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Romance Funny Drama

We often find ourselves in inevitable circumstances. We call it by different names fate, destiny or just plain, simple bad luck. I am in an acquiesce myself now. I haven't quite introduced myself. I am devi. Devi means goddess but today the goddess is being shipped out the temple. I am 27 and for most people that's time when the countdown starts. It's not a story about bombs or terrorists. It's not nice to call my aunt a terrorist. Nevertheless, this is a story of my arranged marriage. In India marriage or rather , a timely marriage is associated with good social status. It might seem frivolous but it is the truth, a timely marriage is the indicator of a good academic background and career. These are important parameters along with respectable background and good family. Those who get married at the right time here are the best apples, finely chosen from the tree. It's not wrong as well, everyone wants the best for themselves. I am not one of the revolutionaries who is against the institution of arranged marriage. Not everyone in the world has the ability to woo the other sex with sweet words,and those who do are usually broke, addicts or indulged into something which the person discovers after marriage. I am not money minded or a gold digger but a well financial background is necessary to sustain a family. I just don't want to do it yet. I think I am still young but my family, neighborhood and the entire colony feels other wise. Even our milkman who has taken the liberty to come to our house twice a day, counts the number of days to my birthday and tells my mothers about all the daughter- in -laws of the town. So, today all my relatives, my nosy aunts and uncles have taken it upon themselves to get me married. They themselves have gambling sons and runaway daughters but that's another topic altogether. White powder all over my face and a red bindi with a saree that is longer than the Nile. I look like a cat in a sack. I am being feed yogurt and sugar, the lucky mixture. Everyone positive.

“If you don't like him, please tell us we won't force you. ” was all I heard before I landed in this restaurant.I am standing on a crossroad, more like a now or never thing. Crossroads after crossroads after crossroads has led me here. On this scintillating afternoon I am sitting in a restaurant waiting for my life to be turned upside down. I was so angry that I threw the photo my papa handed me. I regret it immensely. Even if I had seen it,nothing would have changed. I know nothing about him. I am not sure what the guy looks like but I am sure he will find me here. I am trying to remember but the face I remember is a combination of the actors face I saw in the movie yesterday. I am hungry, will he judge me if I eat . Should I split the bill? What shall I ask him? What if he has some past deranged lover who shows up in the restaurant like movies. Oh, a guy just entered. He is dressed well but I think the colour combination can be better. We have couples here too. That guy is so creepy. The girl is so pretty. Why is she with him? Good girls never find nice guys.

“Hello, Devi. I am Nirmal. Our parents had a word......We were to me..... For marri... ”

“Hello Nirmal”

Nirmal, seriously his name is Nirmal. Who names their child Nirmal must be a mumma's boy.I am meeting a stranger for potential marriage and his name is Nirmal.

“The weather is nice today isn't it? ”

“ Yes”

Why isn't she saying something? It's so awkward. I don't know anything about her. She looks prettier than the picture her family sent. Her hair is so shiny. Should I compliment her?

Is he staring me? Is he looking at my pimple?

“You look beautiful today. The earrings look good too”

“Thank you”

I knew it, those 150 bucks were worth it. Mumma told me these were too expensive but I knew they are nice. I should compliment him back or he'll think I am arrogant.

“You look good too. ” I smiled

I practiced this. Ok relax, let's start with a generic topic.

“Madam, sir would you like to place your order. ”

I am hungry. No devi focus. Just smile. Let him order.

What does she like? Is this some test?

“Will you like a sandwich or something Indian? How about dosas? ”

“Yes, that'll be nice. ”

“Spicy? ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

“One mysore masala dosa and a masala dosa with tea. Thank you. ”

“You don't like spicy food? ”

“I am a little picky. ”

Cute. He is courteous too. He was talking to the server politely and asked my opinion too.

Will she think I am too fussy?

“Madam ,sir your tea”

*drinks tea*

“Oh God, I just Slurped it. Will she think I am uncultured? ”

He is dressed well and looks good too.

“Sorry, didn't mean to do that. ”

Why is he apologizing?

“So, you're an engineer? IIT? ”

“Yes ” *nervous laugh*

“You're a teacher!? ”

“Yes, government job. ”

Oh god, he must be thinking that I am showing off.

She is smart. I never got a young teacher, all my teachers were old and saggy. At least someone is having a good time. I am sure the class would have a full attendance everyday.

What is he thinking?

*dosa served*

“So, what are your hobbies? ”

“I like watching movies and travelling. I even like watching television.”

“Oh nice, which shows do you watch? ”

I can't tell him I watch sappy shows.

“Game of thrones, I really like the show. ”

“ So, you have had any girlfriend before? ”

“No, not really, never actually had the time.”

How can I date any girl? Girls don't like engineers. They like cool dudes. I had jasmine oil in my hair until yesterday.

“ Do you wish to ask something?”

I have already asked so much. He should break the ice.

“Why do you wish to marry me? ”

I am asking her generic questions and she dropped a bomb on me. Women have it their genes.

“Well, I think you are intelligent and independent. So we can compliment each other well. My parents really liked your parents. ”

She smiled. Saved. I thought she will throw the plate at me.

He is trying to impress me or is genuinely saying so. This is so complicated.


“Your bill sir.”

Should I offer to split? Will he think badly of me or think I am bossy?

“Should we split the bill? ”

“No, it's ok. Your presence here is nice as it is. Please don't worry about it.”

My parents will throw me out of the house, if I split it. You did engineering for this day!! You are a disgrace. Didn't we tell you to become a doctor like verma ji's son. Also it was a good day so it's ok.

“I hope we meet again. Shall I drop you somewhere? ”

“ No, thank you. I have my car with me today.It was nice meeting you too. ”


“So how was it? ”

“He is a nice guy. ”

“She is a nice girl. ”

It wasn't embarrassing. I didn't feel weird and had a nice meal. I wonder, what he/she thinks?

Devi again. My life is a collection of crossroads. I had these during my education, choosing which ribbon to wear, moving to another town to study, career and now this. Sometimes these crossroads leads to gardens and sometimes to lions' den. Sometimes we just have to laid back and decide what is right. This is not the story about Nirmal or the restaurant or even the marriage.

I heard it in a movie that there are a lot of buses on the bus stop but only one bus takes you home. Let's see where the crossroads lead.

August 27, 2020 17:06

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1 comment

M.W. Nel
19:38 Sep 03, 2020

The first sentence immediately grabbed my attention. It was informative to learn a little bit about Indian culture. Throughout the story it was hard to keep up with who was talking, maybe you could have written the first paragraph from her perspective and then the second paragraph from his perspective. Question: When you wrote, "White powder all over my face and a red bindi with a saree " and then you went into the restaurant scene, was she covered in the white powder while going on her date as that was the idea I got and it seemed strang...


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