Drama Friendship Adventure

“Me, I’m busting out of this joining tonight. This world and my life stay the same all the time, and I never seem to get anywhere for very long,” declared Jaden.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m always the bad guy, and everyone loves to hate me,” Wade stated.  

“Maybe we could boost a car together at Ol’ Man Haggart’s junkyard! Something that he would never miss that we could work on, on the down low,” Jaden thought. But he knew that would never happen.

Their situation was dire. They were caught in an unforgiving loop. Wade, Jaden knew was incapable of change. Jaden, on the other hand, lived for change, regardless of that, their story was always the same.

“You know what would be better, Wade? If we didn’t fight over a girl and remained great friends. The story could be about how we snuck into Haggart’s junkyard, picked out a car with a smashed windshield, found a new one, and attempted to replace it ourselves without anyone knowing, and then ran off to California.“ Jaden's eyes were wide and his face was as serious as a heart attack.

“Yeah, we could use the barn to store the car while we fixed it up. My mother goes out a lot, so that won't be a problem.” Wade offered. His smile was as big as the watermelon rind after a watermelon eating contest.

“I will look for some places that replace windshields and see how much they charge to do such a job, and we’ll go from there. What do ya think? Can we handle it? I mean, the girl part?” Jaden paused and looked directly at Wade with a hopeful gaze.

“Deal. We leave the girls alone and plan our escape together,” agreed Wade.

The boys shook on it and parted for the evening.


Later that day, Jaden discovered that there was a charge to drive so far from the city to Wade’s place, then a charge for labour, and then a cost for the windshield. His heart sank as he heard the quote of $100 - $200 

Jaden told him the make and model of the car. The man assured Jaden that “it wouldn’t be in the higher price range.”


Jaden and Wade walked back to Wade’s house after school. They worked on cleaning the inside and outside of the car and then they were going to tackle the engine.

“Wade, it’s going to cost somewhere between $100-$200 to fix, so I was hoping we could split the money since we are going away together.” Jaden stated.

Wade had a funny look on his face.

“I don’t have any money, and I cannot pay a dime. You can have the car, and I’ll help you fix it up; I don’t mind since this plan was your idea in the first place.” Wade nodded.

Jaden had a disturbed look on his face.

“What do you mean, you don’t have any money? I thought we were in this together? What happened to our plans to bust out of here?” He said annoyed.

“Those were your plans, Jaden, not mine. I have a single mother here that I have to consider. My leaving would kill her. Especially if I couldn’t tell her where I was going. It was a fun moment to think about, but it’s not for me, it turns out."

Wade had tears in his eyes and looked mournfully with jealousy at his free-spirited friend, who was so sure of himself and ready to leave.

Jaden was taking all of this information into process what he had just heard when the windshield man pulled into the driveway. As he got out and saw the two boys and surmised they were splitting the car, he took pity on them and charged them $100.00 even. Within minutes, the car had a new, beautiful windshield. 

“That’s a nice car for such young boys to be driving; it must have set you back a pretty penny.” The repairman declared.

“Nah, we salvaged this baby and cleaned her up so she would shine and look brand new on the inside and out. Thanks for noticing,” Jaden said with a please look on his face.

"Well, here’s your cash, and thanks again for coming all the way out here from the city. We appreciate you making the trip," Jaden looked the man in the eyes as he shook his hand.  

“Why, no worries, I have a few other jobs in the area, so you boys just got lucky today.” He smiled, tipped his hat, and was gone.

Jaden smiled from ear to ear at the look of the new car. Wade was speechless. The windshield replacement made all the difference. His eyes lit up, and he thought, maybe I should give Jaden half the money and go with him. Mom goes out a lot so why do I need to stay for her? But, despite being torn, he knew he just had to remain for his mother’s sake.

“Okay, help me put the gas in this baby and top up the rest of the fluids it might need. Let’s see if, once those things are done, the car will run for us,” said Jaden. Oblivious to Wade’s daydream.

“Nah. You go ahead. I’ll just be here if you need any help getting it out of the barn so I can close it up before my mom gets home.”

“Gee, thanks!” Jaden said sarcastically.

The car started on the second try, and Jaden squealed with delight.

“Come on, Wade. Let’s go! just like we talked about. Here’s our chance to break free.”

Jaden’s smile was wide, and his eyes were bright. Hands on the steering wheel and fire in his eyes.

“Sorry, Jaden. I changed my mind. I’m not going anywhere. And neither should you. Don’t you want to say goodbye to your parents?” Wade asked.

“Nope. I’m heading to California with or without you, man. Last chance.”

He smiled and then put the car into gear and was gone.


Three years later, Wade gets a phone call from Jaden.

“Hello? Wade, is that you?” Jaden asked.

“Yeah, Jaden how are you?” 

