On July 31st~ You Gave My Life Such Meaning~

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Write a story about somebody reminiscing on an event that happened many summers ago.... view prompt

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Christian Friendship Sad

Warning: Discussion of past abuse and suicidal thoughts

While everyone else was playin' volleyball... I was just chillin', inside the luxury beach house that was big enough to fit a big family. I was readin' a novel that was on ma' phone when I decided to turn to my right where the beautiful, glass window was at, I was gazin' up at the sunshine that was really pretty.

So beautiful.

So nostalgic... very nostalgic... it just takes me back to the times when I was li'l, like around... eleven or twelve years old. I remember the time when I would run away from ma' foster home because of the daily beatings I would I get for simply breathin'...

I would run as far as I could... not stoppin' for even a sec... I would just keep on runnin' till' I reached for da' hills.

That's when I found and reunited wif' my old childhood friend, an angel named Aemilia.


Speakin' of Aemilia, I turned to look at her. She had on a leaf green V-shaped, cupshe bikini that had three strings between her cleavage the same went for her bottom half. It looked cute on her honestly, like, I could see why guys were oglin' their eyes over her.

Aemilia smiled wide, eyes crinkled, showin' none but warmth in her.

"So... whatcha doin' here all alone? You were getting lost with your thoughts again, weren't you?"

She giggled.


In a way I was goin' to get lost deep in ma' thoughts again before Aemilia came in. Hell, I was on my way to memory lane if anythin' before I was snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I am gettin' lost in ma' thoughts again."

I said, scratchin' the back on ma' head as I looked the other way.

"Hmm mind telling me what was it about?"

I didn't say anythin' for a good solid minute. Until...

"Hey, do you remember the time when we met again, and you took me to your house but once we startin' changin' our clothes, you were shocked to find out that I was girl da whole time?"

I laughed out loud as I gazed up at her.

"Hahahaha! Yeah, yeah, yeah!! I didn't know you were a girl until you was like, ' Yo! Yo! Aemilia, lets go change in your room!' I was like, 'wait a minute aren't you moving a little too fast, let's get to know each other a bit a least, big boy!'"

I was crakin' up at this because never not be funny to me! This would always be the funniest story we could tell our friends! I had a very boyish appearance back then so people automatically assumed that I was a boy! I still couldn't believe Aemilia didn't I was girl six years later!

"But the moment you took your pants off and shirt, and you revealed the panties that was from my drawer, and I was like, " Why is he wearing my panties?!" and then, out of calmness you was like, "Oh yeah I'm actually a girl".

We both bursted out laughter. I was so chill with my response, I didn't think it was that serious! Hahaha!!

"Like it was just the 'spoiler alert' moment from you, just casually spoiling the movie for me when really, it was your identity that was being revealed! Hahaha!!"

"Ohh maa' gosshhh! Gahahaha!!"

We were both laughing at this point, crotchin' over wif our arms wrapped around it! This is just too much!

"Did you know I had a crush in you when were young?"

Aemilia pointed out, still laughing between her words.

"No way! Really?!"

"Yep! I was like, 'my knight shing armor is back to save me again' only to reveal my 'knight shining armor' had panties, hahaha!"

"Gahahaha! Oh ma' gosh!"

We had a least two minutes of laughter before I felt arms wrapped around ma' shoulders. I turned to see Aemilia smilin' warmly at me.

"That was on July 31st, six years of us meeting each other again after our separation... I took you in to my house, grandma introduced you to the Bible, took you into the meetings before we knew it, you became part of the family."

I looked at her wif nothin' but fondness. Yeah I remember that day, I was in the hills, wif li'l to no clothes left in me, after reuniting wif Aemilia in the hills...

"Yeah I remember. You guys took me in as your own, for the first time, I felt nothin' but love from you guys."

Aemilia smiled wif intense love.

"You know, I'm glad that after taking you in, the truth on you being a girl was the most groundbreaking thing to ever happen yet the best news for me"

"Really, How come?"

"Well because, as girls we have so much in common, so many secrets to tell, so many clothes to share and... most of all..."

She tighten her hold around me.

"... sharing the same experience of abuse."

I eyes widen of shock. Of course, we both went though it, I was abused by people by the same foster family that was supposed to take care of me. That was what caused me to run away from it all...

Aemilia also experienced the same thing with the boy she was dating at the time, she also abused in way, except it was nothin' physical, it was more mental and emotional.

I guess that's what drawn us closer than any angels. Those experiences would stay with us forever, these memories we've had for each other would always be treasured by us for eternity even the hard ones.

July 31st was the day I wanted to die. I had no value, no reason to live anymore, I didn't even know there was a god, yet our of desperation I prayed... prayed for some salvation, some hope, some sort of miralce.

Like, I didn't really want a die but... I didn't have a reason to live either.

Then... Aemilia showed up... for the first time in six years of our seperation, Aemilia was that reason to live on.

I bursted into tears at that moment... I forgot that she existed, I was gonna end myself, leaving her alone. In the end, Aemilia was that miracle... Aemilia was my reason to live on...

I reached up my hands to cup her face above me. Her hands was brushing off the tears that I was presently crying.

That's funny... always on cue.

Whenever I remember these memories, I'm always bursting into massive tears in the present.

"Your were... my reason that I lived on to the very end, Aemilia."

I sobbed, smiling

I felt some water droping on my cheek, only to realize that Aemilia was also crying


She sobbed back

We hugged as we were silently crying into each other's arms.

July 31st, at age eleven, that for the first time, I wanted to live again.

Thank you Aemilia for finding me again

July 31st... that day would always be remembered by us.

~The End~

June 19, 2021 03:36

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1 comment

J.A. Blackmore
00:05 Jul 07, 2021

This is really good. I love how the girls shared the same experiences and stuff.


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