
Slicing the turkey, I glared down at the juice gushing outward and steam cascading upwards from its body. The subtle moisture arising and dancing with itself; even the vapor within this stupid cooked turkey wasn't lonely. However, I stood inside my three room apartment on this so-called "Thankful Day" without anyone to eat with. Was it my fault? Am I too bitter?

After sitting down at my own dining table, I stared at the view I received from my apartment; a solid brick wall. It was at that moment that I lost my appetite to sadness.

Busting forth from my home as a baby busts forth from the womb, I simply went on a walk in the city; and by 'city', I simply mean ghettos. The night was dark but my boots became darker as wet snow melted into the cloth. I continued to trudge down the sidewalk. Am I the only one with a heart? Am I the only college student that doesn't desire to drink or party? They have directed themselves that way, but only God has put me here.

I approached a street lamp, hearing a subtle meow from beside me. A turn, and then a gasp later, I caught the sight of an ever so tiny black kitten. He laid in the snow, shivering and fighting for warmth. My hands cradled him in mercy and I held him to my chest. "Oh no, are you okay?"

My heart melted as his eyes closed. I spend as fast as I could back to my apartment. The snow fell, sweat jumped, and my heart rate heightened as I begged the heavens above to save this kitten.

I came back to my home as a helpless adult comes back to his mother. I wrapped the baby cat in blankets and set him by the heater. After taking my puffy jacket off, I turned on the stove and left it open to get some warmth running through the open floor plan. Without a warning, I heard the baby meow once more and my heart had been jumped to high with joy. As the snow unleashed its claws on anything outside, I sat next to the kitten in the warmth of a cozy living room. Maybe I didn't need those other people, anyways. They put themselves there, but only God has put me here.

November 24, 2019 15:46

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