
"I'm done!" I breathed out exasperatedly. This resolution thing is stupid. It's stupid. No one ever sticks to them anyways. I sucked my teeth. In a few hours there is going to be a big party. "Huhhh!" my hands went my eyes. Phooo~ooooo. My hands were cold to the touch like always. Winter... it does that. The sound of the neighborhood kids altering each other that a car was coming woke me up. They always scream and shout. With snow on the floor they're probably having a snowball fight. My eyes drifted to the window. Out in the front yard my parents and annoying older brothers were unpacking the minivan. "I bet my mom's resolution is to try and get her triplets to visit home more often." Something that can be fixed with just a simple conversation. I groaned boredly. Also for my dad to take her out more. Um... my dad? Less hours at work and for his daughter to get out more. Socializing is boring. My hand passed over the smooth carvings that outlined my desk slowly. The boys... well. They're idiots. I shrugged at that. Big bullies with a bad habit of making it look like they are saints. Which just pisses me off. Big time. They think they have it all. Probably want to ruin my life as much as they can and don't forget the alcohol. I grumped my way over to my bed. No new year's resolution for me. "Simone!" Ugh. No. I curled up in my bed when I heard my mom calling me. I am not going to the party. Might as well just stay up stairs. "Yo, shrimp!" My eyes screamed murder as I stared at my red painted wall. "Your boyfriend is downstairs." an imp grunted. Sure, and he's not getting a sexually transmitted disease this year. I smacked my pillow as I made myself comfy. "I'll send him up." Blah blah blah. I shut my eyes tightly as I silently mocked him. Stupid imp. Talking about "boyfriend". I have one friend and shes away for the holidays. Other than that no one… "Simone? If she's asleep…" "Nope. She's up. Just going through her end of the year's crisis. Never really understood why, but she's all yours. What a lucky guy." The sarcasm made me sit up. "I will slit your pathetic little…" Jordan? What the fluff. My eyes went to the fluffy unicorn pillow I was holding. Shit. The look on my face spelt out "caught". "Save it for Pepe Lopez." Taren… I think, snorted before turning. No, don't go. Big bro, save me! I got up quickly. "Cute pjs." Jordan smiled and my cheeks lit up. What's happening? "May I come in?" he lifted one of his thick eyebrows. Uh huh. "N.no?" my hands went behind my back shyly. Why are you here? Please leave. "No? As in a question?" Jordan chuckled smoothly. He looked around and then stopped at my wall of books. "As in why are you here?" I snapped at him this time. Jordan is no longer welcome anywhere around me. "I know you're mad at me, but let me explain." the way his downward turned eyes pleaded made me weak in the knees. "Nope. You… go away." I shook my head. Still hiding my hands as I tried to act calm. My tummy feels jittery and I can't breathe right now. "I've never been chased away before." he looked down and then I at the ceiling before sighing out. "Well, now you know that it's possible. Get lost." I huffed, my feet taking me to my desk. Now he thinks I wanna be friends. I don't. "Please, just listen." a plea left mister macho. Why should I? I thought as I packed up my books. All I did was ask him if he and Sarah were dating. That's all. He then proceeded to flip out and then just stop talking to me. All because a simple question. A soft sigh left my lips as I looked at him. Without a shadow of a doubt my eyes were glossed over. "I got mad cause you asked about Sarah. The girl you had to ask about was yourself. Then you started cursing me for not answering you. When in fact I said no Simone. I do not like her." Jordan marched over to me. He was serious and ready to plead his case. Well, I don't care. You ignored me. Who does that? "Si." I shook my head. "Si… come on. Look at me." he called as his hands went to my cheeks. Uh uh. I don't want to. My eyes shut. I'm scared. What if he notices? "Remember when we first met?" Nope. Doesn't ring a bell. "You were wearing a really cute polka dot dress." he chuckled as he remembered full story. It got ruined thanks to him. Last year at a party I was forced to go to I met this really cool guy. We talked, we laughed and even exchanged numbers. Then Jordan came along with ice cream and ruined the moment. "Jor...hah.." I couldn't finish. My laughter got the better of me. He blamed me for ruining his ice cream and demanded that I get him another. That's when I took the cone and scooped up the fallen strawberry scoop and rubbed it in his unsuspecting face. Ever since then, he's been like a fly, but I… I really really like him. My smile drifted a bit. "You still haven't gotten the stain out. Who knew strawberry stained that badly?" Jordan was still laughing. The goof ball. I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek. He immediately stopped laughing and looked down. His eyes melted into pools as he stared. What is this feeling? It's weird, but I like it. I've been feeling fuzzy when he's around lately. "Si, I like you." he smiled. Oof..the glow. I hid my face. Why is he such an amazing smiler? Jordan never disappoints. "I...l.like…" I whispered the "you" into his chest. The jitters ate away at my chest. This is hard. "I know. Simone. It's always been you. Even after you ruined me ice cream." he muttered upsetly. Let it go. "It was an ice cream. What's more important. Your girlfriend, or a cone that you lost?" I pulled away. Anger on my circular face. Unbelievably stupid this one. "Girlfriend? Hmmm. My new year looks bright. I'm already getting the girl of my dreams." a smirk lit up his voice. Girlfriend? I covered my mouth when I realized what I had said. "Jor, I didn't mean it!" I blurted out, embarrassed. Why did I say that? He… he didn't even say that we were dating. "Girl, you're mine." I was pulled flushed against him. My eyes looked up. Warm. With a blush I looked back at my desk. I guess I really don't need to make any silly resolution. Like I said. Conversation. I pushed my glasses up with a victorious smile. It feels good to be right. "I know that smile. Who's going to need the pain killer and a shot of whiskey?" Jordan asked. My bubble popped. "No one. Just shut up." my crabby remark didn't surprise him, nor sway him away. Actually he came down and stared into my eyes. Our breaths mingled before we kissed. This.. this right here is what I've been waiting for all year. I held him close as he smiled. "The shrimp's done it! New year's resolution one and…" "Get out!" I screeched after pulling away from Jordan. He laughed into his hand. I didn't.. lairs! "Someone's got a boyfriend!" "Oohh! I'm telling dad." Wait.. no! I tried to stop them, but Taryn closed my door quickly. "Dad! She's got a boyfriend!" I heard them scream in unison. Oh brothers! "Don't be mad. They're guys and that's what we do. Especially when a cute girl is involved. Also, on a quick note. Is your dad cool with you dating?" Jordan asked. I nodded. I think. I don't know. "Outside time." he clapped as he took me outside. My dad was already in the hall. "You break my daughter's heart and I'll let the triplets…" "I can deal with my own heart breaks, daddy." I mumbled. The triplets started to poke fun at my shyness. "Leave my baby alone. You boys better go downstairs and unpack the car. Come on." mom to the rescue! They got out of there quickly. My mom held up her thumbs then hurried away. "Talk about girl power. To be honest, I'm terrified of you and your mom." I was squished in a hug. Butterflies! I hugged back. "I like you a lot, Jordan." I whispered. I do. "I know. I can't wait to start the new year as your goof ball boyfriend." he looked down and I nodded. Yep. Sounds like a plan. My eyes glistened The best plan ever.

January 20, 2020 19:31

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