Teens & Young Adult Fantasy Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

No, I cannot change who I am!! I won’t let it!! You will NOT win. this is it! the devil pulls at her. Flashes of red, blood dripping off her pale face... a wicked smile peaked on plump ruby-stained lips ... it's too strong... the angel in white fighting for her soul attempting to bring her back in with images of her past... a past that is now so foreign to her..., the want... the need to kill pulls her back to the darkness... thirst for blood pulling at her throat. Setting flames to her past... a tall dark figure standing over her. She let out a scream.. not wanting to remember...

Suddenly Silviana sprang up in bed... room black, though she could see just fine... her pillow now on the floor. It must've fallen in her panic from whatever dream she was having... “Holy Shit”... quickly she tossed the blanket off to the side and slide her cold feet into the black slippers she kept next to her bed... if her heart could beat. It was racing now. grabbing the robe from the corner of her bedpost Silviana slid the soft silk purple fabric over her matching lace gown...

With quick steps toward her window, the loud creak of old wood beneath her feet resonated throughout the house... pushing a bouncy strand of hair behind her ear... the color nearly unrecognizable in the darkness that cast its shadow through the window she now found herself perched next to. ... the veil of blackness outside soothed her, but only briefly... her calm was interrupted by the only light outside. A lone streetlight flickered at the far distance of her property ... the noise irritated Silviana…... receding from the window... she suddenly found herself out of her room and headed down the hall towards the front of her home

Am I still dreaming? How did I get here?

 Searching around the foyer. The old oak door was wide open. The cool breeze that would typically bring in the fresh air ... brought fear and a strange scent.

I did not leave that open

 blood rose to her throat... preventing her from vocalizing her thoughts...

There was that smell again. aftershave and bourbon...it was familiar but strange ... she couldn’t quite place it... was it a lost friend... No a lost lover? 

... then it hit her...

oh god no!

... she wanted to run, to get out. And fast... but every time she tried to move, her body only felt heavier. Frozen... her hazel eyes now glassed over and icey blue... fear filled her and tears began to burn as they made their way to the surface... a mixture of dread, fear, and anger stewed in the pit of her stomach.…

My dream. attempting to gasp, but no words came out

... no it can't be...He can’t be. 

 Wait. Why can't I move... internally she was screaming...a lump still stuck in her throat pained her as if she swallowed the spiked steel ball and chain, she had left on the entry table.

Every neuron in her cold dead body felt like fire... she was frozen in place. Shaking with fear

A maniacal laugh bellowed from something behind her... hot breath on the back of her neck...  

She could feel his tall stature just inches from her...  

I just need to reach it

... her thoughts trailing as she tried to focus on reaching out to grab the handle of the steel ball and chain next to her... but before she could manage to move his strength overpowered her pinning her to the wall... face plastered to the peeling wallpaper...

get off

He had a fist full of her hair in one hand... gripped so tightly she could feel it pulling from her skull. His other hand shoved into her back... keeping her from moving... his show of strength wasn’t necessary... she knew he was stronger.. older.. but he seemed to find pleasure in it...

Silviana tried to resist pushing off the wall but was only thrown right back into it... this time his face, a perfect portrait of crazy, was now against hers...

“get off” she finally managed to mumble through gritted teeth...dammit

 “I found you my pretty...” his hot breath poison in her ear... cold wet tongue licked her cheek...

You disgusting pig... you monster

Spinning her around, bashing her skull into the wall... the dent cradling her head... ears ringing...

 “awe …. the poor wall” chocolate orbs admiring his handy work... then smelling her hair.. inhaling it.. in front of her he looked a stranger. A Tall ... handsome... stranger...but those eyes put her in a daze of familiarity.

once I get my damn hands on you... you monster... blinking, trying to snap out of it

As if he knew what she was thinking... His hand found her throat... griping hard... asphyxiation; his go-to... he relished in the feel of her small throat in his large hands. Silviana could barely swallow. An evil snarl found itself resting on her face... she could bite his nose off he was so close; she wanted to.

I have to get out of this position

One hand propped to the wall... the other to the silk belt of her robe... from the second his grip began to tighten... his smile grew wider on his face... Silviana took this opportunity to push off the wall wrapping the silk around his throat. Using her body weight to hold him to the ground...

who has the upper hand now.. she was becoming arrogant.  

There it was again... that grin...

“My pretty...” he called her. Wickedness plastered to his beautiful face...

he was beautiful… the thought scared her more than he did...

