The perfect woman

Submitted into Contest #270 in response to: Write a story in the form of a recipe.... view prompt


Contemporary Funny Fiction

Perfect is not easy. Everyone wants perfection, but very few are ready to achieve it. Based on the number of requests received, sent to the universe, and accepted by this greater power, let us show you—in a few steps—how it is done.

Note to those who dare to attempt this recipe: do not rush. This is a complicated technique; any attempt to shorten the process might lead to undesired results.

Don't do this just because others did. There is no point. This decision is too important to be based on fashion, trends, or anyone else's expectations. You have to commit fully, or this project will not work.

For optimum results, you need:

  • A control subject: one baby girl. If a baby is unavailable, follow the steps below with a toddler or an older girl. Still, we recommend starting as soon as possible since age might cause trouble in some of the steps and change the characteristics of the final results.
  • A home and a support team. Initially, we considered two parents to manage the process and one of two siblings to perform the challenges and checkpoints. Still, we've seen versions of this project in different shapes, colors, and styles. When the home does not match the ideal conditions, the results might deviate from the expected standards: there are cases where we observed an increase in maturity in the final model, a better sense of community, immense love for whoever acted as project leader, and many other positive characteristics. After many iterations, we have no firm position on what makes a home, but if you've found yourself in one, you have our green light to continue.
  • A plan. You need to connect the steps below with your personalized plan. If you haven't managed to have one yet, please consider urgent help. You can contact older family members, family friends, or self-help materials. Without a plan or a goal, we may not be able to guarantee success. In fact, without a goal, we might not even know what success is.
  • A high dose of patience, reinforced with a pinch of (good) humor. This process will take a toll on you. Do not demoralize. Do not show weakness. When the subject under construction realizes you are missing resilience, you will be in trouble.

Once you gather all the required elements, please follow the instructions.

  1. Manage the schedules and provide plenty of time for sleep, play, and learning. Excessing any of these elements might lead to cranky, overstimulated, and/ or overwhelmed individuals. A lack will result in an irritable, sad, and bored child.
  2. Pay attention to hygiene and personal care. Local expectations also have a role here, and you should decide if that's something you should conform to. One thing is to have a bath; the other is to be obsessed with perfumes and daily routines. Your child will think something is essential if you make it that way. Think about it.
  3. Keep your subject safe. Provide self-esteem and strength. You may think you'll be there to care for the subject, but you will not. We encourage you to help the subject master self-assurance and kick anyone's ass, might the occasion require it. There is no place anymore for beliefs such as "they should be delicate." The current trend is more like "they should be allowed to be what they want to be." Teach them and train them to be the best they can do; they will choose later-- by themselves-- how to apply or not all the things they learned.  
  4. Listen to your control subject. At first, you might not understand the words; later, you might not make them stop, and there will be a moment when you will miss them. The talks will not come for free. Through the years, they will require more time and patience. Sometimes, you'll hear things you like, and many other times, you'll be upset. Remember: all of it is worthy. It might not seem like it, but it will make sense one day.
  5. Teach them to fly. You cannot expect to raise incredible individuals and chain them to their bedposts. They will not live with you forever. They have to leave to be able to come back whenever they want. You'll spend many years telling them how good they have to be and how they have to show it to the world. You cannot expect them to succeed if they do not go to new places or meet new people. It would not be fair for any of you.
  6. Enjoy every moment of the process. You might say we should have put this as the first step, but you would not have believed us. Everyone takes it for granted—that they will enjoy the process—but we know you'll need a reminder occasionally, especially when things get tough. If you have not realized by now, here goes an undeniable fact: things will get hairy from time to time, and you will stick to your subject. That's what you signed for.  

Final observations and a few last tricks:

  • You cannot re-do the process with the same control subject and will provide your love regardless.
  • They might not reach the goal you set for them, and they may redefine goals of their own and a few extra rules on their way to greatness. Do not panic. You did a good job. That means you raised an independent individual. You should be proud.
  • Each control subject is different. Do not try to compare them; if you do, prepare yourself for a complete heartbreak. You might follow the exact same plan with two distinct individuals, and they will be just that: different.  
  • Your subjects are not you. You should not project on them all the dreams and projects you could not accomplish. Even if they do what you couldn't, you will still be you, and they will be they. If that's your plan, prepare yourself for a path of pain.

We hope this plan of action and recommendations help you, but remember that no one promised complete happiness and success. Enjoy the ride—we all did it before you.


All the mothers who tried to raise the perfect woman, as well known as "the greater power" by all our children.

October 04, 2024 13:23

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Conrado Maher
18:12 Jan 04, 2025

Makes me wonder what must go through the minds of my daughters who have daughters


11:09 Jan 06, 2025

that's a nice conversation to have, indeed :) I have one daughter myself and sometimes it's a struggle to have to explain these kind of things...


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Alexis Araneta
02:52 Oct 05, 2024

Laura, this made me smile ! Such a universal truth you spoke of creatively. Lovely work !


10:11 Oct 10, 2024

Thanks a lot Alexis :)


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