
"Hey, Launa, we need to go!" Fourteen-year-old James shouted, shoving a few more books into his pack. "Coming! I swear!" A voice floated down the short, rotting, hallway.

A girl, about 13, was packing with her cousin to leave. Why? Because people were Hunting for them. Recently, it was discovering that Launa could be an Elemental. In a society that was... well, non-magical, magic folk - called Elementals- were rare. And extremely valuable.

So, they were running. Through a mountain range. To find their parents, hide from the Hunters, and stay alive. After Cindy died to cancer, (or so they say), magic-folk were completely gone. She was the last full-blooded Elemental.

Most people that that Elementals were Elemental, but James and Launa that they were awesome. To be able to control water? Fire? Plants? Uh, cool. There parents thought so to. But there parents were missing. Both James's and Launa's. They were both only children, born into poor families.

They grew up with nothing but clothes on there backs, and books in there hands.

Launa ran down the hall, backpack slung over her shoulders.

"Ok, let's get started."


It was sunset. They had been walking for hours, stopping at streams for water and catching the occasional bird to eat, using the only weapon they had; a carved dagger made out of wood and rock, inscribed with the words IT WILL GET BETTER. Launa and James had memorized it. And they had to believe it, because it was all they had left of there families for now.

And right as Launa wondered if it would, in fact, get better, the world went dark.


Launa woke up in a cottage, fully furnished and lit by candle lanterns.

"She's awake! It's nice to see you."

Launa groaned. Her head hurt like hell. And she had no idea where she was.

"Uh, may I ask, where. Am. I ?"

The girl chuckled. "At our parents cottage! You didn't think we would leave you in that rotting old shack?"

Before she could say anything, the girl continued. "And yes, I did say 'our.' I'm your sister! I've lived here with our Aunt for a while. But when she... passed, you got to come live here. And yes, I was supposed to come live with you. But our parents sent me here to keep safe, they say."

Launa opened her eyes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, back the unicorn up. First off, wheres James? Second, wow... that. Is. A. Lot. Of. Info."

The girl -who she still didn't know the name of- blew out a breath. "Yeah, I just learned about the whole 'siblings' thing a few days ago. But I really wanted a sister, always have, so I guess I'm happy."

Launa agreed. For years she wanted a sibling, someone she could relate to whenever James wasn't there. Though he usually was. They stuck together like superglue- that is, until now.

"Wait, wheres James!?" She said, suddenly remembering.

"In the other room. No reason to worry."

Launa stood up, wobbling on her feet. "Um... which way...?"

"Whichever way you want. The Doors will lead you."

Launa felt like the door on the far right would be where James was, so she turned the green, shiny, knob. Sure enough, James was pacing around a bedroom. The girl - her sister- was already in there, looking kind of bored.

"How did you-?"

"The doors. Just think who you want to see, and they will lead you right there. "

James looked up, pushing his flimsy glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"What? That's so cool! Let me try!" He said, running to the door- only to fall flat on his face. Both Launa and her sister started laughing.

"Ok, Launa, Thaelia, no more laughing." This only made them laugh laugh harder. "Ohhhhh, so that's Miss Mystery's name. Cool." Launa said through laughs.

Thaelia put on a thoughtful look. "Miss Mystery is cooler! Thaelia means 'to blossom', and Miss Mystery sounds like some cool superhero or something."

James and Launa had to agree, Miss Mystery was a cool name.

In that moment in time, everything was happy.


Screams erupted. Fire. Fire everywhere. And there were no Elementals to control it. It was all colors, white hot, and burning against the winds. Animals of fire, scaly and ash covered, were trying to hold the fire back so people could escape. It was to late. Cindy was already lost in the flames, unable to see. But she would get revenge on the Hunters. She had too.


"Hey, didn't you say our parents were here?" Launa asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. They're out getting food and clothes."


Then came a knock on one of the doors, and it slowly opened, there parents coming in.

"Momma! Dad! I missed you so much! How are you? Are you OK? Where have you been?" James bombarded them with questions. Aunt Lily, James's Mother, scooped him up in a hug.

"Jamee! I missed you! We were trying to get around the Hunters, and it... uh... took an unexpected turn... Hey, Blossom! And Launa!"

Thaelia groaned. "I told you to stop calling me that! I know I've lived with you my whole life, and you know that I don't like to be called that...!" But she said it with a smile.

“Aw, Ok. How are you? We got some food, and lucky for you I know how to cook!” 

Thaelia laughed. “Ha, yeah, I am quite hungry after saving James’s and Launa’s necks. Nice going, by the way, attracting Hunters with your scent. And with only a dagger? You're lucky I was there.”

“Thaelia! Be nice!” Aunt Lily said, chuckling. “But also, you guys should be careful! She’s right, you know, about attracting Hunters. They can be dangerous…” She said, probably thinking about Cindy. Her sister. Who died to 'cancer'.

Everyone stood in a knowing silence.

Launa clapped her hands. “Alrighty! Let’s get to work with dinner! Thaelia, can you chop some onion and garlic? James, can you get the lettuce?” They nodded and got to work, finally happy and safe, and with their families.

Or were they?

August 03, 2020 20:23

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