
My name is Kalya and here is my story about me and my dad and of course chances... 

My mom and my dad got divorce when I was 13 because of my dad's bad habit. 

He drank a lot... Really and when I say a lot that's a lot just one night 4 whisky bottles but almost every second day. And let's not talk about the holidays... So there was no other choice to my mom than leave. I stayed with her because those times that was the right decision.

But I missed my dad. He was such good guy except his habit. He was really nice and loving never thought about leave us or cheat on my mother. He was kind to all beings in the world, he couldn't even hurt a bug. But the alcohol ruined his life. When he was drunk I couldn't recognise him. He was different. Like an insane stranger. But never got violent in any situation. He was just like someone who completely out of this world. He talked with himself or sometimes with the fridge or the sofa. You may think it's not a big deal, but if someone do this outside maybe in a pub or street - and unfortunately he did - some other people can't tolerate it. Many times he got punch in his face from different strangers even he wasn't aggressive or violent. Because he could not control himself and often started just talk and talk to other people's cars, motorcycles, sometimes to girlfriends to. 

Well nowadays, after 15 years " i able to stand on my own feet". So about a year ago I decided to take care of my dad. I wanted to give him a second chance. So I invited him to stay with me in my apartment and of course with one condition: "he need to say goodbye to his best friend named: Alcohol" . And guess what? He agreed that. He told me that he appreciate that I would give a 2. try to him and he promised he gonna make amends for his mistake. I was so happy. Not just because I could bring back some time whit him, but that he would leave behind his habit for me. Everything was so wonderful from our new start, we travelled a lot. Played football. And every weekend met up with mom and ate dinner together. My mom was so amazed, she said she can't believe what she sees. Like I said. Everything was such a dream until the last weekend. 

 Saturday afternoon I was working when I got a call from the police station, i hardly could believe what I was hearing. My dad got in a big trouble, he stole someone's car and drove away. And listen cause it's got worse because the car actually was an incognito police truck with 2 K9 police dog in the back. Yes of course my dad was drunk to, otherwise he would never ever do that whit a clear mind. I was devastated. I told my boss it's urgency I need to go. When I arrived the station my dad was already there. They find him and the car and the dogs to they were fine. No injuries, no damage on the truck, no accident.

My dad was lucky. I had mixed feelings. I was extremely angry at him but I was happy he was alive. He barely could talk to me, he felt ashamed and was really tired. 

I could understand. The police officer told me they can't leave him home because he need to talk. Why he did what he did. What was the point of this. So about a few hours later when he got some sleep in a cell. 2 officer came to him. They told me if I want I can stay. 

They started to asking him about the incident. What was the reason to stole a truck. He said that he don't know exactly he was drunk but maybe because he heard the dogs inside and thought they need help, he didn't know that truck was a police truck. Instead he thought someone would take them and hurt them. So he got into the car and drove, wanted to find the police station to leave the dogs in safe. 

Well, at first you guys should have seen the officers face. They couldn't say anything for a while... I think they were dealing with the story. And there was 2 option for them. He talks from his heart a 100 %, or he trying to drive their minds. 

If he weren't my dad, and I didn't know him well I would say he is a liar. But I know he told the truth about what happened. Cause like I said before he is a really good hearted person. Would never ever hurt anyone intentionally. But even that the officers believed him, he made a mistake he stole a truck and kidnapped 2 K9 police dog. 

But because of he was drunk. He couldn't understand that was wrong even if he wanted to help. So he had no choice but accept the consequences. Of course the police asked me about him. I did my best for him. I told them he is absolutely honest about what happened, but he understand that was a mistake and was inmature. 

For my part, I didn't know what to do... He needs a lawyer to help, front of the judge. I gonna help him... I don't know why maybe I feel pity for him. And love... 

Seriously why he got drunk again when he promised he wouldn't. He tell me he gonna make it upp to me. 

I was disappointed. What next, should I give him a chance again? And start again after the judge no matter what the decision be?

Or should I give up on him?

I was dealing with my mind whit my feelings.

I hoped he could tell me why he got back to the alcohol... I just wanted to understand. Now today the Judgment Day

I hope everything gonna be OK. I wish him the best.

August 14, 2020 23:22

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Sandy Buxton
21:26 Aug 19, 2020

Ok Sossie, good work developing a story off the prompt. Be careful of your verb tenses and also, review your writing before posting. Some of your mistakes reduce the ability to look professional with your tale. Now, the story...Kalya decides to help her dad 15 years after her mom left him. You don't give info about his condition...homeless, unhealthy, just out of jail, still drinking?... And Kalya does not describe any type of program to help him go straight. Not very realistic to expect a long term alcoholic to walk away with a smile ...


Sossie CryShinee
08:51 Aug 20, 2020

Hi! Thank you for your advices and your thoughts about my story! It helps me to grow!


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