Fiction Inspirational

“Marcy we have got a few more coming” shouted Noah “we need to decide where they will go”. Noah is the traffic controller and tells souls when to come in or go; without him I wouldn’t even last a day thought Marcy.

Marcy nodded and turned back. She couldn’t understand why she had to do it just because she is the most experienced with mortals and this doesn’t mean that she has to decide whether they go to Hell or Heaven. Why can’t someone else do it? She thought.

Heaven is the best place on the universe; Marcy wishes that she could’ve worked in heaven like her friend April. In heaven we are wrapped in God's perfect love; he is always there to guide us. We are whole, we are healthy and we are together with those we love and cherish the most. The inferno cannot make its way there; it is to be trapped by the placid ocean, the bridge way between hell and heaven. Marcy is appreciative to be working at this bridge way because this is not the worst of it.

There is something beneath us all, something that has fire, blood and anguish at the heart of its being, something that shows the alternative realities making a person dysfunctional. It is none other than Hell. This is where anger rises to the surface dismantling any blocks of hope and happiness. The blistering heat would come and disintegrate you turning you into a worthless bucket of sand. Marcy is content with her position nevertheless she knows the master of Hell himself, in fact she knows him pretty well: it is the one and the only Lucifer.

Knock Knock

“Enter” exclaimed Marcy.

Just then a young man soul appeared through the door and Marcy noticed that everything about him was a soft and understated joy. He looked like a kind mortal being that would never take an order but never actually needed to; she could feel his sharp mind running out of control and his hands trembling slightly. Every move he took was in slow motion and when she wasn’t looking he started to do the moon walk; how intriguing Marcy thought. Making some sort of music, his shoes made a rhythmic noise against the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a tap dancer thought Marcy. There was some sort of relief in his eyes; maybe he didn’t want to live anymore so he came up here. Whatever the cause was Marcy couldn’t keep him forever and she had to decide whether to send him to Heaven or Hell.

Examining him, there was a subtle glow on his face as he lifted his head. His face had the same structure as my own, high cheekbones and symmetrical thought Marcy. He had the same deep brown eyes and tanned skin. He was still slender despite his years, toned and not at all stooped. He looked like a guy who would never actually cause any trouble nevertheless looks can be deceptive and she needed to know his deeds; and was running out of patience.

Looking at his file, there is an equal split between the good and bad deeds. His name was Kevin. He had dropped out from school after getting into loads of fights and he was adopted however never found out until he was 18. After finding this news out he ran away from his home and had a rough adulthood. We are not meant to give anyone sympathy for their old life thought Marcy nonetheless she felt some pity towards Kevin and wanted him to go to heaven. She knew she couldn’t do these favouritism acts but she felt the urge to go and help him.

Marcy’s main job was to make people get out of their old life and find them a suitable place to be in Heaven or Hell due to the fact that there were sections. These sections would divide the goods up in Heaven or divide the bad ones in Hell. For example the worst of the worst would end up in the pits of hell known to be Tartarus in Greek Mythology. Thinking about this made Marcy shiver with distraught. Nevertheless, the best of the best would go to the top of heaven also known as the Elysian Fields in Greek Mythology. Most ordinary people would just go to the middle of Heaven because they have not done anything extraordinary in their lives. Every single minute of every single day she would have to do this job. There would be no breaks; no time to rest. During this coronavirus pandemic there would be lines waiting outside of her room; they would stretch as far as 10 miles and that wasn’t even the worst of it. She never wanted this to happen; seeing innocent faces coming here was devastating and she had yet to grow immune to these harsh realities. The worst was declaring that a soul would go to Hell and seeing the look of torment on their faces, the quivering lips and their blubbering voices send a shockwave of agony directly to Marcy’s heart. Sometimes she can’t bear it anymore but she can’t stop now because every minute of every day God is watching.

Scanning over his files, Marcy can see that he has a criminal history; she looked over at him however couldn’t imagine him being a criminal. She wanted to scream and shout that this couldn’t be his file nonetheless didn’t have any proof that this wasn’t his file. The word ‘Fugitive’ was written in red. Oh no thought Marcy there is more about him destroying property and embezzlement. She had to sit down otherwise she may even collapse. There was goodness radiating out of him still he had an immoral record.

She couldn’t contain her questions anymore and wasn’t willing to keep them to herself. “Why did you do it” asked Marcy

“I don’t know” replied Kevin his head was down like he didn’t want make eye contact; he knew that we were going to judge him. Maybe he does feel bad for his actions but now it is too late thought Marcy I have to judge in upon these acts. “I was out of control for a while and didn’t know what to do.” At least he was being honest thought Marcy.

However there were more deeds to be looked at. Flicking through, the document she can see that the same person who performed the acts of fraud was helping out a lot during this pandemic by giving the homeless shelters and food. This made Marcy’s heart melt with joy and exhilaration. She knew he couldn’t be that bad. Underneath this there was the cause of death and it was because he was helping the poor people and died of the coronavirus. Kevin had a passion for being humane person and showed empathy for others in need even though it caused his own misfortune. There he was sitting there avoiding eye contact ashamed of his actions but he doesn’t need to be ashamed of this; he should put his head high and ask for the real fairness from the world for his soul.

This is the feeling of charging horses being pulled in opposite

directions and this is what Marcy was feeling. I want to send him to Heaven though I still have to consider the possibility of him going to Hell. Why are you like this Kevin? Why do you have to be good and bad? She wanted to ask him this but didn’t have the strength to do so. Words rocked her mind leaving in foreign ways; the echo of a person past is something that she is still unaccustomed to. She doesn’t want to walk away. She doesn’t want to leave. Here our emotions are considered suspicious and I have more priorities to think about than the health of my heart and mind. Now, if that isn't conflicted, I don't know what is, thought Marcy.

Finally she said it.

“I think everyone deserves a second chance and even though you have done some bad deeds; you have also done some good deeds and that’s why I’m sending you to the bottom of heaven because sending you to Hell doesn’t seem right” ;and just then the door opened guiding him towards Heaven.

January 05, 2021 22:32

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David Brown
03:28 Feb 09, 2021

Interesting fiction. I like reading different interpretations of the afterlife. This seemed like a mix of Catholicism, Islam, and Greek and Norse Mythology. One of my favorites in this genre is by Steven Brust titled “To Reign in Hell.” Also, my own book is a interesting end-times distopian thriller titled “The Onega Gambit.” Check them out. Keep writing!


Palak Shah
10:42 Feb 09, 2021

I will check them out. Thank you for the recommendation


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Rashmi Shah
09:49 Feb 07, 2021

Good one


Palak Shah
11:32 Feb 07, 2021

Thank you :))


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Pratik Bhandari
14:45 Jan 06, 2021



Palak Shah
15:38 Jan 06, 2021

Thank you


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