Waiting Line

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Historical Fiction Happy Romance

Waiting Line

Reverend Collins was surprised when Councilman Fillmore approached him and asked for an unusual favor. Seems there was an impromptu wedding reception happening at the hotel this evening and would he consider pronouncing a few words over the happy couple? The young people had eloped at the courthouse this afternoon because their church, the only other one in town besides the one Rev. Collins shepherded, did not currently have a minister and there was some urgency involved. Their friends and family scrambled to hold a reception for them as soon as they realized their intentions. The proper young lady had really wanted a clergy man to do the ceremony so her folks would be more accepting of the union.

Of course, the kindly preacher would be happy to help out as long as the couple knew the seriousness of their endeavor. Fillmore assured he knew the family and was confident they were sincere.

When Rev. Collins arrived he was sure the whole town was in attendance by the number of buggies, wagons and horse-drawn carts of all description jostling for position on the narrow street. Horses snorted and pawed restlessly in the slushy street mix or added their droppings to the muck.

The reverend knew this prairie town had been growing by leaps and bounds but was still surprised he knew so few of the attendees other than some of the town merchants. Maybe this would be an opportunity to bring more flock into his fold.

Mr. Fillmore introduced him to a demur, youthful woman in a widow's garb. He had heard about this newcomer, Kendra Potter, but was still astonished at her poise and confidence for one so obviously under-aged. She, in turn, introduced him to the newly-wed couple.

“This is 'Tommy'. He is like a brother to me because we were raised together. And his new bride, Twyla. It is so good of you to consent to do this for them. She really wanted a church wedding but out here it was looking like that couldn't happen fast enough for them. They have already been waiting for a long time. Tommy recently was released from the Union Army then they traveled here to settle with the family. Anyway, they got a Justice of the Peace to say the words so now they are civilly legal but want God's blessing. Thank you for helping out.”

To the reverend, Twyla looked like she could be the sister to the blond-haired, hazel-eyed beauty talking. And for eloping at the courthouse Twyla was wearing a very elaborate gown worthy of the most expensive wedding budget.

If he had known all the preparations that went into this spur-of-the-moment event he would have found out the owner of the local Opera House, Evie Brown, a friend of Kendra's, had furnished her with a costume fit for a bride.

The guests made a make-shift aisle down the center of the crowded dining room and someone played 'Joyful,Joyful! We Adore Thee ' on the seldom used piano in the corner. A Mr. Pike, again an acquaintance of Kendra's, walked the bride down the aisle and Reverend Collins talked about the patience and kindness of love in a marriage union, pronounced them man and wife in God's eyes and invited the groom to kiss the bride.

The couple had a dance together as guests bestowed small gifts to them, then cut the cake the hotel staff had hastily made for them, and made their exit to honeymoon in their newly rented apartment Kendra and her lady friends had decorated earlier in the day.

Thinking he had performed his favor, the good Reverend started to make his departure when Kendra approached him to offer him a gratuity for his service. He hesitated. Then she pressed him with another idea.

“My faithful friend and protector, Theo, has recently been reunited with his long-lost love. In the days of slavery, slaves could not marry like the rest of us. He and his beloved, Honey, had 'jumped the broom' and made vows to each other thirty years ago. Unfortunately, they were separated. Tommy was able to find his grandmother, Honey, her four sons, and Honey's mother, Candy, and bring them here to live with us and help work on the stagecoach station we are building a few miles outside of town.

“Would you be willing to do another ceremony on their behalf? I would be happy to grant you another gratuity or make a donation to your church.”

“I'll gladly offer my services again.” And so, he did.

Everyone was overjoyed that Theo and Honey could officially be united. They felt more blessed in their lives than ever before.

Well, the night couldn't get much more exciting...until it did. Mr. Pike bent down on his knee before Miss Brown, “You make the stars shine. You complete me. Could I have this dance for the rest of my life? Would you honor me by becoming my wife?” She said 'yes' and he put a ring on her finger.

Mr. Jordash, the jeweler, must have been having a banner day. He jokingly called out he was running a special tonight only. Three more men formed a line in front of him as he pulled out a velvet folding clutch wallet with an assortment of rings. He assured resizing could be done if needed.

Marcus, one of Tommy's uncles; J.R., a member of the Osage tribe helping to build the stagecoach station; and Mr. Crose, the banker; all selected a ring and approached the ladies of their choice, knelt in front of them, professed their love and devotion and made their proposals.

As Kendra suspected, Marcus proposed to Miss Chambers, a hotel chambermaid. But J.R.? He went to his knee before 'Lena! 'Lena! When did that happen? 'Lena was Tommy's mother and Kendra's surrogate mother. And she hadn't a clue about Mr. Crose. It could have been anyone. She was amazed it was Candy. Candy was equally amazed! She wanted to hear what he was saying to her but suddenly someone was kneeling before her, too.

“Kendra, won't you please honor me and become my wife? I will cherish you forever.” Mr. Chase, executive for the railway company and always at Kendra's side, was still chasing.

“Oh, Mr. Chase. I hate to break your heart but you know I can't do that. I am waiting for another.”

“So you have said. Love is in the air tonight and I wanted to be on record that should that never happen for you, I want to be first in line.” They chuckled together. “And please call me 'Charles' now we are on bended-knee status.”

The minister called any of the couples that wanted to immediately make it official to come forward and he would give them a group discount. Everyone laughed knowing ministers performed such duties on gratuities. Looked like Kendra would owe him a lot of gratuities because besides Pike and Evie, Marcus and Connie Chambers went forward, J.R. and 'Lena did likewise and the biggest surprise was Candy and Mr. Crose. Pike and Mr. Crose could probably afford their own gratuities but Kendra would cover the others including Honey and Theo, and Tommy and Twyla. She was really worried about Candy praying Mr. Crose wasn't trying to use her for free housekeeping and cooking.

Everything was repeated again for the entranced couples. During the dancing a Mr. Botler came up to Kendra and introduced himself as the editor of the city newspaper. He asked her if she could help him do a write-up on this big news event since she seemed to know all the newlyweds. Having six weddings at once was unusual. She was happy to since his newest reporter, Tommy, was one of the grooms.

She asked Mr. Bolter if he knew Mr. Crose personally other than professionally. She confessed she was surprised and somewhat worried about the suddenness of Candy being swept away. He assured her Crose was a man of superb character who lost his wife some years ago and had been extremely lonely. Mr. Crose even said to him Candy was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He was sure Crose would cherish her and treat her well. The banker owned a fine big house equipped with housekeeper and cook already. Candy would be treated like royalty. That eased Kendra's mind considerably.

The party was finally winding down. Kendra needed to settle some expenses with the jeweler, the champagne merchant and the hotel. She thanked the minister and offered him those gratuities mentioned.

“Quite the inspiring event. Your friends and family are impressive. Please believe me when I say how delighted this evening made me feel. It is not often so many couples line up waiting to say 'I do'.

August 23, 2024 21:03

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Luca King Greek
13:31 Aug 24, 2024

A lot going on there, all uplifting. I nice read to start my day!


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Daniel Rogers
02:21 Aug 24, 2024

What's going on? Is it a run on the bank? No. It's a run on the preacher. 🤣 Glad to see you're still submitting.


Mary Bendickson
13:36 Aug 24, 2024

Tweaked one in! Thanks for liking.


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