Her hand somehow now grasping his chin

... one good twist of the wrist and I can have him knocked out...

her thoughts running trying to figure a way out of this situation...

this is a little too easy...

again, as if he knew everything she was thinking… his hands now to her waist... with demon-like force and speed ... he tossed her in the air like a feather... more talent than skill... quickly overpowering her... leaving the belt around his neck...

“my blood runs through you... you could never overpower me...” again with the laugh…. As her body slammed into the newly refinished hardwood. Ribs cracking. A loud exhale of breath was forced out of her lungs.

He hovered over her

god he is so pretty... no ... what the hell.

 Her thoughts became less fear... and more drawn to his wickedness... even as he pummeled her into the ground... her neck the perfect fit for his hand... gripping tightly sliding SIlviana’s small body across the floor .... like a rag doll in the hands of a nefarious child. Flying out the door only to be stopped by the force of her body hitting the patio fence. Another breath was forced out of her from the impact. Warm liquid began to flow down her gown., she was now a piece of the fence. The wood pierced through her shoulder... Hands and body shaking as she reached across and broke the wood from its position and slowly pulled it out... her body attempting to heal. Her deminer began to change... no longer the scared little vamp... as much as the pissed-off and amused one.

“you ruined my favorite slippers ... you pig” she spat out. throwing the blood-covered steak in his direction... a whistle following behind it...

His feet swept him out of the way then across the floor toward her ... almost in a tease... ... stalking his prey... but she wasn’t his prey… so much his plaything.  

Get up and run every throbbing bone in her body told her.... hunched over now, blood-stained silk and all. His footsteps drew closer .. looking up through her hair.. tattered robe barely hanging on her skin… she couldn’t help but smile at the stranger...

what is wrong with me.. this isn’t normal.

He knelt pinching her chin between his thumb and forefinger...

“I could just kiss you," he moved in closer.. to whisper in her ear "and then rip you to shreds" 

Shivers ran down her spine. Pain radiating from the abuse, Smile still plastered on her face. Suddenly wicked in every way. Like his words unlocked a secret code sealing in her darkest desires. . A spell cast .. her soul signed over to him. A dark fairy in the presence of a giant as she looked up into his eyes. Finally seeing him for what he was.

Monster. But this time it wasn’t in disgust

My monster. my pretty, pretty monster.

Hand still to Silvianas chin.. “ now that’s more like it”

Petting her matted hair. She was now his soulless doll. Ready and willing to follow his every command.

He rose, his pinstripe black suit perfectly tailored to his body. Commanding presents shadowed over, had her almost melting into a puddle of submission.

As he walked away from the house his footsteps were smooth and precise. Silviana found herself in sync with him. Following him like a tinker doll wound up only by him. When he stopped, she stopped. Her blood-soaked slippers left their mark on the wet grass. They seemed to be heading for the trees outside of her property.

Wake up.. please a thought so far in the back of her mind it could’ve been an echo.

As they reached the trees, the buzzing of the old light began to ring in her ears again. Its noise was beyond infuriating.

 Still caught in his spell she never even noticed they had stopped.

“So, my pretty Silviana. All these years you have abandoned me. “ he genuinely sounded choked up with a side of demented “ I went out of my way to find you, to make you mine, and the thanks I get is you leaving me.” Throwing a long object in her direction.

“150 years I have searched.” He was now standing in front of her forehead to forehead. Silviana was a statue of obedience.

Wake up. There is was again, the echo he is going to kill you

“Dig” he yelled, “dig my love” a little softer this time.

Silviana grasped the handle without hesitation, it was a shovel.

“oh, this is so much more fun when you listen.” His chuckle was evil, his smile ear to ear.

She began to dig, her ribs throbbing, body aching. She still dug. Whatever spell cast on her was a strong one. Her mind was blank of anything but him. She was lost in the background.

Dirt shifted and slid as she dug deeper and deeper into the ground.

The buzzing kept getting louder and louder and her head pounding from the noise.

“Almost there my pretty. Soon you'll feel what I felt waiting for you all those years. 150 years in the cold hard dirt ought to teach you not to leave me.. “ his fist jabbed into her back. The punch was hard enough to knock her to her knees.

Wake up! It was louder this time. Her knees dug into the dirt. Right in front of the perfect grave. Come on Silvy wake up! The buzzing was so loud. She cupped her ears…

His hand found a fist full of her hair again.. she let out a scream. A scream that reverberated throughout her body, a scream so loud it could’ve been heard through the woods. The buzzing of the light only got louder with every octave.

Wake up NOW! Like that, the spell was broken. She knew who he was, he told her as much. 150 years he was searching.. 150 years since she dug herself out of the same place she was about to find herself in again.

‘Please, my love, Please, don't do it”

June 11, 2022 01:08

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