Kids Funny Creative Nonfiction

The birthday boy sat in a chair made of donuts and caramel apples. There was a squirrel head made from cake batter and frosting resting upon his left shoulder, because he hated those buggers and wanted to represent this dislike on his special day. He looked graciously out at his adoring friends. There were only around eight of them, but they were adoring nonetheless. 

Snow fell from the sky and landed on the edges of their noses. They lived in a place where the seasons whirled around like sirens. There was also a lot of crime in the area, so sirens were an appropriate analogy for the weather. It could be sunny one day and blustery winter the next. The weather was, to put it simply, more unpredictable than a Walmart bag filled with scorpions. 

The birthday boy’s heart swelled with pride to see that he had accomplished socializing. His face also swelled, but that was because there was a large amount of sardine in the casserole his mother had made for him, and it turned out he was exceedingly and perhaps fatally allergic to sardines. Not all seafood. Just sardines. Actually, it wasn’t even all sardines. It was all sardines that came in the blue can with the smiling fish (ironic considering…) on it that came from the seventh aisle at the neighborhood market on South Hunca Munca Street. Yeah. The sardines.

Well, it turned out that the birthday boy was allergic to them, and so his face swelled up like a ripe papavocado (a papaya avocado hybrid first discovered by the Spanish in 1439 when the esteemed Franchini Poriverri and his crew came to the land on their thirteen boats, the main ones being Phineaskin, Ferbilicious, Isabellini, and Bjorka.)  and he fell over onto the table. His adoring friends gasped. They howled. They sobbed. They threw themselves to the ground and rolled in agony. 

They… were not very helpful, come to think of it. The birthday boy’s fate hung in peril. His airway constricted. His eyes popped like popcorn in a really hot microwave. He opened his mouth and uttered, “I need a hero. I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night. He’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be fast and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight.” Instead of taking this opportunity to call the proper medical care, his adoring friends decided to join in on the chorus. It became a karaoke festival. 

“He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon and he has to be larger than life. LARGER THAN LIFE!” They continued for a solid eight and four halves of a minute before realizing that a hero couldn’t really be summoned by song, no matter how enticing the idea was. 

Lo and behold, as soon as Yancey Klum-Wilder (Adoring friend number five. She had met the birthday boy in fifth grade when) pulled out her cell phone to make the call of need appropriately, a hero emerged from the, well, behind the throne of donuts. No one noticed him at first, so he had to clear his throat a couple of times before someone said, “A star is born!”

And the hero said, “I am no star.”

And the birthday boy didn’t say anything because he was going into anaphylactic shock. So instead, Jimmy Durble (slightly adoring friend number three) yelled, “Then what are you?”

And the hero said, “I am Sonny! Not of Cher's brother variety!”

“Ahh, okay.” 

Sonny picked up the birthday boy and flew up towards the sky. His friends kept eating. Sonny threw the birthday boy into outer space, counted three seconds, went back to earth to get a latte macchiato from Starbucks, came back, caught the birthday boy, and said, “I am Sonny, the great wizard, and I will turn you healthy if you can tell me what my old nickname was when you knew me… long, long ago!” 

The birthday boy woke up and he thought and thought but he couldn’t remember the name. “Um, is it Squirrel Nutkin?”

Sonny the Wizard said, “No!”

“Is it Emma?”

“What? No! Why would it be Emma?”

The birthday boy shrugged. “What about Lombardi? Was your nickname Lombardi?”

Sonny the Wizard shook his head. “It’s definitely not Lombardi. You have two more chances, and if you don’t guess it by then, I’ll have no choice but to send you to live on earth as a cat named Lloyd. Do you want that for your life, birthday boy?”

“No, I’m allergic to cats.”

“And sardines, apparently!”

“I think… your nickname was…” The birthday boy thought and thought as much as he could. “Froot Loop Magee?”


“Huh, I kind of had you coined for a cereal type guy.”

“You have one more chance.” Sonny the Wizard squinted his eyes. “Just the one.” 

“Was it Sonny the Wizard?”

“YES, IT WAS!!!!”




“Okay, well, I guess you can go back to your party and your adoring friends now.”

“You should come too!”

Sonny the Wizard looked off into (further) space. “No. Sonny the Wizard never rests. I must go, and save more children. Don’t eat sardines again. If you want to hang out or eat cereal, call me.”

“How? I don’t have your number!”

