Christian Drama Fiction

By: Sean Green

           When I was a kid, I knew that my family had a business, but I never knew what it was until I got older. I was never allowed to go in because mom and dad said I was not 18. I never knew what sex was until I was 13 years old and I learned a lot about it from the boys. I never wanted to know any of that stuff but then again, I knew that it was a natural thing that couples did.

           I remember being at school when I was 12 years old, all the kids looked at me and one told me that my family was full of sluts. I said,

           “I don’t know what a slut is.”

           The kid told me that a slut was a woman that slept with multiple men and I asked,

“What makes you say that?”

           The kid said, “My family told me a lot about your family one time when all the parents were at a school family day.”

           I did not understand why he would think my family was that because I believed that my family was a wonderful upper-class family that had a great lifestyle. Later that day when I got home, I asked my mom,

           “Does our family have sluts in it?”

           My mom was shocked and she said, “Makayla why would you ask something like that about our family?”

           I responded, “A boy told me that at school and I just did not understand.”

           My mom said, “I assure you honey that there is nobody like that in our family.”

           I agreed with my family and came to my terms that there was no sluts in our family. A year later I was at school I was still told that my family was nasty. I chose to ignore it but it was still bothering me. It went on like this until one day our teacher caught a boy who was watching a very inappropriate video on his phone. Our teacher took his phone away and I got a glimpse of it and the woman looked like my cousin. But it couldn’t have been even though most of the time I see my cousin and she say’s she goes to her job every day but only for 10 hours.

           I did think about that video and the girl that looked like my cousin. My cousin could not do anything like that. I was not able to imagine my cousin doing something like that. She already graduated high school and she said she got a great job a few weeks after high school on her 18th birthday. My cousin also was known as being fun and took me places. It still stuck to me that I saw a naked woman that looked just like my cousin.

           That same day I went home and my cousin Allison was there and she was with my parents. I was very happy to see her and she told me that she had not seen my parents and I so she came to visit. Allison told me that while her family was preparing dinner she was going to take me out. I was happy because we were going to have so much fun.

           Allison left the house and drove to the city. We got to the city and we decided to go to the mall. We went to the mall and went in to every clothing stores, I really had a good time with my cousin. We got to try clothes on and buy the ones we thought we looked good in. We also got some ice cream and we sat down and relaxed. I talked to Allison and asked her how her job was going. She told me that it was doing good. Then I decided to ask her what she actually did, she told me,

           “Sometimes we can’t really reveal what we do and sometimes we have to tell people when they are at a certain age.”

I asked, “What do you mean?”

Allison told me, “Sometimes people are not old enough to know what we do. It is like how you have to wait till your 18 to know what our family business is.”

I started to agree and tell her I will ask when I am 18. Allison got a text and she told me that we needed to go. We left the mall and went to my house. While on the ride to my house I just could not help but look at my cousin and think about the woman in the video. My cousin ask if there was anything bothering me and I told her no its just that I saw someone who looked like you. She asked where I saw the girl and I lied and said just somewhere in public. We arrived at my house and I saw a few cars, we pulled in the driveway and some people coming out of my house along with my parents.

My cousin and I got out of the car and the people with my parents walked passed us and drove off. My parents were surprised to see us and Allison told them that she needed to go. I asked my parents I thought Allison was having dinner with us. I guess something came up at her job. I was upset to see Allison leaving when we had such a great time. I also notice that mom and dad did not make dinner, I ask them about it and they said that they just had company. I ask them who those people were and they just said customers for their business. For some reason I now have realized that for my whole life my family has been keeping secrets from me. They have kept more secrets from me than just the family business. I went to bed feeling that way. 

           I went to school the next day and a kid in my class told me he saw me out yesterday. He said that I was lucky to have Sabrina Sunshine for a cousin. I was puzzled and asked who was Sabrina Sunshine? The kid pulled up a picture on his phone and I could not believe it. Sabrina Sunshine was my cousin Allison. I also realized that was same girl in that video on my classmate’s phone. I went to my classroom feeling sick to my stomach and my teacher told us that we got a new student in our class her name was Caroline. Caroline sat next to me and I decided to say hi to her.

           Caroline said hello back and we talked a little before class started. She said,

           “Hello I am Caroline and I just moved here. My dad became the new pastor at one of the church’s in town.”

I told her “That is nice I have never been in a church before.”

She told me it is one of the most wonderful places on earth. I thought it can’t be as great as having rich parents. She said to me,

“What does your family do for a living.”

I told her, “I don’t know, I just know that they work in a business and they keep it secret from me.”

She thought that it was weird not knowing what my family does for a living. I told her that my family can sometimes keep secrets from me. I also told her that they have done that to me since I was little. After class we talked a little bit more and she told me that I looked bothered about something. I told her that I found out that something personal happened in my family. I also told her that I did not want to talk about it. All of the sudden some girls approached Caroline and I and one said,

“You shouldn’t be talking to this girl because everyone knows she is a part of the slut family.”

I did feel upset because I was afraid that Caroline would treat me the same way like everyone else. I walked away from everyone trying to avoid people from telling me something my family and I was not. When I got far away from everybody Caroline followed me and ask if I was okay. I told her that the students and their families have done this to me for years. Caroline said,

“You should just ignore them, and also even though you are nothing to these people you will always be important to God and his son Jesus Christ.”

I asked who they were, and Caroline told me that they are the reason why we are living today. She told me about how God is the creator of all things and he loves everyone. She told me that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for all humankinds sins so that we could all go to heaven when we die. I thought to myself who would let their son die for people only come back to life in three days. I thought that it sounded impossible because the only time I heard about a person coming back to life was in zombie movies.

