Submitted to: Contest #47

What Made my Life Change

Written in response to: "As you check your mail, you notice a letter that makes you stop in your tracks."


You're having a perfectly normal day when you decide to check the mail. On the way to the mailbox, you pass a dog eating a envelope. You think this is strange, but it's nothing compared to what you'll find later. When you get to the mailbox, you see something that catches your eye. It's a letter, like any other, but it has the logo of a school. This was no regular school, it was a spy school. This was a letter you had been waiting for, and the day it came changed your entire life. When you open it, it makes you stop in your tracks. It's a letter of acceptance. You got into the school! You had to make sure that no one found out that you were going there; after all, you were the only person who was accepted in your city. The letter gave you all the information that you needed to know about where and when to go. It told you to go to Kings Landing, and wait there for two hours. Someone in red would come pick you up, and take you to the school. When you did that, someone in blue comes. He tells you he's here to pick you up for spy school, and the only thing you could say was, "You're not wearing red." He laughed, and said "Don't worry, that was just a red herring." Since hardly any people say "red herring", you assumed that he was the right guy. The fact that he said red herring also helped quite a bit. As it turned out, you were right, and he took you to the school. "From now on, you have to question everything before you do it. Your main question should be 'will this give me information?' If the answer in no, you don't do it, understand?" You nod yes, too afraid to say anything else. "You will also have to attend the school everyday." You finally have the courage to speak up "Even on weekends?" "Definitely on weekends. If you need to go somewhere, you tell us 3 days in advance, got it?" he replies. "Yes," you say, "I got it." Every day was now the same. Wake up, go to Kings Landing, get picked up, then just train. Train, train, train. You were preparing for something that never happened, it was only the other people who got to go on missions. "You'll get your turn soon enough," the guy who picked you up would say. You sighed every day, waiting for the announcement, if there was one. You would train there, sometimes sleep there just to hear your name get called out of that small, rusty, old speaker. Then one day, it did. It was the best day of your life, even though it was just a day where you had to be on lookout, it felt amazing, as if you could do anything, if your name got called. While you were feeling good, you just happened to miss the fact that someone saw the school, took a picture, and sped off, leaving you in the dust. When you finally saw the person in the security camera, you sighed, told them the authorities it was your fault, and got sent home immediately, with the instructions to "never return". They only did one thing to you before you left, which was to give you a full memory wipe, and it only came back to you 10 years after the incident. After this happened, you were put in asylum for 1 year, then released, just to receive the same letter again. You sighed, and then decided to send back a letter of refusal. You didn't want to go through what you did before, but apparently that wasn't a choice. You had to go back, because they were the reason you got out of asylum in the first place. You sighed again, and replied with a very unenthusiastic fine, and went back to the same schedule. There was just one change. His name was Justin, and he took the same bus as you, so he could go to the same school as you. You wondered why you even knew of him, because there was only one person from each city allowed, but the rules can change, and indeed they did. About a million other rules had changed too, so you had to learn all of them while training. You had the same schedule as before, but with so many more training sessions. You were tired, and were more thankful for sleep than you had ever been before, except for maybe high school. You never got called for a mission again, and if you did, that would be after 10 more years of training to stay alert. If you even wanted to get called again, you realized that it wasn't worth it. You stayed with the same schedule, and were as content as when you got called up the first time. You got used to the lack of sleep, and only started to fell sick or lightheaded every other month or so. No one took advice from you, but that was just the way you liked it. You never slept there anymore, and no one cared. It was just more space for them to have, and another person could get their name called ten times for all you cared. You didn't want to become social, and all you did was work out. You're only friend was Justin, and even he went to everyone before coming to you for help. You always wanted to know why, but he didn't seem in a good mood anymore. So you had to carry on reminding yourself that if you didn't say anything, you'd regret it. With that in mind, you managed to muster up the courage to ask him. "I don't want someone who was in asylum to give me advice" was his reply "You being someone with the highest disgrace, a memory wipe, doesn't help your reputation either." You were reduced to an embarrassed person, with the reputation of a criminal. No one liked you, and sometimes, you hated what they said to you. They hated you and you hated them back. You didn't want to quit, in fear of looking like a coward, but it was hard. After a while, you became quiet, and all you did was train. Train, train, train.

Posted Jun 23, 2020

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47 likes 4 comments

07:30 Jun 30, 2020

Dark written well...


13:49 Jun 29, 2020

Cool story Aamena! Loved it!

Keep writing! :)))


Mehak Aneja
13:16 Jun 29, 2020

Literally loved your story. Very nicely written.
Would you mind reading my story and giving it a like?? :D


15:54 Jun 29, 2020

Sure no problem!


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