Drama Fiction

Trigger warning: suicide


Hi, I'm Kris. You may not know me and that's fine, I really don't care to be quite honest with you. You don't need to really know me, but I hope you'll at least stick around to hear my story.


Well you see it's not actually my story, it's Kira and Prince's story. Let me colour in the blank space that is your mind's canvass. I'm Kris, the common house fly. You see me, find me irritating and almost always want me to die or just leave you alone. I apologize in advance for my presence being a nuisance in your home, but enough about me. I just wanted to tell you about something I witnessed. Something which stuck my core and shook my soul, stole my breath and triggered the water works of the eyes.


Kira is a 19 year old female who lives in South Africa with her family. Prince is a 21 year old male who also lives with his family in South Africa. I know you might think I'm a perv for sitting on Kira's wall and listening to her private conversations but that's totally irrelevant. Kira is a great girl, she's smart but lazy, she's beautiful but too blind to see it, she's funny, a bit of a weirdo and very bubbly. She is a very soft and caring person with a big heart, she knows how to hangout with "the guys" and she has a hard exterior. Her walls are built extremely high,thick and not to mention unimaginably tough to try and break. She was raised by strict parents who were a little bit narcissistic and her older brother thinks he's the wise elder of the household or some magical bull dung like that.


Prince lives on campus for most of the year and he still has two years left of studying. Including this year of course, his parents are divorced. Him and his twin brother live with their mother and still maintain contact with their dad. Their mother has a new boyfriend, they have been dating for three years now and he's not a fan of his mother's new boy toy. Since he is a mommy's boy and that he feels that he already has a dad and isn't looking for a new one whatsoever.


Our girl Kira is an overthinker and Prince is just a guy who thinks things through. It's like his brain never stops working and is always full of something related to his studies and can't always fully enjoy the moment he's in with Kira. Keep in mind Kira is super insecure, she knows she's replaceable but doesn't want to be replaced. She wants to be the reason Prince smiles and laughs. She wants to be his safe place, his rock in his weak moments and his first go-to person. She loves him deeply, more than anyone would ever know and she'll love him eternally even if he thinks he's unlovable and undeserving of her love.


Kira and Prince are a match made in heaven who were blessed enough to find each other on social media guided by Cupid's arrow. The two were polar opposites, with a magnetic field that pulled them so close together you wouldn't dare pull them apart. Both of the two poor souls wanted the same thing, which was to be together till death do them part.


Unfortunately the dark forces threw a gigantic roadblock into their path. The two lovebirds driving at full speed with no seatbelts or car breaks, crashed headfirst into the hands of the dark forces. Both of them are in university studying for a better future so when the exams came around Prince immediately realized he can't handle a relationship and his studying. Our brave Kira on the other hand was on cloud nine,managing her studies and daydreaming about her wonderful prince charming. It was just one of those "right people, wrong time" clichés.


Both of them wanted to change that and start fresh,they thought the time apart would bring them closer together. Further away it drove them from one another. Kira's love is worth more than gold ,but the price of Prince's heart was far more. She felt like she wasn't good enough, she only wanted the best for him...but was her best not good enough?


Prince couldn't live with himself for neglecting Kira like he did during the exam time and decided to sever all ties with her. What he didn't know is that Kira took those severed ties ,tied a noose and hanged herself on the same date that they first started talking to each other, September 12th 2020. She left a hand written note taped to the TV in her room. It read "I'm so sorry that I let you down, I wish I could have meant more to you, It's not your fault I should've been better", she addressed the letter to Prince. Because what Prince didn't know is that Kira had depression and anxiety, Kira also tried to commit suicide once before by overdosing but failed at that attempt.


At least Prince feels like he did the right thing and Kira wanted nothing but for him to be happy. I remember seeing her family crying over her cold, lifeless body after getting her down by cutting the rope. She left a note for her parents too, which went as followed "I'm sorry I didn't ask for help when I needed it, I wanted to be your independent little girl. I was on the edge and already falling, I didn't want to drag you down with me. Don't blame yourself, the voices in my head just began to roar louder and louder and I gave in to my depression, forgive my weakness. I'm sorry your "pretty princess" wasn't so perfect after all."


I can understand why she took her life, but if only she knew according to the corner's report. That she was unknowingly pregnant and carrying Prince's seed within her womb, maybe things would've been different for them. Almost like a possible second chance from the universe, a sign that they belong together.


I'm Kris the fly on the wall and I trust you to keep this secret with you and you alone.

January 06, 2021 08:53

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Jana Diriyeh
09:03 Jan 14, 2021

this is a great descriptive story! great job writing this


Elrize Brouwers
18:31 Jan 14, 2021

Thank you so much I really appreciate you taking time to read it


Jana Diriyeh
18:35 Jan 14, 2021

no problem :)


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