The story of Jules Frédéric

Submitted into Contest #103 in response to: Write about a character looking for a sign.... view prompt


Friendship Romance Sad

A man is walking down the street, looking down with a humble look. Ashamed to show his face, I would say. Under his long brown jacket is hidden a sad person. His sadness can be seen from miles and miles. Clearly, he had a bad day. He lost his job, his wife left him ‘cause he couldn’t earn money any longer. He is homeless… Looking down, he doesn’t realise he just passed by the cafe. He wants to go back there and take a coffee with his remaining money. A strong thunder hits the earth, starting an endless rain. The man enters the cafe. In a week voice he says:

-One dark coffee, please; politely asks the bartender.

-Coming right now!

He looks in his good old wallet to see just a few euros left in there.

-What is your name, sir?

-I’m sorry?

-Your name sir, I need to write your name on the cup.

-Frédéric… Frédéric is my name.

The bartender writes it down his cup, now full of hot sweet dark coffee that he ordered.

-This would be 2 euros, sir!

He pays for the coffee, then takes it right away.

-Enjoy!; says the bartender.

The man takes a seat and tries to enjoy his coffee. The coffee is so hot he can’t touch it with his bare hands. He takes a plastic spoon from the table and starts mixing his coffee, creating a little tornado in the hot drink. Looking in that never-ending tornado, intensely, drowning in his own thoughts…

-Sorry, is this seat free?

A kind lady appears next to him. She has long, gorgeous red hair, spread all along on her’s dark cloak. On the top of her’s head, she is wearing a nice beret. He froze in front of her, like never before. The man simply couldn’t believe it. He was staying in front of a lady of an absolute beauty…

-It’s ok, really. I can go look for another seat…

-No, please no!; He shouted. The lady gave him a little scared look.

-I mean, you can stay.


-Thank you, sir! May I ask for your name?

-It’s Frédéric.

-Nice to meet you Frédéric, I’m Julia.

-Julia… That is a beautiful name.

-Well aren’t you sweet, Thank you! I don’t hear that very often…

A moment of silence. Julia drinks her’s coffee. Outside is still raining. She notices the look in Frédéric’s eyes and with an attempt to break the silence, says:

-I just love rainy days like this one.

-I don’t like to get myself wet though, you know?

-Oh but you should try it one time, it’s a really nice feeling of freedom. You feel the fresh air around you.

-That’s one way of seeing things.; I said

-It’s a positive one, isn’t it?

-Indeed it is.

Who is this lady? I asked myself, completely impressed by her’s appearance. And why is she here? Why with me? I continued to ask questions in my head.

-Where are you from?; I politely asked.

-Vichy. I came here, to Paris to present some of my stories and poems. I’m a writer, you know?

Surprised I said:

-Are you?!

-Yes! I simply love to put my thoughts on paper. My stories are the most precious things I have. I consider the ability to write, a God-given gift. It’s precious, you must treasure it the best you can.

-Wow, this seems really nice!

-What do you do, Frédéric?

-I worked for a company. I got fired today and now I am homeless. Lucky for me, maybe I can try to paint. I always had that talent for arts. Maybe I should give it a shot.

-You poor thing…; Said Julia. You are so kind. I can’t live knowing you live on the streets of Paris. Do you want to stay at my place for a few days?

For a few seconds, he didn’t understand. Then it hit him. He just couldn’t believe this happened to him. Frédéric remained silent for a few short moments.

-No, I couldn’t. I don’t want to bother you and stuff…

-There is no way you are rejecting me Frédéric. I insist you come with me. It would bother me if you wouldn’t come.

-Ok, fine. I’m coming with you.

-Yay! Thank you! I needed company and you happened to be just the right person.

-I should be thanking you for not leaving me homeless today.

-Oh shut up, this is nothing. I’m glad I can have you.

Frédéric couldn’t say anything. They both finished their coffees, while the rain stopped. They left. On the way to her’s apartment, they got to chat a little. Julia rented an Apartment in the centre of the city a few months ago. She lived there alone. They enter a short building to reach Julia’s apartment on the 2nd floor of the building. Julia reaches the door of the apartment.

-I’m sorry if it’s a little messy. I didn’t have time today to clean it.

The door opened to reveal a hallway that separated the house into 3 rooms. The first was a nice living room. Not the biggest, but it was just about perfect to live in. There was a TV and a nice handmade carpet on the floor. The room was giving him a little Jazzy feeling. Chill. The second room was a nice and clean kitchen. The third was her’s bedroom, where she has a bed and a desk to write. It was a little cute home, a little modest cute home. Giving that feeling of “This is so little but I love it so much”.

-Make yourself comfortable! She said, with a sweet voice.

-Thank you, Julia!

I put my jacket on the hanger. He was standing still, quiet, looking at Julia.

-Well, this should be it. Tonight you will sleep on the couch. Everything is ready for you. If you need anything don’t hesitate to call me, ok? Tell me anything you need, anything at all, ok?

-I will, Julia.

-Ok then, good night.



Frédéric approached her slowly and hugged her tight. He whispered at her’s ear, gently:

-Thank you.

Julia hugged him back.

-Good night!

The next day, Frédéric was already up, making breakfast. He took some eggs from Julia’s fridge and cooked omelette with cherries and cheese. It was looking delicious. He went into her’s bedroom and sit next to her. With a voice as smooth as butter, he tried to wake her up…

-Julia… Julia…

-What’s going on? She said in a tired voice.

