Fantasy Science Fiction Fiction

Have you ever wondered if there was another version of you? Another life that involved your alternative but you yourself had no idea of this alternative or this other life. Well,let me allow you to obtain the knowledge of this strange place. Yes,there is a such thing as alternative realities. Are you wondering now how I know so much about this place?

 It’s simple and yet complex all at the same time. I am the Realm Keeper,and make sure that residents of each reality don’t fall astray. How did I get here? So long ago, I had my own lifetime in my reality like you.

Let me start from the beginning…


  I don’t remember what year it was,my age, or even my own name for that matter. I was only fortunate enough to remember the event that brought me to the Realm of Reality because it was my fate,destiny if you will. I recall a soft voice calling me to there…a voice that didn’t utter words and yet still brought me knowledge of this strange,peculiar place. 

 I felt a cold,airy force lifting me there. It was as if the voice took my vision, for darkness plagued my sight. And then, out of nowhere my vision appeared again.

  I was in a little room full of mirrors. Every I turned I saw eyes staring back at me. My eyes. In almost every mirror I saw me but,there was at least one feature various from what used to be my current appearance. Some mirrors housed an image of figures that I couldn’t recognize. I then had a peculiar feeling as if someone was watching me,and as the thought process into my mind,a dark shadowy figure appeared in front of me. 

 The figure had no details in their appearance. No color reflected off this figure,and it was as if there was no size to it. Like a shadow,only there was no one around to cast it and it stood instead of remaining at my feet.

 Though I felt my heart pacing rapidly in my chest, a strange sensation triggered in my mind and I felt no fear. Oddly enough I felt a soothing calmness,like a soft voice humming a lullaby to a small child 

“Hello?” I called out

 “Welcome to Realm of Reality. I am The Reality Keeper.”The shadow announced in a serene voice. “Come with me.”

There was something oddly familiar in this untypical voice. As if I had known it for all my lifetime.

 “Realm of Reality?“ I asked puzzled. 

“Come now.” 

 The Reality Keeper floated to the end if the small room,as I slowly trekked behind it. Instead of feeling my legs move I felt a frigid sensation replacing it. Even though coldness gripped me somehow it wasn’t uncomfortable.

 As we reached the end of the room I saw two timeworn mirrors standing side by side together. But even though how hard I sought the reflection of the shadow and me, all I saw where the reflections of the mirrors behind us. 

 “What happened to our reflection?” I asked bemused. 

 “Inside the both of these mirror houses our realities.” It said. “The cause of us not appearing in them is for the fact that we’re currently not in our realities. All of these realities are of you and me. I’m a alternative reality of you. As of you are an alternative of me.”

“So is that why I was brought here?” I asked wonder stricken.

“That is one reason…another reason is that I am beginning discolor. When a reality keeper discolors it is a sign that it is time for the next Reality Keeper in line to take over. And that would be you.” Said the Keeper.

“Is there a Reality Keeper for every individual?” I asked.

“One for every individual as well as every reality.” Said the former Keeper.

“May I ask something?” I said a little uncertain.

The Keeper’s shadow figure seemed to do something similar to a nod.

“How did I get here? It seemed like I was in my reality, living my lifetime then it all went dark and as if I was s-summoned here.” I stuttered.

“ As you know, no one is really certain what exactly happens when you die. When it was time for you to die, as you closed your eyes for the final time in your reality I brought you here.” The Keeper explained.    

“Now, it only happens to few residents of realities not all. And then,once it’s time for the Keeper to discolor and retire, they move on to what most souls travel to after death. Heaven. Now if you are wondering what happens to the Keepers who weren’t destined for heaven there isn’t a such thing, because all the Keepers that were chosen for keeping the Realm content are all destined for heaven.”

“Keeping the Realm content? Is that what my job will be?” I asked baffled.

“One of your tasks. More will require you guiding the alternatives that may have wondered to places like this that they shouldn’t have.” The Realm Keeper explain.

“You mean to tell me that there are more places like this? I asked with an awestricken voice.

“Yes but they are easier to access than here,and are almost always encountered by accident.” The Keeper explained. “I would enjoy to tell you about it but I mustn’t. Only few can know about it.”

 Suddenly, the dark figure in front of me slowly began the fade.

“Wait! But how will I know how to help the other realities?!”

“It will be as if you had done this job all along once I have gone. It was pleasant meeting you. I will see you in the end.” 

The serene voice said. And then I was alone in the room of mirrors.


 So whenever you look into a mirror from now on know that your realm keeper is be looking over you as you look at them. Maybe even if your lucky enough you’ll be your next Realm Keeper.

November 23, 2023 07:17

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Alana Hartman
17:15 Nov 23, 2023

WOOO CHARLEIGH! This is SO GOOD! It’s amazing for your first entry!!! Keep it up!


Charleigh Knight
16:58 Nov 25, 2023

Aw thanks so much!


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Charleigh Knight
07:19 Nov 23, 2023

Sorry, I know it’s not really matching the prompt but once I started I completely forgot what the prompt was mainly about. Thanks for talking time to read this! Happy reading (:


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