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Fiction Romance Mystery

“We can’t turn down a dare though,” Erica said, trying to convince Josh.

“But it’s a graveyard,” Josh added.

“Oh, come on we have to do it…we both know we’ve done worse.”

“Fine, but if something crazy happens just know I tried to say no,” Josh added, finally convinced that spending a whole night in a graveyard with just him and her would be a great idea.

It was senior year, which meant that this was going to be the friend group’s last truth or dare Halloween edition before they go off to college. Mark and Daneil came up with the bright idea that making Erica and Josh go to a graveyard would finally give them the chance to confess their feelings. The whole group always knew that Erica and Josh were in love with each other except the two people who actually needed to know. 

The town’s graveyard was the scariest place in Bluesville especially during night time; the others had figured Erica and Josh would confide in one another creating an opportunity to come clean. Since truth or dare Halloween edition was played annually, the others had been scheming on how to get them together. That dare did do good, but it also created terrible secrets that no one could ever know. 

Back at the graveyard where Erica and Josh were things were getting uneasy between the two of them.

“So… we obviously are a pawn in one of our friend’s schemes,” Josh started, trying to make things less awkward between the two.

“What do you think the purpose of their plot is?” Erica asked.

“I think I might have an idea.”

“Okay. Care to elaborate?”

“It’s kind of a stretch though and don’t judge my theory.”

“I won’t.”

“I think that they found out that I’m in love with you and you feel the same way.”

“What? No, that’s absurd,” Erica tried denying it but Josh knew that it was true and all he did was smile, “What?”

“Nothing,” he replied as he crashed his lips into hers. It was the best moment of his life.

During their passion filled make out session, they heard a noise out in the distance. At first, it alarmed both of them but they didn’t think too much about it, considering where they were. Then, they heard the noise again but this time it wasn’t so distant from where they sat. Anxiety struck the both of them  the third time they heard the noise causing them to stand up. 

“Aha! I knew you guys would finally gain some sense,” Mark said sscaring the both of them.

“What the hell man? You can’t just go lingering in a dark cemetery and sneak up on somebody like that,” Josh angrily replied.

“Yes he can,” Daneil remarked once again, startling both Erica and Josh.

“Now, you owe me 50 bucks Daneil,” Mark continued.

“Ugh, here,” Daniel replied, handing him $50.

Then, all four of them heard a sound out in the distance. It didn’t worry any of them at first until they heard the noise gradually getting closer. Suddenly, Mark was taken by something faster than them all.  All they could think was to run as fast and as far away as possible. They found a shallow cave to hide in so they could gain their breath back. 

Suddenly, a branch fell in front of them along with a body, Mark's body. He was dead and fear struck the three friends that were left.

“Oh my god,” cried Daneil.

“Hush before it hears us,” whispered Erica.

It was too late though, whatever killed Mark had found them and it wasn’t coming to say hello. The three of them knew that there would soon be two but who was going to be taken next. For some reason Daneil stood up and started running away as fast as she could and it followed her. Erica and Josh didn’t know why she did it though because self preservation tends to kick in when a killer is in the woods. The two assumed Daneil either felt dead inside after seeing the guy she loved dead or a striking sense of nobility had taken over. Erica and Josh took it as an opportunity to save themselves and set a trap. They didn’t know how much time they had so they had to think fast. Erica was the bait and Josh had to set the trap perfectly for their plan to work.

A few hours had passed by with not a sound. Josh knew that vampires were just a folktale, but nothing could be too mindblowing after seeing one of his best friends murdered and another missing. Thinking about vampires reminded him what the story is though, he had to leave a blood trail for the plan to work. He then cut his hand with the knife in his pocket and did exactly so leaving a bloodtrail straight to Erica. They waited for an hour until finally they heard it approach them. It followed the trail straight to the both of them falling straight into their trap.

It screeched and got its foot stuck in the trap.

“WHAT ARE YOU?” yelled Josh as she continued to skreech.

“Your worst nightmare,” it replied and vanished into the night.

Erica and Josh went home that night after seeing Mark dead and not having a clue where Daneil was. The next day, they went back to the cemetery. Mark wasn’t there and neither was Daneil. How could Mark not be there when they left him at the same spot his dead body was first seen? Neither Erica nor Josh called the cops about it, yet his body was gone. Erica and Josh searched for Mark everywhere but it was like he had just vanished, much like it did after being trapped. Next, they searched everywhere for Daneil and she had vanished too. 

The cover story for their disappearance was that they were bored with their lives in Bluesville and needed a change. Josh and Erica were the only ones who knew about that night. One thing they didn’t know was whether or not Mark and Daniel were dead or alive. They had assumed both of them were dead and it did something with the bodies, but in the back of their minds they were pondering what it was that took their two best friends and why it didn’t take them too.

October 30, 2020 05:18

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1 comment

Ari Berri
21:00 Nov 03, 2020

This story is great! Good job!


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