was better that a couple of hours ago. Probably it will gone soon, hopefully. It’s not like I care or not because rainy or sunny, all I do was sit in my room and play games since I’m on my break. Furthermore, I worked from home as a game designer.

I looked at the dark sky through my window. A couple of memories about rainy days replayed in my mind. A lot of things happened in my life during rainy days like this, whether it was good or bad.

I sighed slipped from my lips as that one memory ran through my head.

“You okay, sis?” Hana asked and when I looked at her, I could see the sign of worry in her eyes.

I gave her a fake smile without answering the question.

She knew exactly what’s in my mind.

“I hope this rain go away so you won’t have to remember that painful day…” she said with a sad tone.

“It was a very painful day…” I spoke while letting out a deep sigh.

I didn’t want to remember it but this rainy days made it worse. Even the date today was the same date as the day when I lost my fiance. It was on this kind of rainy day that he took his last breath in the hospital.

He was diagnosed with a leukemia and there was no way to cure him because it’s already too late when he noticed it. I couldn’t even believe that it’s been a year now ever since he’s gone.

“Hey, why not we continue playing that game?” Hana suddenly spoke as she quickly picked up the console.

“Eh? Why so sudden?” I was totally shocked with her sudden request.

“I hate spending indoors while watching you being all sad and gloomy. It’ll ruin my mood which was ruined already,” she remarked.

“Now, take that console of yours and let’s kill some zombies!” she shouted in glee before passing me the console.

I smiled slightly as I took the console.

We spent the whole day playing the game together and really, thanks to her, I finally able to forget the memories. I wished he was watching us from up there and probably he’s having fun too.

March 27, 2020 05:51

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1 comment

Baydaa Alshatee
21:14 Apr 01, 2020

I really think you established the characters in a great manner, I could tell the dynamic between them. Your writing is so simple but I could imagine the hospital. I could feel the sorrow, I would add more about the feelings of the characters. Maybe a flashback to the hospital night. Other than that your dio is perfect, not confusing at all.


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