
No matter how hard my past kept on hitting me, side by side like a storm. My mind could'nt rest for a moment, that bright flash that kept on appearing in front of my eyes.

My tour to the city of Alice in wonderland was the dream of my life, to make my mind busy and have that fresh air that I always needed for a long time. The air was so Freshing, walking through a fresh snow that was soft like a fur carpet and cold like the fridge.

i felt that sense of happiness and relaxation, lying flat on the snow as I spread my hands like that bird that wants to fly. I wished I could fly away from my past and never look back. In my imagination, I was that bird that my mind flew away.

Making a shape of a butterfly on the fresh snow, laughing my head off. A shadow all covered me, I didn't understand whose shadow it was, for it had arms as it waved side by side -

"hello! Am shadow-

To me it looked strange seeing a shadow speaking, but, all in all I didn't let fear pull me down, and drag me into the mud. "Where did you come from?

Directly the shadow pointed at me, I looked behind to see if someone was behind me. But my eyes met with air. The expression on shadow's image talked it all, it was not ready to express itself, as I stood on my feet and walked away-

A call was heard from behind, a lady called me as I stopped to hear her-"hi, my name is Jenna. I greeted her back, looking at me directly, "are you okay?

i wore a mask on my face that no one knew my moods, "am okay, i continued walking away.

looking behind, there was no footsteps and where I stepped I had a bad reputation that my name was'nt written in the book of guiness records. There was nothing that I could be remembered for, I thought running from my past was a solution, but I was wrong but it was a worsener.

Dont run away from your past but always face it or else it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

January 08, 2020 09:19

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