Covered in dust

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: Begin your story with a librarian searching for something.... view prompt


Romance Fantasy Mystery

Marceline had started her day off right. There was the smell of chai in the air, her lucky boots were still in one piece, and it was cleaning day in the library she worked for. The Library of the afterlife was typically messy, and messy meant dusty and rarely used. The only messes in this library were from Marceline herself and the occasional soul that wanted to pass time before moving on. There hadn't even been a demon in here since she could ever remember.

Today was quiet, not a soul stirred in her space. So, she dusted. Hours went by and she thought she heard movement towards the mystery section but she often heard noises that she ignored. This noise though, Marceline did not ignore. She had a feeling.

Marceline grabbed her trusty battle wrench and made her way towards the sound. The mystery section was eerily silent. It would have been empty too except there was a book on one of the center tables. She, very slowly, walked towards it. Checking every direction. She picked up the book and was surprised to find it was a romance. Not your typical romance either she thought. It was one of those trashy romances that your twice divorced aunt read on holiday.

"Hmm, that's odd. This isn't where I left you." Marceline mumbled to herself. She knew she hadn't put this here, she hadn't even read this particular novel. She was curious though and took it back to the main desk. Her desk. She set it under the top counter and went back to dusting the encyclopedias.

The door chimed and I jumped. Dammit. I made my way back to my desk and looked around. Again there was nothing but eerie silence. I blinked and there was a figure in front of me, I froze. The figure was not unpleasant. They had thick dark hair that stopped at their ears. Their eyes were a dark gray with speckles of a deep violet, the kind of violent that promised mischief. Their ears and nose hosted various piercings. Their lips were pursed in debate and their head was tilted as if listening to something. They wore a black blazer with the sleeves rolled up their forearm and a gray shirt that read Taco Tuesday. They cleared their throat.

"I'd like to have a book." They said, head still cocked.

I didn't realize I was still staring until the figure held something out. It was a book. The same book that I found on the table. The exact same book I had in my desk.

"I…" I tried to form a sentence but couldn't. What the hell? I'm never like this, this is the library of the dead. Be professional I chide myself. "Yes, but you do know you can only borrow that? If you try to keep it I have to hunt you down and nobody wants that."

They smiled. My insides went crazy and I felt my face heat up. What the hell is going on?! Get a grip for gods sake. Okay breathe Marceline, breathe. This is just another patron just wanting to read. I forced some dignity into my face and asked them to fill out the loan form. They just smiled and filled it out right there on my desk. A few minutes of awkward panic later they handed me the form and toom the book gently from my shaky hands. Our fingers touched.

“Thank you, I’ll be back I promise. For you.” They said in a low, honeyed tone.

I couldn’t breath. I just stared like an idiot knowing damn we’ll whoever that was was smirking all the way out the door. Finally, after what felt like eons I was able to get ahold of myself and grabbed the signed form. It was signed and dated with a little smiley face with devils horns. I stared and knew I’d never forget that name. Bellona.

About two weeks later I was half asleep at my desk with boredom. My normal crowd of souls had already been through, few that they are, and I’ve cleaned this place four times since Bellona was last here. I sighed dramatically and leaned back in my chair. All of a sudden there was a knocking. I sat upright and opened my eyes. Standing in front of me with a grin was Bellona and they were holding the borrowed book.

"I read the whole thing!" Bellona said, holding out the book to me. "Could I get another?"

No one was this excited about reading, especially down here, aside from me of course but I'd already read most of these titles. Was Bellona being serious?

"Well yes.." I took the book and placed it to the side. "Did you read a little every day for two weeks? That would be some pretty serious self control."

Bellona's head cocked to one side. "I read it the same day you gave it to me, I wasn't able to return it until the two weeks were up."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. The two weeks is just the maximum amount of time you get to borrow. You can return it and get another immediately after reading."

Bellona's eyes lit up like hellfire. And immediately they were gone. I got a little melancholy for no apparent reason, which I don't do. Ever. But then she was back again with another book, and I didn't like how good that made me feel. The book they handed me was a cozy murder mystery by some local author. Something inside me lit up with excitement. Murder mysteries were my favorite and for some reason I really wanted Bellona to like them too.

"Okay here you go! Hope you enjoy."

"Oh I most hellishly will." Bellona said with a wink in my direction.

Something in my stomach fluttered.

Just as I finished logging the book back in and reshelving it I heard the door open. I made my way back to the front, and to my surprise Bellona was standing next to my desk.

"I… Did you? Did you read that already?" I asked, my eyes a little wide.

"Yes," Bellona said. "I simply adore it, and I was hoping you could show me more."

"I… uh.." My brain stalled and I couldn't get the words out. "Yes." I managed. Oh gods, what is wrong with me?? Bellona just wants me to show them more books, that's all. Right? Did I ever want that to be all?

I started walking towards the back and Bellona followed. They asked me questions about the library and some questions about me. I started to relax because this wasn't so bad? It was actually kind of nice to have a real conversation for once. I basically had told them my entire life's story just as we got to the mystery section.

"Okay well here's more murder and mystery." My voice pitched higher than normal. I started to walk back but Bellona spoke softly.

“Will you stay and read with me?”

I looked at Bellonas face and melted instantly. There was a softness and also some mischief behind those eyes. How could I have said no? I turned back and sat.

We stayed like that for what felt like years. We read and talked and laughed and it was the best I had ever felt. I never wanted it to end. We continued this all through the night until they announced they had to leave. I was sad at first but knew it wasn’t the end. Just the


Bellona came back every day since.

The End.

August 15, 2023 21:30

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Mike Rush
19:59 Aug 21, 2023

Brandon, With tow submissions, I guess my greeting should be, Welcome Back to Reedsy! I hope you find a writing home here. Well done! A library for dead people. Now that's a great setting. This is all weird enough to be intriguing. I wondered if you meant to jump from third to first person point of view at, "the door chimed and I jumped." The shift in point of view works. In the beginning, a third person narrator can give us information without Marceline having to speak to us. But that would have worked. I just wondered. I was also cur...


Brandon Vaughn
20:07 Nov 12, 2023

Hey Mike thanks for your comments! I loved reading what you had to say. For the third to first-person jump I 100% just didn't think about it and forgot when I went back to finish the story. I used 'they' for Bellona because Bellona is a kind of demon and those guys don't really have genders I suppose, but I should definitely spend a little more time editing haha. Thanks for your response again! I'm glad you liked it.


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