
      In a quiet North Dakota town, there was this woman that owned a bakery. She had inherited it from her grandmother after she had died. She used to work there with her grandmother when she was a little girl and loved every minute of it. She would help bake all the cookies, cakes and so much more. After she grew up, she had gone to college to major in business so that one day she could take over her grandmothers’ bakery. There were so many things that she had learned over the years and even her most sacred of recipes. She knew every single one of them by heart and she never told anybody the secret ingredients. The town that she lived in hold a big Christmas party every year where everyone gets together and celebrates and give out presents and baked goods. There was even a parade every year as far back as she could remember. 

           It was I would say just before the holidays that that there was another bakery that was to open just on the other side of town. This town I might add is not that big. Anyway, there was a new baker in town. He was a handsome young man that had just moved there and wanted to plant roots. He was from New York City and an incredibly famous baker at that. When he got to this town, he did some looking around and saw that there was another bakery open in the area. He stopped and looked at the window to see that they had been in business for an exceptionally long time. He opened the door and went inside. She introduced herself “hi my name is Kelly and welcome to my bakery.” He introduced himself as “hi my name is Connor. You have a beautiful place here and it smells so good in here” she said thank you and asked him for his order. She did not know that it was him that is opening the bakery on the other side of town. At least not yet anyway. She took his order and he thanked her and left. 

           Over the next few days he was at his bakery and opened it and then some of Kelly’s regular customers came by and said that the new baker in town was very popular. He would have lines outside of his place all day long. With the fact that he was famous, everyone in town wanted to see and meet this new person. She had no idea at the time that he was a famous baker looking for a new place to put his roots. Since there was really no competition for him, he didn’t have anything to worry about. He had a lot of people working for him and helping out. As time went on, he would visit Kelly’s bakery more and more. He even asked her out on a date once. She accepted and went home after work and got ready. He had told her that he was going to pick her up at home and take her to a place outside of town. 

           It was a nice Italian place that she has never been to before. He asked her and she said “I have never been here and it is so beautiful in here. I love Italian food” he was happy that he was able to pick the right place. He did tell her that he needed to tell her something that he felt was important. He said “I want to tell you something and I don’t want you to get upset with me. I own the bakery on the other side of town. The first time that you saw me I was just checking out what everybody was telling me about this baker that had been there for years. I don’t want to take all of your business from you. Also my mother was your moms best friend. She even knew your wonderful grandmother.” She replied with “wow I didn’t know that you knew my family. I am not mad I already knew that it was you before you even came into my place. Some of my friends spilled the beans on you before you came in.” he was happy that she was not mad at him. And was thinking the whole time they were together and told her that he would be at her shop in the morning for a surprise.

           After the evening he took her home and walked her to the door like a gentleman. Kissed her on the cheek and she went inside and he went home. The next day he went to work and checked on things there and then went to her bakery to talk to her before she opened. “Good morning” he said then she replied with hello. “So what is it that you wanted to talk about?” she had asked. “I was thinking since I specialize in breads and Italian pastry maybe we can come up with a partner type deal. You make all the cakes and muffins and everything else while I make the bread and I can put a sign in front of my place and you can put one in front of yours. Mine will say Conners bread and Kelly’s cakes and more on the other side of town.” That sounds like a good idea and they decide to give it a try and see what happens.

           As time goes on it starts to work, people go to her for cupcakes and cakes and cookies and she sends them to Conners for the bread. Since it worked out so well and everything was going good, they went out more and more and then they fell in love the more time they spent together. He had the town help with the proposal, and it was just a matter of time before she went to his place to get some bread. She loved him so much and didn’t want to let him go. So the whole town got together to help him out and everything turned out right. As soon as she got there she turned around when he didnt answer the door and she saw the town peopl holding up signs and walked to them and did what they said. When she got to the end there was a surprise waiting for her and it was him on one knee and he asked her to marry him and she said yes.

December 10, 2020 13:54

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