American Inspirational

 Am I really about to give this speech in front of all these people? To the whole United States of America? To the world? And be broadcasted on the world wide web? Having my words and face out on every form of social media? In every home around the globe?

I am just a small town girl. Who followed her heart and did what I was raised to do. I am no more special than anyone else. Are my words actually this important? Yes because everyone's words are important. No matter who you are and where you are from.

 I just did what i felt was right. I was raised to treat others with respect and to do what is morally and ethically right. Some may call it old fashioned but I call it being a decent, kind human being.  I reacted the way I thought everyone would.

 And now I'm delivering a speech before potentially millions of people. For what? Doing what should be second nature to everyone? A common courtesy. A simple question really. Concern for another person who looked in need of a happy face.

 But, alas, I have learned over the years this isn't always the case. Somewhere along the way many of us have lost sight of right and wrong or forget our manners and our upbringing. Sadly, some people were never taught at all and don't know how to show compassion. Sometimes, we need a friendly reminder of what is truly important. To bring us back to our roots.

 At one time, and I like to believe it still is, it was considered to be the golden rule. It's simple, treat others as you would have them treat you. I have spent my life trying my best to treat everyone, friend or foe, with the same kindness and respect I hope to receive from others.

 I was asked to speak here today because I have been called a hero. If my actions made me a hero then I have my family and my community to thank for making me who I am and teaching me to show compassion towards my fellow man. They are the true heroes. Without them I would not have been taught to be considerate.

 My actions, I am told, were an amazing life saving event. Although, I am extremely happy about the results of this day. The title of hero should be given to so many people beginning with my parents. You see, my actions were only part of a chain reaction that ultimately hundreds of lives and possibly thousands were saved.

 What I did is a true testimony to how one small act of kindness can multiply into many acts of kindness. A form of pay it forward if you will. You never know how your actions, big or small, will affect someone else's day, week of even their life.

 A simple hello to someone who is feeling sad, hopeless and or alone could be exactly what they need to get them moving in a more positive way. Remembering to hold the door for someone and wishing them a good day could be exactly what they needed and perhaps what you needed to brighten your day.

 Obviously, saving someone from a burning building is a heroic way to save someones life. Saying, "Hello how are you?", could unwittingly save someone's life as well. They may have been thinking they are invisible and no one notices them and thinking of taking their own life. Those four words may have been enough to change their mind.

 It may sound extreme. Is it really so hard to offer a smile and kind word just out of kindness? Whether it changes anything or not it could make you feel better about yourself. Start saying kind words to everyone you see and know someone really needed to hear your words.

 I did exactly that on the day we will all never forget. I started to say hello have a great day to this woman when I noticed she looked upset and instead asked if she was alright.

 How was i to know she was a hostage of what turned out to be one domino piece of a terrorist act more sinister then 9/11 "A day we will never forget." And one that should never be repeated.

When she handed me a piece of paper in the bathroom I was stunned at what I was reading but knew I had to act fast. I immediately seeked out a police officer. I had no idea what would happen but I couldn't sit back and do nothing.

 My simple act of human decency, set in motion the series of events to stop this tragedy from ever happening and fortunately exposed a terrorist cell which lead to the apprehension of the entire group.

 I am just a part of the puzzle that lead to this miraculous day. I was merely following the golden rule and doing what I would hope everyone if us would do in this situation.

 I said these words to my husband when I set down to write my speech because I wasn't sure what to say and was still in disbelief i was asked to do so. When he said, "Thats it. You just wrote your speech. Use the words you just said to me." They are perfect and he was right.

 As you continue to learn more of the details of this day, think about your own daily interactions with others. Think about how my one small act saved so many lives. It may have saved your loved ones or even your own life. Are you following the golden rule?

 The next time you see a stranger, or even an aquantence, smile, be polite and say hello. Hold the door for them. Wish the. A good day. It could change their life and yours. You may just start another chain of reactions that will stop another potential tragedy. In closing, whether we save one life or thousands every life is worth it. Are you treating others how you want to be treated?

February 13, 2021 03:57

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