Innocence, meet End.

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends by circling back to the beginning.... view prompt



"Innocence, meet End." a distant voice said.

 Sunlight went through the windows and filled the room with light, birds sang beautifully in the background, a new day had started. 

A figure raised from her bed, glow emitting from her as if she was a small star, she moved her covers and sat at the border of the bed, looking out to the world.

"Good morning! It is such a bright day, I will enjoy it to my full potential." She walked to her wardrobe and grabbed a gorgeous orange dress, it was simple but somehow perfect to this girl. She dressed slowly, feeling the cloth touch her warm skin, trying to remember what she had dreamt, she recalled a sentence but, the rest was a blur. Heading out she had a bright smile on her face, ready to start a new adventure, hopefully, the most exciting yet. Headphones full of music and a body full of energy were a good mix, she danced her way somewhere, not knowing where but knowing it will be the right place. The song that played was gorgeous, violins and a piano were creating the perfect melody that filled her heart with sweet joy. 

Light shined through the leaves of the trees and onto the cracked pavement where a small yellow flower had grown. The girl spotted the flower and squatted down. 

"Well hello there!" she greeted the flower, "I'm Innocence, nice to meet you. You are really pretty and I hope you have a lovely day," she said. Not a second later she was back to dancing without a worry in her world. A little girl rushed past Innocence with a white blanket tied around her to form a cape, behind her came a boy pleading her to slow down and wait for him but nevertheless running too. Every single thing was so alive, the grass was greener than it had ever been and the sky did not have one single cloud, words could not describe how perfect this scenery was. 

A short man pushing a cart stopped and waved at Innocence as she finished turning with her arms fully extended swishing around.

"Mr. Gibbs! How wonderful to see you this morning!"

"Ah, likewise, my dear. May I interest you in some cotton candy?" He gestured to the cart and the edible clouds hanging  in it, "I have a yellow one I made just for you in case I saw you." The girl nodded and took a piece from the cotton candy, savoring it.

"Mhh! It tastes like pineapple! You make the best cotton candy in this whole entire world, thank you so much!" He laughed at her excitement lovingly while she grabbed her purse and exchanged two pounds for the yellow cloud of sugar.

"You are so very welcome. I'll see you around, Innocence." Mr. Gibbs smiled at her as she said goodbye and continued to enjoy the cotton candy. She put her headphones back on and skipped with the treat on hand in search of a nice spot to seat. 

Innocence did indeed find a nice spot on the grass in front of a lake with some ducks swimming around, she laid down looking at the ducks as she finished the cotton candy and dropped the empty stick in the nearest bin. She began to imagine a story in her head about a princess and her lover and how love knows no end, it has a happy beginning, a happy middle, and a happy end. The glowing girl sat up and spotted a baby duck tripping over himself in the distance, looking frantically for something that Innocence automatically assumed was its mum. She went after him and manages to seize him without almost any struggles. As she is walking towards the lake she strikes up a conversation.

"Hey, little guy! My name is Innocence. Seems like you got yourself really far away from your mommy, huh? Well, don't worry I'll get you back to her right-" she lowered the duckling down "- now." She stood up and smiled to the baby encouraging it to move, it did so she said goodbye and started walking in the opposite direction while adjusting her small handbag and humming a melody. A moment later she turned back to see if she could see the ducks when she did she saw them all swimming happily but since she was looking at the other way she tripped. She attempted to stop herself from falling by reaching out to a pole that was to her left and instead hit her head with it. 

"Ow..." Innocence reached to touch her head and opened her eyes, "Where…? Where am I?"

She sat up and looked around, she was illuminating a small area around her with her glow, everything else was darkness. The floor was marble-white, its texture was soft yet rigid. In the far distance, a glowing silhouette started to form. Seeing as there was nothing else to do, Innocence stood up and walked towards the strange light, as she approached it she realized that the thing that was glowing was a gigantic tree with small colorful bags hanging from it, a person was sitting below it.

"Am I dreaming?" She asked herself while walking up to the tree.

"No, my sweet child, Innocence, you are not dreaming. I am Universe and we are in your last stop," A powerful voice inside the girl's head said.

"Hi, Universe. What… what do you mean by my last stop? My last stop before what?" Innocence stopped walking, she was facing the being below the tree.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you anything, you'll understand when you meet him. Now come, we must go." Universe reached a hand and the girl grabbed it, In a blink of an eye, they were in another place. This room had nothing in it except for the three beings, the word 'void' popped into her head when she tried to comprehend what it was, the color of it was pitch black and yet she could see perfectly. Universe let go of her hand. A man in a dark robe and a hood on smiled at her, she couldn't explain it but he looked like her favorite memory, he smelled like flowers and sunshine, he just felt like her warmest moments in life, the ones she treasured deeply. 

"Innocence, meet End."

May 17, 2020 14:18

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Zilla Babbitt
13:41 May 28, 2020

Here for the critique circle :) Wow! Interesting story! I thought at first she was a robot, with her artificial-seeming joy and innocent dialogue. You have some lovely descriptions in here. Two things. 1. There are a lot of run-on sentences that don't make sense. "Headphones full of music and a body full of energy were a good mix, she danced her way somewhere, not knowing where but knowing it will be the right place." That is a run-on. "Headphones full of music and a body full of energy were a good mix. She danced her way somewhere, not ...


Maya Molina
14:07 May 29, 2020

Thank you for the suggestion about the run-on sentences, I know I have to work on that and I will. Regarding your question, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about how fast your life changes and things happen, more specifically how fast you go into the real world after graduation. I wanted Innocence to represent that and give her a sweet end but I really wanted to leave it out to interpretation because after sending it to many people in my life they all asumed different things. :)


Zilla Babbitt
14:47 May 29, 2020

You're welcome! And your explanation makes sense; that's really cool :)


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