
Monday 20th December 2019

So… it's the christmas holidays and my teacher (mrs. M) told my class that she wanted us to journal over the holidays. 

This is my first time journaling, I don't normally like to write about myself but since this is my journal I will. 

My name is Alex Brown. I'm twelve years old and I have four siblings. 

My oldest sibling Jake he's sixteen, my second oldest sibling Riley she's fifteen, the third oldest Lake he's thirteen and me i'm the youngest. 

Anyways I got to go and have dinner.

Tuesday 21st December2019

Hi, today i'm really excited there's only four more days till christmas!!! 

I'm really bored. 

It's only the second day in two weeks and I have lost my mind, but mom is gonna take me Christmas shopping for Jake, Riley and Lake, and hopefully i'll convince her into getting me something ;) 

Anyways i'll tell you what I bought them when I come back. 


We got back from christmas shopping and sadly mom didn't get me anything :(

Hopefully my siblings don't read this, because if they do then they will know what I got them for christmas. 

You know actually there's a good chance there gonna read this so I will have to tell you after christmas. 

I'm gonna go soon cause I wanna ask my mom if my bestie Addsion can come over. 

So I guess i'll just write again tomorrow.


Wednesday 22nd January 2019

Mom told me yesterday that Addison can't come over :(

So I'm bored again, we just put up our christmas tree and wrapped gifts so the tree is looking more christmasy.

We're gonna bake sugar and ginger bread cookies and decorate them for santa. 

In three days will be the best day in 2019.

I think Mrs. M will be quite happy that I've been doing this everyday, it's starting to get a little hard to write everyday about something new but it seems that I have been doing good. 

It's almost time for lunch so i'll see ya tomorrow. 

Bye :)

Thursday 23rd December 2019

Tomorrow is Christmas eve.

 I'm so excited!!!

 I know I have been saying that I'm so excited everyday but I really am.

Turns out my siblings have been reading my journal. 

Well I know for sure Riley has cause yesterday she said “Do you like how Mrs. M is making you do journaling? Oh wait, you said journaling was hard to write about something everyday” 

Right after she said that I knew that she'd been reading my journal. 

So i'm gonna ask her to write in my journal, i'm gonna ask her to choose any page and write anything. 

She said yes, I'm not gonna flip ahead to see what she wrote.

 I'm gonna read it when I get to the page. 

Hopefully she didn't write anything mean or rude,  I don't think she would but you never know. 

My hands are cramping up so I'll write again tomorrow.

Saturday 25th December 2019

Before I start writing anything more I was way to busy yesterday to write. 


I have been waiting so long for this moment, I got so many things for Christmas.

  1. My new phone
  2. My new phone case
  3. Noise machine
  4. Giant bean bag chair
  5. A book 

I may have to go soon we're gonna  have a huge Christmas dinner with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. 

I really wanna go back to school to show all my friends my new phone.

I got to go back to school on January 6th.

My mom is  calling me so I got to go. 

Sunday 26th December 2019

today's gonna be a short entry, it's boxing day and mom wants me to go shopping with her.

I almost slept into one o clock.

I actually slept into twelve fifty seven, I was up so late with my cousins. 

Rileys still is reading my journal. 

So I'm gonna hide it under my mattress, hopefully I won't forget it's there, :I

Bye 👋

Saturday 4th January 2020

If you're wondering why I haven't written for several days, well…… I forgot where I put my journal, I finally found it when I remember where I hid it.

School starts in two days!!!

I really don't wanna go to school, I know I said early that I just to show my friends that I got a new phone. 

But now I have one reason why I don't. 

Reason 1 - I'm gonna miss sleeping in.

I'm gonna go now.

Monday 6th January 2020

I have a lot to talk about. 

I didn't write yesterday because there wast anything exciting or interesting going on.

But today……

So when I first started Journaling  I couldn't wait to stop Journaling, but now I like it and I'm getting used to it.

Anyways I showed my friends my new phone.

Ya so anyways I have a LOT of homework I got to do. 

Tuesday 7th January 2020

School was bad!! 

We had a fire alarm practice, that's not that bad, but it was snowing outside and we were out there for like 30 minutes!!!!

I'm trying to convince mom to get a puppy. 

She said she doesn't want one because they pee everywhere. 

Even though I told her I would clean it up, and I would look after the puppy. 

Anyways I probably should be in bed right now since it's ten o'clock. Bye

Wednesday 8th January 2020

It's super early in the morning, I'm pretty sure no one else is up. But in ten days is my birthday and I'm gonna ask mom for a puppy. 

I woke up at six o clock just to say that.

I should be starting to get ready for school.


School was boring today. 

Nothing happened today.

I'm gonna ask mom at the dinner table for a puppy for my birthday. 

She's probably gonna say no.

But i'm gonna try anyway and we can only hope for the best. 

I told my teacher that I did journal, even though I lost my journal for half of the Christmas break.

Hey Alex,

You asked me to find a page and write anything I wanted. So here I am doing what you asked. I don't really know what to say.

So I'm gonna stop.

BTW i got everyone in the family to write a little something underneath my note.

From your big sissy Riley.

Love ya lil sis <3

Hey Alex, Riley told me to write something. you're probably wondering what family member I am. I'm Lake.  Anyways I thought it was really cool of you to start journaling cause when you get older you can look back on thiS, and see what life was like as a kid.

From your big bro Lake😁

It's me Jake trust me I didn't want to do this at all but Riley forced me into doing this. I don't know what else i'm supposed to do……..

Love your biggest brother Jake

Hey it's your mama, 

I thought this was a super cute idea, and I love how you're starting to journal. Riley told me it can't be too long so I'm gonna end it here.

Love you sweetie <3


it's so sweet how you're getting your family to do this, I really hope your kids can see this and get inspired. Anyways love your father ❤


I saw what Riley and my family did. 

I never thought of looking back on this when I'm older and seeing life as a kid. 

I think my mom is making muffins because it smells really good. 

Anyways Riley is somehow still reading my journal.

But ya bye!

Saturday 18th January 2020


It's only seven thirty I'm only aloud to go down stairs at eight. 


It's really late at night, and I got some really good gifts.

Mom listened to me and got me a PUPPY!!!!!! 

She got me a puppy, a puppy leash, a dog collar, two do dishes and a dog bed. 

That's all I got from my family. 

I don't care if that's not a lot but it means the world to me. 

My puppy is a chocolate lab and I named him Bear. 

This is the last page of my journal, I had a lot of fun writing in this. 

I thought I would end it like that by telling you how I finally got the puppy.

So I guess THE END 😜

For now

April 05, 2020 15:00

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