An Assassin's Resolution

Submitted into Contest #25 in response to: Write a short story about someone writing Valentine's Day wishes.... view prompt




It is the only way to change the world, and Runar wanted it. He wanted it all - to be emperor, to control the most powerful cities in the galaxy, to have the power to conquer other planets. It had been on Runar’s New Year’s resolutions since 2722. The only problem was that Runar was not a prince. He was not even close. Runar was an assassin. The closest he had been to royalty was when he was slitting their throats or snapping their necks. But that was all going to change.

In the middle of the Guilty Forest, lies the god of Time. Legends say that he controls all timelines of every living being in the galaxy and that he has the power to stop or start anyone’s timeline and can change someone’s timeline. Of course, all of this comes with a price.

Runar entered the opening at the base of the giant tree. A white stag lay sleeping in the middle of the clearing. The stag’s dark blue eyes fluttered open and took in the large man that had disturbed his sleep. 

“Runar Veldispo, what an interesting surprise. Speak your purpose for coming here.” The white stag approached him.

“I’m here to change my timeline.”  Runar places the offering he brought at the stag’s hooves.

The white stag chuckles.

“Another human wants to change their timeline - how unoriginal. Although unoriginal, I do love tampering with timelines especially human ones. So what should I change?” The stag’s dark blue eyes gleam with malice and excitement. 

“Let me be born as Emperor Okeanos’ son, so that I may become the next emperor to reign over Inama.” Runar presents an hourglass made from melted rubies to the stag as payment.

“Please, for something like this an hourglass is not going to cut it. See you want me to change your timeline from your birth. This is not some small minuscule change, but one that will change your whole life. It’s a soul switch in essence - switching Prince Manacan’s soul with yours. As for payment, I will claim one person that you hold dear. In every life or timeline, one person of yours will be mine and in exchange, you will become Prince Manacan of Inama. Do we have a deal?”

“Yes,” Runar says without hesitation.

The white stag blinks and Runar falls.

Runar can’t tell if his eyes are open or closed as he falls into the dark abyss.

He hears the god of Time’s voice echo throughout the abyss.

“I forgot to mention to be reborn as Prince Manacan of Inama, you must die first. Can’t start a new life if you haven’t finished this one first.”

“Wha-” Runar opens his mouth to scream at the god when he feels his heart stop and then he feels nothing.

Runar’s eyes open blinding light hitting them. He cries as his mother softly cradles him in his arms.

“Hello, my little prince. Welcome to the world.” His mother’s voice is gentle. The new prince’s mother is Empress Novia and his father is Emperor Okeanos. He is Prince Manacan of Inama. And somewhere out there Runar Veldispo is being born to a poor woman and being sold into slavery where he will be bought by Abellio Onchello, trained to be an assassin, and will write down his New Year’s Resolution of 2722 to be to gain power. Runar Veldispo will search for the god of Time and ask to once again be born as Prince Manacan of Inama as the god of Time claims another person in his life.

Runar Veldispo’s timeline will never change and neither will his resolution. Before a soul enters a new life, it is a clean slate. It has no name, no identity. It is simply a template for what the universe shapes it to be. Any soul that enters the world as Runar Veldispo will always be Runar Veldispo. He will constantly seek out the god of Time and the god of Time will continue to claim everyone in his life until he has claimed every last person of Runar Veldispo’s life. 

And that is how the god of Time has never starved. Through the centuries, many humans have asked for a change and in return, he has claimed a soul. Sooner or later, everyone in that Runar Veldispo’s timeline will be claimed by the god of Time, and the god of Time will feast on all of their souls including Runar Veldispo’s. And the rest of the world will never know that Runar Veldispo has stopped existing in all timelines.

It would have been better for Runar Veldispo to never write that New Year’s Resolution, but then again, how do you fight a god who has the power to shift time around so that you do write it?

January 25, 2020 04:09

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