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Drama Fiction Inspirational

"Bailey, your story won't come true!"

Bailey sighed as her best friend went on and on about why Baileys books weren't logical.

"Okay I get it Rose!" Bailey shouted and stood up.

She walked over to her window next to her bed and opened the blinds.

A beautiful sunrise was forming over the mountains.

"But what if the sun actually turns black and a bunch of creatures come to life?" Bailey whispered, tensing as she waited for the sun to suddenly turn into a dark shade of blackness.

Rose leaped up from the green bean bag she was sitting on a placed her hand on Baileys shoulder.

"Books don't come true." Rose whispered and grabbed her dark red backpack from the floor and started walking to the door.

Bailey glanced at her and turned away from the window and sat on her floor staring at her book called The Book Of Monsters.

Bailey glanced up from her book and noticed that Rose was still in the room staring at the window with an odd expression on her now pale face.

"R-rose?" Bailey stammered. Rose never stood still for this long.

A huge thundering roar made Bailey jump up from the floor and whip around to stare outside her window.

Massive creatures that only appear in your imagination and your books stomped around the city that Bailey once knew and loved.

It was now being crushed by giant moths and Octopie with one gianormas eye and a massive mouth ready to chomp down buildings.

Rose grabbed Bailey by the arm and pulled her out of the room that Bailey might never see again and they rushed outside and stared at their city. Their home being crushed.

Rose looked up and Bialey noticed with horror that one of the giant moth creatures were flying towards the two friends.

"Run!"Rose screamed running the opposite way of the horrorfying moth with giant teeth and wings.

Bailey stumbled after Rose only to be stopped by the moth swooping down like a eagle reaching for Bailey.

"Bailey! zig zag!" Baileys mind jolted back to the fact that she could still live threw this and before the moth could bite down on her, Bailey jumped to the side and landed with a thud in a deep hole. She heard the hard thud of the moth stumbling onto the hard earth. "Bailey! Are you okay?" Baileys legs shook painfully as she stood up and stared up at Rose who climbed down the hole and was rushing towards her. Bailey hugged Rose and the two friends melted to the ground still hugging.

Roars in the distance kept Bailey alert.

Then suddenly when Baileys eyes started to close for a nap, the ground that covered the hole collapsed and the massive Octopie reached down with its tentacal and swept up Rose who was half awake and half asleep. "Rose!" Bailey screeched staring in horror as her best friend was being lifted towards the massive teeth of the creature.

"Wait! I know the books! I know the creatures weaknesses!" Bailey jumped up and looked around for any yellow flower.

But there were no yellow flowers anywhere.

Rose was being lifted closer to the creatures mouth.

Bailey remembered that yellow flowers mainly grew near the forest.

"The forest. Of course!" Bailey ran to the forest not far from her house and with a flash of hope, she noticed a pretty golden flower.

Snatching the only thing that can save her city, she ran faster then ever before and threw the flower at the creature.

The creature roared in protest and faded to nothing.

The other creatures roared and flashed into nothing and the city was restored.

Rose thudded onto the ground and stood up brushing off the dirt from her red shirt.

Bailey rushed over to her friend and hugged her.

"I guess stories to come true!" Rose whispered and hugged her back.

They stood there for a moment then started walking back to their home. Content in the day and their hearts beating fast.

Stories do come true.

So then why did this one come true and not Baileys other action filled books?

Rose screamed and ran faster then she could before.

Bailey was following close behind her.

The robots were close behind them too, their red eyes beamed and they started to charge faster towards them.

"Why can't these things happen in other cities and not ours!" Rose shouted above the noise of their city being wrecked again.

Bailey would have nodded in agreement but right now, well?

It wasn't a good time!

Bailey guessed that these robots came from her book called Robots Arn't Slaves.

This was one of Baileys favorite books.

Not anymore.

In the book, the robots were nice!

They weren't killing people and wrecking cities!

A thud made Bailey turn.

The robots were falling in a ditch.

"Yes! They are falling into the ravine!"

Bailey covered her mouth and laughed.

The other robots on the other hand were cutting down trees and making a bridge.

Robots are definitly not slaves!

"We have to keep running!" Rose gasped, trying to keep her heart from breaking from all the running.

"This is madness! I wish I never read these stupid books! I wish they wern't even written!" Bailey yelled at the robots, which were still hard at work.

They didn't even look at her.

"I said I wish you weren't real!" Bailey yelled louder and louder.

One of the robots looked at her and flung a plank down across the ravine and charged towards her on the wobbly plank.

"Bailey! You got him mad!" Rose whispered and started to walk backwards.

"Its not my fault that they are dumb!"

"Bailey! Get over here!" Rose pleaded while staring at the charging robot.

Bailey sighed cracked her fingers glared at Rose.


Rose stared at Bailey and backed farther away. "What?"

Bailey turned her head back to the robot and charged at it.

The robot, taken by surprise, was knocked backwards into the deep ravine.

February 02, 2021 05:50

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1 comment

Jane Michaels
05:52 Feb 02, 2021

I Wrote this for my best friend. Thank you best friend for always being there for me even in the bad times.


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