Submitted into Contest #29 in response to: Write a story about someone falling in love for the first time.... view prompt



Billy was in Australia for the first time on work in Melbourne to attend a conference.He had heard from a distant cousin who lived in somewhere called Geelong about a place called Arthur’s Seat not too far south of the city on the Mornington Peninsular and the wonderful views that it offered done and up the bay from Melbourne to the narrow straights at the bottom of Port Phillip Bay. So on the first weekend of his visit he decided to drive the old and slightly tired hire car up to the best area for accessing the area called Seawinds Garden on the top of Arthurs Seat which was, as promised, a wonderful mix of gardens, views and even sculpture by somebody called Ricketts which he found wonderful. Eventually he found the great views where there were two seats one facing each direction. He decided to sit down and look up the bay towards Melbourne and feeling a bit hungry he found a box in his backpack containing two small pieces of homemade cake.A bit later an attractive young woman smiling towards Billy asked him very nicely if he minded her sitting next to him while she drank her coffee.

He said

“How could I mind with a smile like that?. while adding”Would you like a piece of coconut and sultana cake to go with it?”

She responded

“How could I turn that down as it looks as if the cake is home made? I hope that we can share the coffee as well..Freshly brewed of course”

“That would be lovely.I am Billy by the way.In case you couldn’t tell by my accent, I am British and over here for work not the Ashes test at the MCG.”

“Nice to meet you Billy.I am Sandra and a local who does not like cricket, although one of my brothers played for Victoria at a junior level. Are you in Melbourne very long?”If so please come and visit me at my house in South Yarra which is quite near Central Melbourne and I can show you around town." with which she gave him a card.

"How could I turn that down? I will see you on Saturday morning."

February 19, 2020 05:23

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