Christian Creative Nonfiction Friendship

There was a story about 2 strangers who started as friends.

One afternoon Guada was walking down the streets where she used to be walking 20 years ago with someone very close to her heart. Every steps she makes leaves a huge smile in her heart as she walks down memory lane......

Young Guada was calling her friend Lambert, they were on their way to the cinema where the rest of their friends were waiting, when she looked up to the signage they were at 15th street, a few more walks and they will arrive to the cinema.

Guada and Lambert grew up together, every summer they make the most if it to hang out since they study in different city so they only see each other during summer days.

Guada was sharing to Lambert how college life is so tiring and she can't wait to graduate since they have this plans that when they graduate college they will travel the world. Lambert gave her a sweet smile.

When they arrived at the cinema, their friends were so excited to meet them, they hugged each other tightly, it was a tough year wweeww so glad im home and with you guys, and they all agreed, when Guada noticed this new girl they were with, when she was about to ask, Lambert grabbed the hands of the girl and introduced her to the group, "Hey guys by the way, this is Voila my girlfriend" everyone was shocked, specially Guada, they never know that Lambert was seeing someone else then. While everyone was greeting the girl Guada was left at shocked, she don't understand why she feels hurt about Lambert introducing a girl as his girlfriend, it shouldn't matterbshe saud to herself and moved towards them and pretended to be okay.

While inside the cinema she cannot focus on the movie, she kept asking herself why do i feel this way? It feels so weird everytime I look at them so close together and why didn't Lambert told me about this girl, we were bestfriends. And tge questions keep coming into her mind.

After the movie Guada decided to go home, the rest of her friends will be going to their favorite dinner in town, but Guada lost her appetite so she said goodbye to her friends and walked herself home. While walking sge can't stop thinking about this girl Lambert introduced as his girlfriend, it bothers her alot, and while she is walking she reminisced all the times they were on these streets of their hometown, how happy they were, sharing all their secrets with each other, having late night walks to the park, and so many more. But now it became so much different.

And Lambert started to be distant to Guada, until sunmer was over she never heard about him.

One afternoon when she was walking back to her dormitory she saw Lambert at the gate, he was holding a huge box, he greeted me with a cold hello, and he handed me the box without any words he walked away. And that was the last time she saw him.

She decided to not open the box, she never wanted to know whats inside of it, she was angry for awhile but now it was already 20 years ago, she is now a lawyer and been traveling the whole world, she decided to visit home and check on everybody, she throw a small party where closest family and friends were invited, everyone was so happy to see her, since Lambert ended their friendship she never visited home so often so she get to see most of her friend back home. The night was filled with laughter, good music and sumptuous food.

When the party was over she sat on her bed took off her shoes and was relaxing a little bit when she noticed the box Lambert gave her years ago, she now decided to open it. She placed the box on her bed and slowly opened it, the box was filled with all the stuff of their memories together as friends, from tge first chips and soda they ate, to every cinema tickets they watched, to their favorite cassette tapes, their matching t-shirts, to the sneakers she bought him on his 11th birthday and all the cards she sent him and the letters too, it was all there no wonder the box was huge.

As Guada was looking through all the stuff she can't help to ask why, many years of friendship and he decided to throw it all away.

One afternoon, a day before she will be leaving her hometown, she went to their favorite cafeteria, and was surprised to see Lambert there. He seemed to never aged a bit, she pretended to not see him and go on eating when He approached her. Do you mind if i share table with you? Whe she looked around the place is full of customers so she said "yes of course" he does not seem to recognize her at all. She was wondering if he was with someone but no one approached the table

Lambert started talking " how do you find the food here?" great, she answered with a smile and they started tobtalk about so many stuff, it was like the old times when they talk about so many things, sharing stories over dinner, Guada felt so comfortable and Lambert too, when they were done eating, Guada said goodbye first since she has to prepare for her early morning flight, Lambert accompanied her to the door, and Lambert said " it was great sharing table and stories with you, you remind me of someone so close to my heart before." Take care Guada replied with a smile and a teary eyes."

While she was walking back home she was smiling but a little but teary eyed, remembered all the times they spent together before, how best of friends they were and how strangers they are now, maybe that is what life supposed to mean, come and go.

The end-

June 03, 2021 10:37

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