-Wake up sleepy head. 

Then she made some sounds like she’s dying. Frédéric laughed.

-Good morning Frédéric!

-Good morning to you too, Julia. Come! I made breakfast!

When Julia heard that she jumped out of bed in a second.


-Yes! Hope you don’t mind

-Not at all! What did you cook?

He smiled at her.

-See for yourself; he said

Julia was happy to see that he cooked omelette. It was her’s favourite food.

-Awwww, my mom used to cook it for me. How did you know?

-I just guessed. You look like the kind of person that eats omelette in the morning.

They both laugh. The two of them ate in peace.

-I have to go to work and talk to my publisher about the next book I’m writing. I left you some money. Go get some colours, brushes and a canvas, and you can paint something while I’m gone. I will be back later. Is that ok?

-Yes it’s ok! Thank you so much, Julia, you are a kind person!

-It’s my pleasure! Now I have to go. See you later Frédéric…

-Bye Julia!

He did appreciate what Julia did. Frédéric really liked to paint, it was the joy of painting that kept his hope so far. He dressed up with his good-old jacket and left the house. It was a wonderful day. He passed by the Eiffel Tower and he taught that there might be a nice place for him to paint. He went to the art store and bought all the stuff he needed. Frédéric really liked to paint with oil-based colours. He found a good spot near the Tower and so he decided to paint there. Hours passed by and our painter got hungry. No surprise. He went to a local restaurant and ordered a soup. This was the best day he had in years… He managed to paint a beautiful landscape that day. He packed his stuff and went back to Julia’s apartment. It was the same as he left it in the morning. Julia did not arrive from work yet, he will be alone for a few more hours. He discovered a tiny balcony hidden by a curtain in the living room. There was enough space for a table and two chairs to fit in there. And what a nice view it was, you could see all of Paris from there. It was a sublime picture, which he decided to capture in another painting. This was shorter, but it gave him the basic idea of the shapes in there. He saved the sketch for another time. Frédéric took a look at Julia’s bookshelf. He saw one of her’s books and decided to take a look at it. When Julia arrived, the man was listening to Nocturnes by Chopin, while reading her’s book.

-I’m home! What are you doing?

A happy look appears on Frédéric’s face when he sees her.

-Oh hello there! I didn’t see you coming.

-What are you reading?

-I am reading your book. I have to say, this is a good book. I did not know I meat such a great writer.

-I’m flattered. I’m glad you enjoy it!

-I saw you even have a balcony!

-Well yes I do have one. Is a little small, but it will always satisfy my desire for peace and quiet in the weekends.

-Do you want to spend the evening there?

-Am I ever? She replied happily

-Please, you sit there first and enjoy a glass of wine, while I go and cook us something, what do you think?

-Couldn’t be better.

He cooked some carbonara pasta. It was done in about an hour. They both enjoyed the meal.

It was a nice feeling, being on a balcony and watching the lights of the city. They talked a little though. And then, suddenly, they slowly approach each other, and then Frédéric kissed Julia. Julia kissed him back. After a moment of silence between the two of them, they just held each other in their arms. I don’t remember what happened that night, but somehow they fell asleep.

In the morning, Frédéric woke up. He looked for Julia everywhere, but there was no sign of her. She did leave a note on the fridge, saying:

“Frédéric, the last two days were awesome, and I had so much fun with you, but unfortunately I have to go back to Vichy. My publisher did not like my new book and he doesn’t want to work with me anymore, so I have to go back home and try to find another job. I will live with my family since I no longer have money to keep this apartment. The aeroplane leaves at 9:00, so when you read this I’ll probably be gone. Take care of yourself. This is not the end, is just a new beginning. Love, Julia.”

Dropping a tear, he remained silent for a minute. Ready to continue his sad life, without her. But no, no he couldn’t just leave her go like that. He wanted to see her for one last time. He ran to the airport, hoping is not too late. He saw her there, waiting. Julia saw him back and her’s eyes filled with joy. Frédéric walks to her, but… A car hits him. Julia was panicking. She started to cry. The sound of her crying was like a Requiem, you could’ve heard in the air, music… divine music, crying for that poor man. She returned to her’s apartment for one last time, to get his stuff with her. She found his painting, lying on the bed. Under it, she found a note from Frédéric.

“My beloved Julia, I wanted to thank you for your help. You are so good to me, I don’t know how can I possibly pay you back. I want to give you this painting, made by me, with the colours you paid for. I hope you enjoy it. Without you, I think I would’ve killed myself that day you found me at the cafe. I simply had nothing to live for. My parents are dead. My wife left me. I lost my job. I was walking down the streets of Paris, looking for a sign… a sign from God, to show me that I need to live. I went to the cafe and I found you. You were sublime. I understood that you are my sign. You are a sign from God. I love you, Julia. Now I am gone to buy a few more paints, I’ll be back before lunchtime. ”

Julia started to cry even more. He never went to buy those paints. Instead, he went to see her one last time at the airport. Julia continued her’s life normally. But with less love, less happiness, less passion, because only with him, she could feel alive… she could feel like in a neverending Chopin waltz…

Note: after reading this, please go and listen to Chopin’s Waltz in A Minor op.posth.

Thank you!

July 17, 2021 14:36

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