
Blake hugged himself tight against the icy wind wrapping itself around his legs, his hands turning a funny shade of blue from the biting cold. He looked and looked for a warm haven from the cold for what felt like hours, before he finally discovered a quiet café out of the way of the hectic Christmas market.

As he burst through the door a small bell above his head shattered the tranquil silence that enveloped the café, a sea of heads, old and young, swiveled and scowled at him.

"Close the door," an old lady screeched.

He pushed the door shut then found a single empty table, nestled away in the corner, the last table in the room; he rushed over to it before it could be snatched away by some other half frozen customer.

Shivering, he sat there for a while, before a waitress brought over a pot of coffee and poured some into the cup in front of him. He could barely muster the energy to grip the cup of fresh coffee in his shivering hands. The coffee swirled with spectacular shapes and patterns as he poured the milk in. It dragged Blake into a trance which was quickly broken by the same bell above the door going off, alerting every customer to the presence of another lost soul seeking refuge from the cold.

He barely glanced up and saw the woman that just entered. She looked just like someone he knew a long time ago. A moment passed before he realised that she was someone he knew. Stephanie Consley. His high-school sweetheart. Her long, blonde hair whipped round her neck in the wind and her cheeks were a brilliant shade of red. She hadn't changed one bit.

Blake stared at her, enamoured by her beauty. He remembered the late night drives with her and all the great times they had had together. They hadn't spoken at all since high-school.

He shook his head and looked back into his coffee. "She probably doesn't even remember you." He muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up the face looking back at him was Stephanie's.

He forced the words to come out of his mouth without tripping over one another as he stood up. "Oh my goodness, Stephanie, hey, how have you been?"

"God, I've not seen you in ages, Blake." She pulled him into a hug and his heart thudded in his chest. "I've been good though, how have you been?"

"You know me, I'm always great. Do you have time for a catch up?" He gestured to the seat across from him as he sat down.

"I can't stay for long, I really need to get some last minute presents," she paused for a moment before sitting down, "Oh one coffee won't make that much of a difference right?"

"That's the spirit! Here let me get it for you. Call it an early Christmas present." Blake called a waiter over to the table and ordered a coffee for Stephanie, she always used to order the same coffee every time. "So what have you been up to?"

"Oh you know, I've been working obviously, but then who isn't these days? I'm a receptionist for some hotshot lawyer up town, it doesn't sound like much but it was kind of my dream as a kid so I'm happy with it. What about you?"

"Wow, where to start? I did a lot of traveling right out of high-school. I saw all sorts of places across America and then eventually I started doing articles for a small newsletter about travelling in the states. The pay isn't brilliant, sure, but the job lets me travel. It does mean that I haven't really been able to settle down with anyone though. What about you? Have you got anyone special in your life? Any children?"

Stephanie fidgeted in her seat. "I had been married for six years but Dave uh, he passed away last year."

"Christ, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

The waiter placed Stephanie's coffee in front of her before slithering off between the tables to another customer's aid.

"Oh, it's alright. Honestly, you couldn't have known. Let's talk about something more positive. What's brought you to the market today?" Stephanie forced a smile onto her face, as if nothing had happened, before sipping at her coffee.

"Oh, I'm here to people-watch really, I couldn't believe it when you walked in, Stephanie Consley, my high-school sweetheart. What about you, what's brought you to this fine market?" He said with a smirk.

"I am buying gifts for my family and friends. Oh you probably don't know, do you? Rebecca had a baby!"

"No way! Short Rebecca? She had a baby? Wasn't she the one that was always saying how she would never ever, ever have children?"

"Short Rebecca, yeah! Remember we used to call her stumpy? God, we were mean weren't we." Stephanie said softly as she looked down at her hands.

""Were"? I'm still absolutely heartless, heart made of ice and stone, me."

They stared at each other, their faces serious and harsh, both fighting the urge to laugh… until Blake scalded himself on his coffee as he tried to drink it. He yelped in pain and Stephanie burst out laughing.

Blake looked into Stephanie's eyes and he began to melt. "I've missed you so much. I know my timing is terrible after what you told me. But I have, I've really missed you Stephanie." He reached out and took her hand and her legs turned to jelly. She looked back into Blake's eyes and tried to speak, but no words came out.

Suddenly, Blake snatched his hand back. "I'm sorry, that was really inappropriate." He stood up, panicking, he knocked over his bag, spilling his things all over the floor.

Overwhelmed, he gathered all his things and stood up, now face to face with Stephanie. She kissed him. It was only a peck and she pulled away. Before his knees faltered he pulled her in for another kiss, his hands running through her hair.

He pulled away from her and saw all the glares they were getting from their fellow patrons.

"I've missed you too." She said, before checking her watch and cursing. "It's been so good to catch up, but I really need to get going before the shops close."

Before he could say another word she was walking out of the café like what happened was a daily occurrence for her. He slumped into his seat and felt a swell of emotions within him. Every moment from high-school raced through his mind. From them becoming best friends overnight, to their drunken make outs which, eventually, led to more.

She was gone again. He'd let her slip through his grasp again. Just like he did last time, when he left to travel. Disheartened, he stood up again, pulling on his thick, heavy overcoat and walked out the door after paying the bill.

He made his way up the road, clutching at himself against the wind when he heard a voice calling his name. He turned abruptly and Stephanie slid on the icy ground, into his arms, sending them both flying.

"I couldn't let you go, not again." She kissed him once again and sparks flew around them. They made each other feel young again. She helped him up and gave him her number, just like they had done all those years ago.

"Do you want to…" Before he could finish his thought, Stephanie interrupted him.

"Yes. Yes, I'd love to." Her mouth twitched into a warm smile, a real smile. The first real smile that she had experienced in a long time.

They walked down the street, hand in hand. Just them against the cold and the wind.

August 12, 2020 21:00

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