Funny Drama

    Sky was notorious for the tea. It wasn’t bad enough that half of her clientele came to only get the tea. Her salon was the place to go and sit and pour it up. And most of the time, it was hot! It wasn’t a week that went by that Sky didn’t have the tea to serve. It was weekly but the day was always uncertain. It could me on a Tuesday or a Thursday and maybe even a Friday. She didn’t work on Sundays and Mondays, so whatever day it was you never knew. But you knew it was going to be good. I never figured out why sky liked to gossip about folks so much. It was beyond a habit or an addiction, it was like it was in her blood. I don’t think she could help it.

    Well one day Sky got a hold of some tea so good, so she thought that she opened her shop up on a Monday, a day it was usually closed. She had called her minions in to partake of the tea.  

She knew who to call and who would be glad to come to the shop and listen. “Hey girl meet me at the shop at 1pm,” she told Loretta. Loretta replied, “what for?” “I got something to tell you and I can’t hold it no longer”, Sky replied.

This was repeated to about six others Sky had called to meet her that day. This was the tea of all tea. All the calls were done with by 10am that morning. Sky was going over her tea in her head how she would serve it up. She began to think about how and who she got it from. She begins to consider her source. For a second Sky started to wonder why she was thinking this way. Sky for years was the tea server. If you wanted to know what was going on with anyone, she knew about it. Many wondered if she had some type of crystal ball or something.

    Shev quickly jumped in the shower after laying out her clothes and tightly wrapping her hair. She felt good about her 1pm gossip group, a little excited. She didn’t have far to drive to get to her shop. It was only about 2 miles from her home. Some of the other ladies had further to drive, that why she made it at 1pm. She knew Loretta and Kim worked over night and they lived a little further away so 1pm she thought was a good time.

         Sky made it tot the shop a little before 12:30pm. She noted how blue the sky was and the wind blue ever so slightly. She was so ready to drop this tea that she was about to burst. She opens the door to Sky’s Salon. She was proud of her business and really liked her clientele. She had been on that block for at least ten years, 23rd and Grand Ave is where her salon is located. She had been out of school for two years and was ready to break off on her own. The prior owner of the salon she purchased had decided to sale and move on. What Mrs. Lucas didn’t know is that Sky was sharing the tea about her to others. Mrs. Rita Lucas had shared with Sky she was wanted to sale the salon because she had caught her husband cheating. Her husband was a millionaire of sorts and he had purchased that salon for her. When she caught him cheating with his secretary, Rita stuck it to him.  She got half the value of the house, half of his 401K, her Mercedes of which he pays for. She gets monthly alimony for the next five years as long as she doesn’t marry, in the amount of five thousand dollars.  Their three kids are grown and gone. The kicker though was that though she hadn’t remarried she was fooling around, Mr. Lucas didn’t know that. She was cheating and had been since a year within their divorce. What Sky found so weird is why Mrs. Lucas felt the need to share all this information with her. They hardly knew each other. They had met a few times throughout the negotiations of the sale of the salon but nothing that warrant Rita telling her all that.

   And in Sky fashion as soon as the first person curiously asked about how she was able to purchase the salon, Sky begin serving the tea in true fashion, “child hear this, and a girl let me tell you,”

    It wasn’t long before all the ladies arrived. Sky told them all to take a seat and they did. Shay began, “Sky this better be some good stuff. I had to drive through that lunch time traffic!”

“It is”, Sky replied. Sky begins by telling them there is no tea. She described having an epiphany this morning as she sat and drunk her regular lemon tea this morning just before she called them. It was if the light was turned on her. The song she used to like so much by Marvin Gaye, “I Heard It Through the Grapevine”, when she was ready to drop the tea. She stopped for a minute and thought, what if her vine was the one the grape was being pulled off. She also told the ladies, “I find it to be none of my business anymore what’s going on in others’ lives. I got enough business of my own.”

    “Girl is that what you called us here for?” Jessie asked.  “To tell us you about to shut up!” Jessie continued. “No, to tell you I’m about to grow up and it’s about time. I had to come to a real realization that when you bring a bone you take one.” Sky replied.

    The very last bit of tea that Sky was given was on her. Jessie had shared with a mutual friend that years ago Sky had to give her daughter up for adoption. Her parents told her adoption or abortion. She chose adoption. The hardest thing she ever had to do and the only thing only a few knew about.  She had given Jessie a bone and Jessie had taken someplace else to bury it.

    So, ladies Jessie continued I am done bringing bones and taking them. Please do not bring me no bad news and no more gossip. Jessie apologized to Sky and asked for forgiveness. Sky told her no needs to apologize, and all was forgiven. Lesson learned she stated and what goes around comes around.

January 12, 2022 22:50

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22:54 Jan 19, 2022

Great character!


Brenda Butler
17:42 Jan 22, 2022

Thank you!


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Stevie B
15:37 Jan 16, 2022

Brenda, a very nicely told tale.


Brenda Butler
07:59 Jan 18, 2022

Thank You


Stevie B
13:14 Jan 18, 2022

You're welcome.


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