
Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt

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He brought me to the shoreline this evening. As we sat on the rocks, the cool breeze blew a mist through my hair. He pushed a section of my sandy blonde hair from my face, tracing my jawline with his fingertip. I looked up at him with such adoration in that moment. He was tall, sweet and very handsome. His eyes were like honey. His hair short but swift, dark and turning gray. His features were masculine and bold. Age showed on his face but he wore it so well. 

As we sat on those rocks, a sailboat went by. From our spot I could see a family on that boat. A mother, father and one small child. Spencer and I have always talked about having children. First comes love, then comes marriage- or does it? I have been waiting for a while for Spencer to ask for my hand. We are very much in love, soulmates if you believe in such a thing. Spencer and I met in college and have been inseparable ever since. I was an English major. Spencer majored in Business. It was love from the very start and we have not looked back. That was 8 years ago now. Our anniversary is this month.

As the sailboat goes by he chuckles. "Don't they look adorable out there? I can see matching sailor outfits in our future." I laugh. "Only if I get to play captain!" Spencer laughs and takes my hand in his. One of the best parts of our relationship is how we understand each other. He looks at me and suggests that we take a walk on the pier. Naturally, I agree. I love walking along the water. You can smell the salt in the air, feel every droplet of cool breeze passing by. I am drawn to the ocean. Spencer knows I love it here. We start walking together hand in hand down the pier that leads to a charming lighthouse at the very end. Spencer enjoys climbing the stairwell to the very top and looking out along the ocean. 

As we strolled, words fell silent. I could tell that Spence had something on his mind but his work presents very stressful at times and he welcomes the quiet. We come to the pier when we need to get away from the chaos of our lives. Silence finally breaks when he asks me "Hey Georgia, what do you think of the fall?" I purse my lips up and look at him funny. "Well..It's August for one. But you know I love when the leaves change. Why do you ask?" "No reason." He says. "I just was thinking that we should plan a trip up north this fall. We haven't been to the cabin in a while and I'm missing my hiking boots." I chuckle at his honesty. "Sounds good honey. Just promise hiking won't be the only thing we do."

Spence knows I really hate hiking. I will partake to make him happy but I prefer curling up next to the fireplace with a great book to pass the time. I do love the cabin. The scenery is gorgeous and the smell of fall air has a way with the senses. We continue walking on the pier. Almost to the lighthouse now. We stop and rest our arms up on the wire fencing that lines each side. There is a small family of ducks that have just wandered down off of the rocks and into the water. It appears that momma is teaching her babies to swim. Spence chuckles as one of the ducklings ruffles his feathers and dives on in. I catch a quick glimpse of Spence, his eyes shining in the sunlight. He looks nervous but very calm all at once. I wonder what he is thinking about so I ask. 

"What are you thinking about?" "Oh. Uh." Spence turns his face away for a minute. "Let's keep walking. I want to get to the top of the lighthouse before sunset. "Weird..." I think to myself. He never acts so strangely. I am prone to overthinking situations and my mind cannot help but race. What if he brought me here to tell me something. Oh god. What if he's sick? What if he's breaking up with me? Maybe a new job and we will have to relocate? My mind was spinning by the time we reached the lighthouse. Spence took my hand and led me inside. 

The lighthouse is very small. A few of flights of stairs and you are at the top. There is a small seating bench with a blue cushion for one (or 2 very small) people to sit and enjoy the view over the ocean. It is especially nice at sunset. It happens to almost be sunset now. As we climb the stairs to the top, Spence does not say a word and I feel very, very anxious. When we get to the top, he sits on the rustic old bench and motions with a pat of his hand for me to join him on his lap. "Georgia. You are so beautiful in this light." I blush and kiss him on the cheek. I wonder what news he is trying to break.

Spence and I sit there for a while and watch the sunset. The sky is a beautiful hue of pink and yellow. Spence asks me "Do you remember the first day we met? You were sitting in the courtyard in the grass, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You had your hair in one long braid and you were wearing denim overalls over a white t-shirt. I remember thinking to myself that you were simply the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid eyes on. I hadn't yet gotten your name but I knew that you were the one for me. Something about you just stood out. The simplicity of you sitting there in the grass. Captivated by the paper you were studying and captivating me without even knowing it." I looked at him and I finally asked, "Spence what is going on?"

Spence looked at me and he kissed me on the lips. He reached for his pocket and he pulled out what looked like a small box. The sun was setting and the lighthouse was getting darker. Spence looked at me once more. "Georgia Leigh, I love you with all of my heart and soul. It would be an honor to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives if you will have me. Will you marry me?" My eyes swelled with tears and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I failed to make words but I managed to squeeze out "Yes!!" Before bursting into years. I started to laugh. "So this is what you were up to. Sly dog" Spencer chucked. "I was thinking a fall wedding would suit us well. Maybe at the cabin. I promise not to wear my hiking boots."

July 14, 2020 03:15

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Alwyn McNamara
03:43 Jul 23, 2020

You paint a beautiful picture of a serene afternoon by the water. What a lovely proposal story.


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