"Man. It is wild out here. The chicks are so hot! The water is amazing, I work at a production company. I have been acting a bit. They changed my name, though; now I’m James. James Dean. What a gas! Don’t you think? You should come out for a visit. I’m missing you so terribly.”

“Maybe I will. How long does it take to drive out there from Indiana anyway?” Wade asked. 

“Look now, when I said come out, I meant by plane, my treat. What do you say?”

“That sounds nice, Jaden. Er, I mean James. What do I have to do?”

“Go to the airport in the city tomorrow and head to the American Airlines counter and tell them there is a ticket for First Class in your name waiting for you. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Wade hung up the phone and packed his bag. Finally, he was getting out too.

It was the trip of his life, and Wade couldn’t have been happier. He was heading to visit his best friend, whom he hadn’t seen in three years. James showed up to pick Wade up in his new car, a 1955 Porsche Speedster. Wade marvelled over the car, and the men embraced. They split from the airport for a scenic drive.

"Jaden! Wade! Hey you two. The car looks great. Boys! Wake up already you must have been working most of the night on this car it looks marvelous," Wade's mom noticed the lights on in the barn and came out to see what was going on in there.


But the boys were not in Hollywood, and they were not in a 1955 Porsche. Rather, like they both imagined they were, they were in the car they had been fixing up.

The boys were right where they were supposed to be in 1960, and Jaden had just gone home with the car they had rebuilt and restored.

During all that work restoring the car, the boys talked about a lot of things, mostly girls. Wade did most of the talking, while Jaden just agreed or nodded as he worked. Not really paying attention to what Wade was saying at all.

When the subject of “Does Chose,” came up, and neither had heard from a girl yet to invite them to his dance/social they joked they would have to go together and that one of them would have to dress up like a doe.

The following day at school, Wade arrived early with his temper as hot as an iron. He was looking for Jaden. His demeanour looked angry and agitated.

He had discovered in first period class that Jaden had been asked to Does Chose by Clarice, but he didn’t tell Wade. Jaden knew Wade liked that girl, but he liked Clarice too and wanted to go to Does Chose with her. 

Jaden didn’t see why it was Wade’s business or that he needed to know. Why would guys talk about a chick asking them to Does Chose? It seemed a bit awkward for Wade to know what girl asked Jaden to Does Chose.

“It's starting all over again, isn’t it, Jaden?” Wade asked.

“Yeah, it’s like we are destined to fight, get beaten down and then you will take your life. I just want to tell you I’m sorry man.”

Then they each proceeded with the parts they played in the story they were written into. Which can be read at the following link below.


July 23, 2023 19:05

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Martin Ross
16:01 Aug 09, 2023

Almost OG John Cougar meets Stephen King’s wonderful coming-of-age stories, with an adept metaphor for the repetitive futility of so many lives. This is a real winner.


Lily Finch
17:05 Aug 09, 2023

Martin. You are such a great reader. You make my day. Thanks. LF6


Martin Ross
17:14 Aug 09, 2023

Your support for me ALWAYS makes my day!


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Ellen Neuborne
19:34 Jul 30, 2023

I liked the feeling of frustration – characters caught in a loop. And I liked that fact that the characters are teenagers. Young people often feel like they are trapped in their destinies, unable to forge a new path.


Lily Finch
15:31 Aug 01, 2023

Hi Ellen, thank you for reading. I am so happy that you caught the two factors I wanted readers to connect with as they read this piece. Thanks for you comments. LF6


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Kevin Logue
16:51 Jul 29, 2023

You got me with the James Dean mention, I thought this was a lessen know facts kind of story ha, then it was purely a daydream. The two knowing they are destined to fight is kind of sad cause it seems they just want to be friends. An interesting take on the prompt Lily, good job.


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Delbert Griffith
10:42 Jul 29, 2023

I think the boys felt even more trapped, knowing that they were destined for a certain fate. Once a person feels powerless, they are even less likely to change. This is true of addicts and those with depression. Your tale speaks to the bleakness that's so hard to escape. Nicely done, Lily. Cheers!


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Lily Finch
19:44 Jul 23, 2023

F.Y.I. Does Chose is a female dear so it is a long vowel sound. The words rhyme.


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06:12 Sep 04, 2023



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Aoi Yamato
01:51 Aug 22, 2023

good story Lily.


Lily Finch
03:33 Aug 22, 2023

Aoi Yamato, thank you for saying so. I am so glad when others like my stories. I wonder how you knew to read my story? Was it on the feed? I see you are new to Reedsy. Welcome. Lots of nice people here. LF6


Aoi Yamato
04:28 Aug 22, 2023

i saw you comment


Lily Finch
13:57 Aug 22, 2023

Oh, okay LF6


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Unknown User
16:19 Jul 30, 2023

<removed by user>


Lily Finch
15:29 Aug 01, 2023

Thanks Joe, I appreciate you reading and commenting. I am glad to see you saw the loop, Lily


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