“Don’t be weird. Just ask Yancey. I gave it to her last time she choked on a pork chop.” 

“As in she’s done it more than once?”

“Well, yes. It became a habit. Until I gave her my number. We should all have a club, don’t you think? I can apprentice you to be wizards. It’ll be pretty popular, eventually, and maybe you could even start a school one day and call it… Razorbackacne.”

“As opposed to Hogwarts?”

“Why, yes. Just make sure you invite me.” 

With that, the birthday boy was thrown back to his party, where he threw a pork chop at Yancey and so Sonny had to come back and save her and then they all ate squirrel head cake. 


May 23, 2020 21:47

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Vajeda Kardar
23:10 Oct 06, 2020

You have wonderfully demonstrated the connect between thoughts and emotions. Enjoyed reading.


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A. Y. R
06:56 May 28, 2020

You really demonstrated your epic imagination with this story! Also, I could picture the thoughts and emotions of your characters so clearly!


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Kelechi Nwokoma
02:10 May 27, 2020

Rhondalise, Once again, you're story is really good... I'm going to check out the latest ones you've written. I love your imagination and to be very honest, I found this story a bit funny. Especially the part where the birthday boy's friends kept on chanting the hero song. It was so hilarious. Overall, great job. I love this one and I'm waiting for more. Keep it up!


Jubilee Forbess
02:14 May 27, 2020

I'm so glad you thought it hilarious! I reread this story just now and cracked myself up. Sometimes people don't get the humor so I'm glad it made you laugh! The story was loosely based off a friend I made but haven't talked to in a long time. He was funny and I missed him so I wrote a story that reminded me of us. :)


Kelechi Nwokoma
02:22 May 27, 2020

Awwwn... That's really good. You're so talented when it comes to writing. In just one week, you've written a lot, but it takes me days to polish up my work. Maybe it's because I don't put too much time a day into writing, but I love your stories. They make me happy and remind me of fantasy books I used to read as a kid. Keep it up!


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Daryl Gravesande
22:01 May 23, 2020

I love this one! It's all over the place (in a good way). Your descriptions of the birthday boy and the weather were top tier. Far better than what I would've put. Great work, once again! I can't even begin to fathom how you were able to construct 2 really good stories and have each of them feel like a lot of work was put into it!


Jubilee Forbess
22:04 May 23, 2020

Oh, just wait, I have a third one I'm about to post too. But for this one, I actually wrote it a while ago and it's slightly based off the weather where I live and also my brother, the birthday boy. Yeah, my stories are a little scatterbrained but if I manage to tie it all together that's the best.


Daryl Gravesande
22:05 May 23, 2020

Right? It's so satisfying, like tying the bow on the present you've been working really hard on. Also, what was your favorite part?


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Ariadne .
02:21 Oct 13, 2020

Hats off to you - my breathing ability has been utterly destroyed. I would have thought it would happen due to COVID, but I suppose chickens named Tequila Cartini trying to get to her reservation at Airbnbarnyard while obsessing over motorcycles (EEEK!!! I relate!) and boys fatally allergic to the sardines from the blue can with the smiling fish from the seventh aisle at the neighborhood market on South Hunca Munca Street to the point that his face swells to the size of a papavocado are just as capable. Figures. Thank you for the read, thoug...


Jubilee Forbess
02:30 Oct 13, 2020

See we shall! Thanks so much for readdddding, I appreciate it and I'm glad you liked the stories. :D


Ariadne .
02:58 Oct 13, 2020

Haha, was it really a surprise? I was craving some humor today, but I think I had an overdose. 😏


Jubilee Forbess
03:13 Oct 13, 2020

Haha, maybe!


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Daryl Gravesande
13:26 May 26, 2020

What's up? I'll need a towel, It's ya boi, Colin Powell! lol.


Jubilee Forbess
15:03 May 26, 2020

Haha, hi. I need a rhyme for Condoleezza Rice now.


Daryl Gravesande
15:06 May 26, 2020

Lol, yeah.


Daryl Gravesande
15:08 May 26, 2020

How about, "It's so good, you say it twice, it's ya girl, Condoleezza Rice!"


Jubilee Forbess
15:14 May 26, 2020

Yeah, that's a good one! We'll go with that. How are your stories going? I'm working on a new one right now.


Daryl Gravesande
15:18 May 26, 2020

Oh, um... Well... I'm kinda just waiting for new prompts for next week. So, yeah, I've mostly been listening to music and vibing.


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