Adventure Christian Friendship

“Be as shrewd as snakes.”


”As innocent as doves.”

Strength can be discovered in delicate beings.🫵🏻.🕊️

The “trick” is in recognizing it. Or them. Or us. Or it.

It is never wise to judge a book by its COVER.

Beneath all our surfaces simmers a cacophony of funny.

As in, Isn’t it funny when reality hits us upside the noggin’.


Our prior way of thinking guided us to simply trust. Simply trust our way to oblivion. Simply ignore gut feelings when they grumbled their dis content at us. Destined to confuse hunger with common sense.

And all for a piece of the measley pie.

Humble pie is best served whole. Wholly delicious when eaten by someone else.

We kept telling ourself we must be wrong.

We are only imagining the cruelty.

It comes wrapped so beautifully with pink and bows and such.


Forgot we had a choice.

Between right and wrong.

Between do and don’t.

Between look, look away.

Ran, when we should have run,


Weren’t shrewd enough.

Became too cocky and shrewd.

The continuous pattern of taking it on the chin.


The enemy. The enemy usually gets lost when the chips are down.

With you holding the empty bag.

Destined to seek out listening to the eye of the tiger.



(No offense Katy)

Although it is wise to ask,

”My God, how did I get here?”

On a wing and a prayer?

On a sting and a stare?

Either way.

We are responsible for ourselves.

And life says a lot about us and the company we choose to keep.Or not keep.

The pendulum does swing furiously at times.

which end do you cling to?

God knows our hearts.

Inside and out.

He has free reign to come into them and check on us at his whim.

To make certain we are not trying to put one over on him.

It’s funny.

When you stop and think about it.


You stop and think about it.

Stop long enough.

To think about it.

Not in the ha, ha ha kind of way.

But in the

ah, ah, ah

kind of way.

Just call it the relief factor 🙂.

Relief in knowing you do not have to compromise your beliefs and stumble into the arms of the enemy with the enemy, holding you.

Sounds so sinister and cynical, I realize.

I don’t make the rules.

I don’t like to keep score.

But cross me.

And Him.

And you may be sorry that you did.

No. No. No.

This is not a threat.

This is a truth.

Depending on whose footsteps you follow.

Whose shoes you intend to fill.




Next week.

Two weeks.

Next month.

Two months.

Next year.

Two years.

To act sketchy.

One must think sketchy.

Maybe it’s time for a revamp of your plan of operation.

If equality is truly what you seek.

And equal weights and measures for decisions relating to such equal measure of equalness and equality.

Sheep and Wolves.


Cannot be simply thrown to the wolves.


Does choose to dance with the sheep.

Any evil wisdom to be fought with and overcome, must be fought against and won with pride.

Count the cost.

Do not do anybody any hurt, but bear nobody any ill-will.

Even if and when the ill will is consuming your thoughts, exhausting your will and tempting you to explosion.

You need actions and wisdom in the midst of the world that will seek your lives. Most people would foolishly destroy a serpent, be it ever so harmless, few are so hard-hearted as to kill a dove. (Bh)

Fanatically provoked into crazed demonization. A wolf will eat you alive. Nature versus nurture and the strong will be the one who will survive. Joining you for lunch—and I do mean a lunch of delicious,


When you are looking.

When you aren’t looking.

Keep it straight.

Keep it narrow.

Keep a straight shooter.

Spend less time looking over the shoulder that already has your back. When you didn’t know. When you were at a lowest low.

Be as shrewd as snakes.

As innocent as doves.

Don’t find yourself caught in the wrath of the wine press of God’s anger.

You will be sorry you did not practice the forgiveness you so weakly sought from Him.

Until, of course, He knew you were ready.

“Then I saw another angel come out of the temple in heaven, and he also had a sharp sickle. Then, another angel who is in charge of the fire, came from the altar. He shouted in a loud voice to the angel who had the sharp sickle, “Use your sickle, and cut the grapes from the vineyard of the earth, because the grapes are ripe! So, the angel swung his sickle on the earth, cut the grapes from the vine, and threw them into the wine press of God’s great anger. The grapes were squeezed out in the wine press outside the city, and blood came out of the wine press in a flood 200 miles long and five feet deep.(Revelation 14-15)



My maths are off.

But the New Testament is not.

The testament to the facts.

The testament of the stories.

The testament of sketchy truths.

The testament of baloney.

The battle is not for the weak.

Definitely not for the weak of heart.







We are here for a reason.

Make it count.

Whatever way you choose.

Quietly in the corner.

Loudly on the roof.

Either way.

One day you will meet your maker.

I will meet my maker.

I wish you a joyous reunion with yours.

Provided that you made a choice.

To live your life the way that you planned.

If not.

May you have the strength to recognize your enemies in all ways, shapes and symbols of your faith.

For me and my house.

We serve Him

We do not serve, nor eat humble pie.







July 29, 2023 19:40

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