The coldblooded chase

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story told entirely through one chase scene.... view prompt



This guy was fast wish I was faster why did I Sign up for this I didn't know I would be chasing criminals through the city on foot I've been chasing him for almost five minutes. But this guy wasn't just any criminal he was a cold-blooded killer. He moves like a snake through the crowd of people like he's done this a million times before "probably have" does he not care? his shirt is covered in blood her blood the scene is still replaying in my head that happy grin on his face as he took her life right in front of all the cops like we were just and audience at a football game, the little shit knew what he was doing that's why he's on the run now that's why I'm going to catch him. That poor girl was no older than nineteen the way she looked at me while he held here in his greedy grip, her eyes and hair brown as milk chocolate became stained with crimson red blood as he slit her throat. It rained blood just like a sprinkler rains water on the plants. *Bump* "Hey watch where you're going!" "Ah, s-sorry" Damn why is the sidewalk so busy today. Did he do this on purpose this guy must have known there was going to be an event happening today of all day knowing it would be hard to chase him through such a crowd He's smarter than I thought! I don't know how long I can keep chasing him or how far he'll run, he did get a big head start than me. After the rookie cop pulled out his gun ready to shoot the guy darted he must have played some kind of sport for him to move that fast before I started chasing him I told the other cops to follow behind me while I ran on foot Dumb ass move on my part but there's no helping it now it. the others shouldn't be too far behind I just wonder why in the world would this guy pull something like this? was this his plan from the beginning? *ring ring* "Damnit Jerry I don't have time for one of your rookie questions" "But s-sir it's about or killer the one your chasing " "Well jerry what is it don't keep me waiting" "yes sir his name is Benjamin Smith he's an extra staff member at the bingo hall but turns out he's only called in when one of the main staff members is sick." "Yeah, so what does that mean ?" " Sir why would he go to work if he wasn't called he could have just stayed home but if you ask me if he had to leave so bad why didn't he just go out with friends instead of going to work." *click* Benjamin smith caucasian male age 23 around 6 feet has been a suspect 10 times at previous crime scenes All murder crimes of female women why the hell didn't I notice him until now " it was so obvious-" my leg just gave out damn that really hurt but I have to keep moving he'll get away if I stop now I just gotta push through I almost caught up to him. As I rush down the subway I can see benjamin but he's slowed his running, I take my chance while he's out of breath "Benjamin Smith stop right there and put your hands behind your head!" there's not really anyone here just an old lady sitting on the ground with a sign for the first time during this whole chase he responds; "I didn't mean to do it I'm sorry" what is he talking about? saying he didn't mean to do it does he thinks he's getting out of this so easy "You're chasing me because of the stolen gun right?" what did he say stolen gun I didn't even know about that wait he doesn't know why I'm chasing him? he doesn't remember killing someone so easily with a grin on his face in front of the cops, no screw that he remembers he's just playing dumb to confuse me well sorry it's not going to work. "HEY BENJAMIN IF YOU DONT STOP RUNNING I"LL SHOOT!" when I yelled that he didn't slow down he seemed to speed up faster than before ten times faster then when we where above-ground did he gain some superpower or something. I pulled out my gun and aimed since no one was really down here he was stuck running in a straight line *Crack* the bullet made a cracking sound as if it were breaking through the glass of a car the echo must've been the cause of that. Shit, I missed him but how? I had a clear shot " please don't shoot me I haven't hurt anybody" what it felt like he just shot me with that lie he just told, " Your right you didn't hurt anybody you killed someone." when I said that it was like the person I was chasing just a second ago turned into a whole new person "Hey Mr.cop wanna know why I killed her, it was pretty simple why I did it she looked so helpless that look she gave you as her life was drawing to an end she actually had hope that you would save her." wait is he actually telling me why he killed her but a few minutes ago he didn't even know what I was talking about he didn't even know what he had he done but now he dose? "the reason I killed her was that because wanted to." "But that didn't give you the right to kill her" the next thing I knew I had tears all in my eyes I was crying."SHE HAD A FAMILY" why was I so upset it was just another case, nothing I haven't dealt with before. I have to calm down or I could slip up and I would have been a waste of my damn time, I pulled out my gun and aimed for his left leg *crack* you could hear benjamin as he yelled in pain but he just kept running " Do you ever stop running?" I asked as I noticed he had changed direction he was moving to the left that's when everything seemed to fit into place he did this on purpose he lead me down here knowing I would lose him in the crowd above, he knew it wouldn't be very busy during this time of day knowing I would have a clear shot, he talked down on me knowing I would get upset thinking I would take the headshot and kill him over anger, but instead I shot for the leg hoping to stop him from running when his plan failed he went to his last option; when he started swaying to the left I heard the afternoon train as soon as I looked back at the speeding train I heard a splatter like the sound of paint being thrown on the wall and just like that my chase came to a coldblooded end. Benjamin Smith killer of 11 female victims, was killed this afternoon after being chased by a local cop named David steel he was to apprehend the criminal but he didn't get the chance before Benjamin took his own life new information has just been reported turns out Benjimain smith suffered from a split personality which resulted in 11 dead women their killers all Benjamin.

July 16, 2020 02:56

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