Romance Drama

The Scorcher Interview

What a morning on the London outskirts, wake up to one of the best sunrises ever to be seen in September, the birds are chirping beautifully but that soon turns to the loud screech of an alarm clock ‘’aah’’ I yell and whack the alarm clocks top ‘’goddamn thing’’ I sat up, stretched all of my limbs, we’ll all those that I had left. ‘’Hey hon, time to get you up huh? Don’t want to be late for your interview.’’ My wife Cathy said as she walked through the bedroom door’’

‘’Yeah haha’’ I replied smiling and uncovering what was left of my legs ‘’we won’t be late don’t worry so much’’. She walked over with my folded-up wheelchair, unfolding it at the side of the bed

‘’I’ll try my best’’ she says to me, kissing my forehead ‘’now, lets go, your breakfast is burning’’. I wasn’t worried about the interview but Cathy’s breakfast burning is a big no no, I’ve never jumped into my wheelchair so fast. Its only a short roll to the kitchen where the smell of eggs and sausages fill my nostrils ‘’aw my love you’ve done it again’’ I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. We ate the luscious breakfast and got ready to leave. ‘’um Jerry?’’ Cathy asks and I turned my chair around ‘’as your going to an interview wouldn’t it be a good idea if you wore a suit and not your boxers?’’. I looked down and well she was right I was half naked ‘’Hmm that’s probably a good idea’’.

We finally made are way to the paper planes newsagents, a company that creates some of the best news stories found in the city. ‘’I still don’t understand why you’ve decided to work at a newsagents, that job at the fruit farm was perfect, outside, fresh air and kind people’’ Cathy says, as she drives through the city ‘’as I said before, this is closer and my wheels will not take the dirt’’ I say to her.

‘’well we can just stick some of those BMX wheels to your chair, I don’t want you turning into one of those nosy reporters, going into people’s business’’

‘’I don’t think it works like that Hon and don’t worry I’m not changing in any way, besides I haven’t even got the job yet’’ I held Cathy’s hand to comfort her, along with a cheesy smile.

An hours journey through the deafening city streets, overflowing with human activity ‘’here we go, thank god its close to the outside, the only good thing about this job’’ Cathy says looking up at the 6 story building. There was a massive paper airplane sign on the front, so we knew we were in the right place. I gave Cathy a serious look with slight humour ‘’come on get me out of this car’’ I say jokingly, lifting my arms up like a child wanting its seatbelt off  ‘’god yes sir’’ she says getting out the car. Wheelchair out, lifted out of the car and STOP…. stairs…. a man in a suit walks down toward s us ‘’excuse me sir?’’ Cathy calls to the man ‘’is there any disabled access into this building?’’ she asks. The man looks us both up and down, quite rudely actually ‘’afraid not, this is the wrong place to work if your unable to do day to day activities’’ he says and walks away, Cathy about to react In a bad way , I grab her hand quickly. ‘’Hey it’s fine, he’s an idiot but he’s not going to ruin our day’’ I say to her smiling ‘’now lets get up these stairs, me on the wheels and you push. ’’ With both our strength we get to the top of the stairs in no time. ‘’Famous newsagents, you would have thought they would have a disabled ramp or something’’ Cathy says annoyed ‘’at least they have automatic doors aye’’ her sarcasm filled the lobby as everyone around looked at us. ‘’You must be Jerry?’’ A tall man walks up to us suddenly ‘’The names William Smithers I’m your interviewer for today?’’ he says passing his hand for a handshake. I accept his handshake ‘’nice to meet you, I’m very pleased to be here’’ I say

‘’ill wait for you in the car ok ‘’Cathy says before kissing my cheek ‘’I might park it somewhere else, maybe on the top of the steps’’ more sarcasm strikes her lips as she walks away. I snigger to myself, but the boss man doesn’t think much of my wife’s jokes. ‘’Shall we?’’ William puts his arm out directing to a small room, and I wheel my way in.

The interview room was crammed with old papers and smelled quite damp. Such a posh exterior but the inside of this building is like an old shack. ‘’so, why is it that you want to work at paper planes newsagents?’’ William asks and clicks his pen. Question after question until an hour passed, I was ready to fall asleep to be perfectly honest, maybe Cathy was right, and I should have taken the other job. My focus was on two birds on a tree branch I could see outside the window, that was until I smelt something that woke me up rapidly ‘’do you smell something?’’ I ask William, rolling my chair round to see smoke coming from under the door. Out of nowhere the fire alarm sets ‘’oh my god!’’ William shouts and runs, towards the door, but instead of wheeling me out, he pushes out of the way causing me to fall onto the floor ‘’HEY!....HEY WAIT!’’ I shout at him but he doesn’t turn back and the door closes. The smoke starts to fill the room and streaks of fire creep under the door ‘’holy god….HELP! HELP!’’ I shout but nobody comes, so I move further and further away from the fire. Theres another door on the other side of the room , however the inhalation of smoke takes the strength I need to grasp the door handle.  

Cathy sits in the car, with the radio on not hearing the commotion until she looks up to the building, after doing a double-take she says ‘’oh my god’’ and rushes out of the car and runs up the steps. Many people bump into her as they run for safety, she spots William and runs to him ‘’hey ,where’s my husband’’ she asks abruptly, he coughs dramatically

‘’hes inside’’ he answers and points to the building

‘’you mean….you left him there you son of a! –‘’ she says angrily while grabbing his collar. She lets go and runs into the building the fire spreading across the middle of the lobby. ‘’Jerry!’’ she shouts and sees the interview sign on the door nearly consumed in fire ‘’oh my god’’ she says, then notices the other door, runs to it and finds it only opens half way ‘’Jerry!?’’ she shouts again spotting my shoe. She manages to squeeze through the gap, coughing from the smoke, noticing that I am unconscious she uses all her survivor strength and adrenaline to lift me from the floor and over her shoulder. The old papers set alight along with my wheelchair and that’s enough indication for Cathy to move fast out of the room and out of the building. We make it out, however me being unconscious I had no idea what was happening, good thing my wife explained everything when I was brought back. Cathy had given be 2 minutes of mouth to mouth resuscitation before I was back and the fresh air filled my lungs. I rose up, coughing, covered in smokey debris but Cathy didn’t care she gave me the tightest of hugs and the passionate of kisses. ‘’I’m so glad your alright’’ she says smiling, her forehead against mine ‘’I’m so glad you were here to save me’’ I reply to her, my hands stroking her hair. William walks over to us ‘’Hey’’ he says nervously, we both look at him in disgust ‘’I’m…so sorry I left you in there I….I panicked’’ he stand waiting for one of us to reply, so I did ‘’yeah, you can shove your job’’ I say ‘’ I think its time to start working at the fruit farm’’ I look back at Cathy and she looks at me. We both smile at each other and kiss, while William hesitantly walks away ‘’oh Jerry…. I believe we need to get a new chair’’ she says sadly

‘’That’s ok, guess you can start looking for BMX wheels then’’ I reply and we both laugh.

October 23, 2020 19:36

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