Caroline invited me to her house and I agreed on it and I would tell my parents. I text my mom to tell her I made a new friend and I was going to her house. Mom said that it was okay and she was happy that I got a friend to be with.

I finally connected with Caroline and we both talked about what we like to do. I was just so happy and I could not wait to hang out with Caroline who was my first best friend. Caroline and I walked to her house. We walked for a few minute until we approached one part of town. Caroline stopped and told me,

“I am not allowed to be around that part of the town”

I asked her why and she said, “My parents told me that there are some very sinful things in that part of town, things that the devil controls.”

I told her let’s just go just this once and we will not come around that part of town anymore. We continued to walk to Caroline’s house, and she told me to just let Jesus guide us as we go through this part of town. This part of town was a little bad to me because there were a lot of things related to what my cousin was doing and I was still disgusted at what she did. I did know that I would not look at her the same way again.

We came across this store where they sold inappropriate toys and magazines. Caroline and I tried our best not to look. Something told me to look even though it was wrong but I did any way. I could not believe my eyes I saw my family in the store. I mean I saw everyone my grandparents, my aunt, my uncle, and parents. I saw my mom look up and she saw me with Caroline, I tried to run away but my mom came out and told me to come here. I walked up to my mom and I told her that I did not mean to be here and that I was only going to Caroline’s house. I introduced my mom to Caroline; Caroline and my mom shook each other’s hands and mom told Caroline that I was lucky to have a friend like her. Mom told us to go along to Caroline’s house and that her, dad, and I would have a talk later.

Caroline and I continued our walk to our house and Caroline told me that my family really needed God in their lives. I told Caroline that they probably would not listen because they are very skeptical of people. Caroline said that it wouldn’t hurt to try.

We arrived at Caroline’s house and I thought it was as beautiful as my house. As we went in, her mom saw us and asked Caroline who I was. I introduced myself to Caroline’s mom and her mom said that it was nice to meet me. Caroline wanted to show me her backyard and play. As we went to the backyard Caroline and I played, and I decided to just to get that disturbing scene about my family out of my head.

Caroline notice I was feeling a little down. She said, “Makayla, I know that you are a little sad to see that your family is running a sinful business but I assure you that God has a plan for your family to abolish the store and so your whole family will turn to him.”

I looked at Caroline and said, “How can he do that and how do you know that this God you believe in can help my family?”

Caroline responded, “God loves everyone that is why he sent his son while Jesus was on earth he helped people that were like your family.”

Caroline also told me about how Jesus helped a prostitute named Mary Magdalin from people who tried to stone her. I thought to myself, if Jesus could love someone like that then he could love Allison too. Caroline’s dad came home and came to the backyard to greet us. Caroline’s dad was nice and he was happy to see that Caroline got a new friend the first day of school. Caroline asked her dad if she could talk to him in private.

We went in the house and Caroline and her dad went into her dad’s office. I stayed with Caroline’s mom in the kitchen. Her mom was a good cook she told me that she worked in the church’s kitchen when it came to big dinners or celebrations at the church. I thought that was really nice to hear. Caroline and her dad came out of the office and her dad asked me if he could speak to me. They both brought me into the office and Caroline’s dad talked to me.

Caroline’s dad said, “So Caroline told me that you just found out that your family owns a sex shop and your cousin is a porn star.”

I responded, “That is right, and now I know everyone at school says I am a part of the slut family.”

Caroline’s dad told me, “So you do find this embarrassing.”

I said, “Yes”

He told me, “I understand if you are embarrassed and I will tell you that what they are doing is wrong in the eyes of God and I will tell you that sex is for married couples only.”

I said, “Tell that to my cousin.”

He said, “She should understand that what she is doing is wrong too.”

I told him that I will tell my cousin about Jesus and hopefully she will leave the industry. Caroline and her dad told me to let them know how it goes and they would pray for my family. Caroline and I played until it was time for me to go home.

I went home and I approached my parents, they took me to the table. Dad said,

“Makayla, even though you are too young to understand we want you to know that the building you saw us and the rest of the family in is our family business.”

Mom told me, “We know that you were wondering since you were little but we want you to know that this business has been in the family for many years and soon we want you and Allison to take over once you are old enough.”

I could not believe what I was hearing they want me to take over at the place that I am now embarrassed about. The thing that has gotten me bullied my whole childhood. I told them no and that Jesus does not want us to do this and that we need to turn our lives around. My parents disapproved but I told them the store is what ruined my childhood. All of the sudden we got a phone call from my aunt and uncle and they told us that Allison had died from a heroin overdose.

I was just so upset to hear about Allison and just could not believe that she died very young. Mom and Dad told me that I was the stores only hope. I told them no and that I will follow what God wants me to do. They both were mad at me and I accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior right in front of them. Ever since my family did not like me and I did not care because God and his son Jesus loved me. I also started attending church with Caroline and her family. I just loved going every Sunday and Wednesday and I would usually spend a lot of time with Caroline’s family. Once I turned 18 I moved out of the house and lived in an apartment with Caroline.

I never talked to my family again since I moved out. I did start a family of my own and I never told them about my family. However last time I heard about them they died. Dad died from diabetes, mom died in a car wreck and the rest of my family was unknown. However, since my family died the sex shop had went out of business. I knew that the one thing that had been damaging my life was gone and I would finally start a new life with my new family along with Caroline’s family. But most of all God and his son Jesus Christ. I thank him every day for what he did. He introduced me to Caroline, made me realize what my family was doing and got me out of there and started my new family. When I see him in person I will thank him again face to face.

Thank You Jesus

November 27, 2020 18:55

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