
"You mean... The advantage in which sense?" Favour inquired. Very inquisitive to know more. She doesn't want to believe what her subconscious mind was insinuating. She felt the need to hear directly from her.

Perhaps, she thought, an advantage of her maybe having her totally worked up every day or being beaten always. She never wants to assume anything but wait patiently to get a hold of whatever Bimbo had to say as the atmosphere look more tensed and gravely crusted with fear, hatred and height of curiosity; likewise, darkness thickly sombre and the two friends that needed to be consoled console themselves.

"I thought you said you're his niece?" Favour asked, "...are you joking or what? What has he done to you?"

Bimbo couldn't say a word but was weeping. The ceaseless drip of tears tells deeply how gravely she has suffered. Favour hugged her while it seems she fuels her wail; Bimbo's teary voice reverberated.

Favour pedalled her petting strata, "Sorry, sorry, sorry," she pressed Bimbo's head against her booty breast. Bimbo now seems like a newborn baby, she weeps little and stops only to start gasping. 

"I'll tell you everything." Bimbo stuttered as she sluggishly set aback her head from Favour's smoothen chest.

"Oh! Good..."

"Jackson is a rogue in pastor's attire" bimbo interrupted with angered tone. 

"He is not worthy of a person to be called a pastor."

Bimbo repositioned herself. Favour's eyes dilated every second bimbo talks as her heart continues to wonder in amazement.

"I have been doing fine in a self-contained room I was in one hostel behind the campus before Mum said I should pack my belongings and set out to His brother's house - he is a pastor." Bimbo continues, "At first I don't love the idea. I declined but mum insisted that I can't stay alone in a hostel so some bad guys wouldn't violate my pride. Because I am still a virgin then." 

"Are you..." Favour muttered. Bimbo paused and continues.

I told her no bad guys, I can cope, but she wouldn't listen. She had arranged already with Dad and to my surprise, my belongings are being packed even before I agreed. Eventually, When I got to his house, 'coughed,' I mean Jackson's house. His haughty wife first gave me bad feelings but I had made up my mind I'll cope. I never want to do anything against my parent's will. I don't want them to be disheartened over me and again My mum had said when I reached 200level I'll move back to a hostel and I'll be staying alone then. She believes by that time, I would have been free from naivety. I said no problem but I thought haranguing wife wouldn't help, but it wasn't; it was another way round.

"I had thought Jackson is truly a pastor because of all his wife lousiness he is always mute. It was certain dawn I got to know Jackson's first roguish behaviour. 

I caught him masturbating severally. I wondered what could be happening, pastor masturbating! Is he not the one preaching it as sin?

Well, I chose to mind my business, until a day he caught me watching him. He never said anything but dressed up and walked away. That day I knew I had seen what I shouldn't, but how would I help it, he does masturbate in the sitting room. Going from my room to the kitchen where I do work always, I have to pass through the sitting room and this makes me to easily see him always because I only wake as early as 4:30 am so to be fastly done with morning chores. And this is the perfect time for him to always masturbate.

"He left that day without a word. I never knew he was strategizing how he would perform his roguish schemes with me. There was a day he called me and start explaining to me how his wife didn't give him the chance to have sex with her for the past five years. I don't know why he was telling me such dirty things but I believe it was for him to prove his innocence. I never utter a word but was gesticulating until the end of the conversation. He was talking as if I should give in for him to help him ease his urge, yet I chose I don't understand.

"I thought that was all but not all. There was a time I was earlier than expected to the house. That's because I was hungry and I don't love buying food from any vendor outside. I love making food by myself. I got home only to meet the house empty, nobody is yet to arrive.

 Mummy had gone out and Enoch and Jeremiah are yet to be back from school. Jackson, I never know where he was. I believe perhaps he was in the church attending to people because it was Wednesday - a moment with Pastor's day as of that day. I quickly went in because I have my key to the house. 

I had swiftly changed into something light, because of the heat when cooking. I wore a very short skirt. The skirt was even like a pant. I put on that because no one was at home. And went around with only a tube bra. I was totally half-naked. 

I have started making preparation for my food. It was a golden penny noodles I want to make. The way I make mine is always Different. I'll sauce it with different assortments so I was preparing it.

I never know how Jackson got to the door. "When do you come around?" Jackson's voice odd the serenity of the kitchen. I was startled first, with the way I was, second, with a sudden voice. 

"J...J....just now sir." I stammered. "Please I am sorry I have to go and change into something else, I thought nobody was at home, sir." 

I knew I was banned to not wear skimpy clothes at all in the house but my mum do buys it for me and I love it too. I thought I was in trouble of scolding but surprisingly Jackson loved it. 

"No...no...no it's nothing." He hurriedly said,

 "You're looking good." I was surprised. "Looking good! My foot." I muttered, but my heart still palpitating.

I continued on what I am doing but I noticed Jackson not living the door. He diagonally stood on the door; placed one hand supportively to his stance on the doorframe.

 I was impatient. My heart begins to beat faster than before. I am getting more scared and confused. The silence that rented the air was too weird. I can't take it any longer. It was as if I am about to burst out. I was thinking of what to do. My mind churn of schemes to escape Jackson's weird Stare. Fortunately, I finally got one...

"Eh...sir... I would like to take my phone..." I said half kneeled, head down.

"Go!" He said as his eyes became wider, yet, he is not making a move.

I don't know what was happening but I felt, I may have been in trouble. I don't know which trouble is it, everything is just so uncomfortable.

"Please sir...the way..."

"Oh! The way...have your way." he moved aside but stopped me from going.

"What do you want to make?" He asked. The question was absurd. At least he had been there for some minutes, he can't ask. Well, I have to satisfy him. I answered...

"Noodles sir" I bow.

"Good! Ensure you make some for me too." 

"Of course, I'll sir" I replied as I go on my way. 

I don't know anything, but I felt he is still staring at me. I can't look back, all I am thinking is may there be no evil happens today. May Enoch and Jeremiah come around soon to fault whatever plans he has. 

I remembered the time I saw him masturbating. I've seen his manhood. I knew that it's commonly said if a lady sees a man's nakedness without love or sex relationship involves, such man will make sure that that lady pays for it with her body. This perhaps maybe my fear. My pride I can't lose it, not even now. But I am still consoled that nothing will happen only because of our family ties.

I went into my room. I swiftly pay a visit to my wardrobe. I picked a purple gown. 

I was about to change into it. I was all in my Glory, Yes! I was all in my Glory." Bimbo sobs.

 "Jackson entered, not mistakenly this time but I guessed willingly with lascivious motives. 

"what!" Favour shouted angrily. "You mean that?"

"Yes, he saw my nakedness. I was short of words though gesture unfriendliness. Later I harangued, 'what do you want sir?' he said none rather he make a move I never expected." Bimbo cries again.

"What's exactly the move?" Favour asked

"If I tell you," still crying, "can you keep a secret?"

August 19, 2020 16:35

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