Latinx Teens & Young Adult Inspirational

Dear Ann,

 Congratulations! We are pleased to notify you that you have been accepted into the American University, for Health Science (B.S.) program. We are delighted to accept a student of your ability into our university. Well done on this achievement! With a scholarship of $20 000 per year.

Receiving an email like this could light up your entire day. Because among many students; you are the indicated, you could not be more grateful to God, and reminds you of all the people who have stayed throughout the way. They have been helping you out to face the most challenging experiences. Meanwhile, blissfulness embraces your soul in a fragment of seconds because of the importance of being the first generation of your family attending university; until you remember your parents do not agree with your decision to study abroad. Moreover, for you means everything, because of several reasons; mainly to get out of your comfort zone and to fly away pursues your target. Unfortunately, you do not receive their support both economically and emotionally. Even though you know you will achieve great things from the bottom of your heart that you've been always wishing for. Real-life is not how you mean it to be, and this is something we often misunderstand and tend to choose the wrong path.

 This happened to Ann, a clever and Latin American young who was not a child anymore. She aspires to study medicine; as many people know, the journey is difficult and expensive. But every step forward could place her near to her biggest dreams; one of them is to study in an American university with a fully-funded scholarship, subsidizing all her studies. Nevertheless, the scholarship was not enough for paying the cost of living there; obviously, she might work, but if she decided to start her classes soon. She needed to get the money as soon as possible on her own because a few days ago her birthday number 18, she saw these results and in the beginning, she did not have any expectations about it; that is why she was too surprised, leaving her stuck. 

The faster you break down your shell you can experience truly what is life. Thus, she decided instead of telling them to her parents, she thought over it, calm down, principally about her study destination, because she just applied because wanted to try; is her powerful tool to deal with the hard process and expose her to new learnings. In the road to applying for many other scholarships and come biggest dreams true. So be witnesses of her decisions. 

During a long reflection, Ann wrote down in her diary: Adulthood sounds like such an awful word for someone in between enjoying carefree youth or mature youth. Above all, it always involves making decisions about an uncertain future, which can determine the course of a path called The Journey of Life. I consider myself a clever person who used to overthink too much; and simply trying to grasp whether to assume or secure, attempt or yield, risk or overprotect. It could influence the pursuit of the most meaningful things in life. Can overcoming challenges sooner or later change your mindset? That is likely true and will have an impact soon. Surfing the oceans of my thoughts, I came across a cliché quote about it: “the future is now”. I could resolve the current affliction within me because I do not know what to choose. I got it, I must opt for my sanity, my mental health. However, this could not go away from my burden yet.

When you do not expect the unexpected; and simply at this instant occur and is not on your deadline, you cheerfully or sadly have to choose either this or that, obviously with its both advantages and disadvantages, It is now or never. It does not exist in middle terms. Oh gosh suddenly, You have turned into the dumbest, or at least I'm feeling like one. Because If You don't know whether to listen to your heart or your brain, that feeling of anxiety is taking over. My mother told me: You are the only one responsible for your story being successful.

After a long reflection, she decided to face the music, as once time her parents told her. Whenever and wherever you are, you should fight for your values and the core of being you. This is what she wants. The things happened to something. She was rejected previously when she applied for a national scholarship, and although it was a disappointment, she strengthens her aspirations beyond whichever. Carrying out many social projects, meeting new people from over the world, spreading kindness and love to others who were surrounding her. She decided not to accept the scholarship because she did not feel ready yet. Even so, she needed to feel comfortable, and take advantage of other programs and applying for the next year. It seemed to be another option, but indeed, one gap year more for her may increase the possibilities to be accepted in other universities. She already knows she deserves a scholarship, but the fact she needs to enhance her skills even more. Life will never be easy to cope with. However, if you want to change any circumstance; the will force can help you to overcome whatever.

Anyway, she talked with her parents, and they understood what her daughter wanted to do. Even if they did not like the idea, the decision of her daughter was unchanging; a determined young like her, show us the power of our decisions. After all, adulthood is not as awful as seems to be. Whenever you gain insights through experiences, you will realize the importance to think over and reflecting on yourself. Therefore, what if you do not know what to choose, do not burn yourself out. The essence of life necessarily does not mean accepting the first coming opportunity. It is the feeling of plenty of mindfulness and confidence in what you want, to face a big dilemma.

May 28, 2021 23:40

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