Love and Death In One

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Drama Romance Thriller

Many people say the zombie apocalypse isn't the most romantic place to fall in love. I say otherwise.I meet the love of my life, Stephen Jones, he is known for his powerful inspiring speeches. he's great grand father was a war general. I am guessing being a very inspiring and loud speaker runs in his family. Meeting him I would say is a shocker.

January 23, 2006

I started with the smell of coffee and biscuits in the air. I stepped over my sleeping french bulldog with a small blanket under his paws. As I made my way into the kitchen I heard a loud ear piercing scream.I peered into my backyard , all I saw was a green looking beast on four stance way. I peered closer to the creature with a mighty stare then I noticed..teeth marks? I blinked in confusion at this markings. I leaned forward to my sink accidentally knocking my flower pot over. I looked down at the blood dripping from my hand then a shadow loomed over my frozen figure. I darted my eyes forward when a bloody handed person stood there.I screamed falling back tripping over my dog, pepper, who let out a "yelp!" I crawled backwards hitting my back against the ice cold fridge. I looked around for the creature hearing my heartbeat pounding into my ears. thump, thump thump. the noise started to come from my living room. I crawled into living room trying to not make any attention on me. I peered my head when I saw the creature growling and hissing. I started to reached a any thing I could defend myself with when a mysterious man knocked down my door. I closed my eyes in fright when the noise of something hitting my floor against the skull of the creature. I cried silently covering my skull as I listened to the breaking of the bone over and over again. the smashing stopped as loud footprints made the way to my shaking and in fright body. A warm leather covered hand touched my hair making my head tilt back in curiosity. I made contact with a chocolate hazel eyed man. I stood up slowly still shaking from the near death experience. I looked over the broad man's shoulders seeing a shattered skull across my wooden floor. In the man's hand was a blood soaked baseball with the initials "SJ" I trying to see if the initials from anywhere. It was drawing a blank across my frightened mind. He spoke in low gravely voice, " You gonna thank me or what?" I huffed at the man's rudeness to me. I stood up and demanded who he was and doing in my house. he growled into my ear and spoke "the man who could left dead to that nasty creature" I shivered to the coldness of his breath on my skin. I stared at the stranger's face seeing if I knew him from anywhere. It hit me when he smirked. I silently thought to myself " this man is Stephen Jones" I froze in amazement knowing that the Stephen Jones just saved my life. I let out a small sigh then acknowledged " thank you. I am sorry for my rudeness I am still frightened" He let out a deep laugh stated " Isn't everyone? a random ugly green creature came at you I would just be in complete utterly shock" I let out a small laugh to the man's humor during a deadly situation. I stared at his straight face when he pulled me by the hand out of my house. I shouted " I demand to tell me where you are taking me! " He let me go then turned around slowly furrowing his eyebrows. I furrowed my brown brows in confusion at his random stop of movement. he lifted up the bat then swung it to my direction leaving a loud " whack!" into the air. he bent over to look at my blood covered face then mumbled into my air " Leaving you for the dead... you are part of this ugly virus." He smashed my legs with his hard boots making my legs make a "crack!" I screamed in agony as I felt the bones in my legs shatter like a old porcelain doll. He ran in the other direction away from the screams. I slowly started to shut my eyes and stop the screaming coming from my mouth.I passed out feeling the blood gushing over my eyes. When I was awaken by the sound of a person screaming but I couldn't make out the words. A pair of fingers opened my life then shined a bright light into my face.A flinched at the light then my person shouted " she is alive! hurry and get my some bandages and a cane!" I tried to mumble my lips but nothing came out of my mouth. I wanted to cry because of the pain in my legs. When I tried to move I felt the worst pain I could ever feel. A long needle dig into my knees making them feel like jelly. My eyes opened to a wooden open ceiling with these lanterns hanging over the cotton bed I'm laying on. I looked around to see a small medical table with surgical caps, surgical gowns, and many scalpels. I looked onto my body when I saw my legs were gone... I screamed and started to cry. A tall man lighting a cigarette blowing the smoke into the ceiling flowing through the gaps of the wooden roof.I coughed as the smell of smoke fled into my nose burning the inside.He's almost dark hazel eyes stared into my crying eyes.The man grabbed my body and sat me up.He spoke "Hey, Hey. You are fine.. the man who did this has been put into his place." I looked into the stranger's eyes wondering what he means "his place?" I looked onto the wall seeing something familiar. It was Stephen's hand! I felt a tear fall down my cheek then screamed "What did you do to Stephen!"The man chuckled then grabbed me by my hair. I let out a loud shriek "Stop!" A sharp short pain between my eyes.

That is all I remember. I am now a married successful writer. the mark of bullet left a big circle between my eyes. I never told my husband nor my kids of what I went through. To this day, I wake up to myself covered in sweat because of the last thing I saw as a zombie. Yes, I said zombie. I am praying that one day I will figure who shot me and get revenge even if takes all my life. Goodbye now...

September 21, 2020 20:11

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