
Zhoey McKenzie is an ordinary high school teenager who is determined to finish her high school without complications. She plans to study hard and be admitted in one of the best colleges in Namibia. She does not have a boyfriend and plans to stay single until she is independent. She hates bad, popular boys who thinks they own everyone, especially Jaden Mcrae one of the bad boys at their school, but little did she know that the bad boy she envy so much would become so important to her. Since she started having literature class with Jaden, and Jaden did so low in his tests the teacher decided to appoint Zhoey to tutor Jaden. To her Jaden was an annoying jerk and she hated him. During the time that they spent together Zhoey found out that there is a good side to the bad boy character then she thought. The more she tutored him the more they became close until one-day she realised that she had a tiny crush on him. Zhoey decided to stay away from Jaden and decided stop tutoring him, but Jaden was very persistent and continued following her around. Until one day he kissed her, Zhoey found herself kissing back and that is when she realised her feelings for him are stronger then the hatred she once felt for the annoying jerk, but she didn't want to give in and pulled away quickly and told him "stop following me, and you don't get to kiss me without my permission, I had tutored you enough. And that's the only reason I even spoke to you in the first place" Jaden looked at her confused and replied with a smirk on his face "do you want to say you feel nothing for me?? All the time we spent together were meaningless to you right??". Zhoey decided to ignore the butterflies in her stomach and simply replied

"I feel nothing for you, and infact we never had a special moment did we?? All I ever saw was a boy I needed to tutor and incase you think that I don't you, well I know you". Jaden quickly asked her "if you know me then you wouldn't be doing this would you?" Zhoey nonchalantly replied " well I know that you are a womaniser, who use girls and spit them out like a gum" with that said Zhoey quickly ran away. She could feel the tears threatening to spill but she kept going untill she was in her room. She cried herself to sleep that night and regretted why she ever accepted to tutor Jaden. The next morning she woke up and got ready for school. As she stared herself in the mirror she was a mess and had bugs under her eyes. She managed to avoid bumping into Jaden for two consecutive weeks. One-day she was on her way to her locker and eventually she bumped on a hard chest, when she looked up her eyes met with a pair of blue eyes and she suddenly knew who it was, Jaden of course. As she tempted to run away Jaden quickly got ahold of her wrist and dragged her in the janitors closets. "Let go of me spawn of Satan that you are" said Zhoey

, but Jaden chose to ignore her and simply closed the closet's door. "Let's talk okay, don't do this to me" plead Jaden. Zhoey was taken back by Jaden's plea and replied "go ahead Jaden I'm listening." Jaden quickly replied "stop trying to avoid me, give me a chance okay, you will never know the taste of a fruit unless you taste it". Zhoey looked at Jaden in doubt and said "you don't understand do you? We are the complete opposites." Jaden quickly grabbed her hand and said " I don't care baby I love you" Zhoey chocked on her own saliva and started coughing. When she looked up she found Jaden staring straight at her and she said to him "don't say things you don't mean" Jaden took her hand in his and said " I mean it love, let me show you how much you mean to me okay. Let me love you and treat you special." Zhoey had no words to say and she bid her head in agreement. Jaden quickly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. They stayed like that for at least two minutes before Jaden opened the door and they both walked their separate ways to class. By the end of the day almost the whole school knew about their relationship. As Zhoey made her way through the crowded school's corridor she felt an arm wrapping around her back and she eventually knew it is Jaden. They walked to the front gate and Jaden suddenly cupped her face with his hands and kissed her like his life depended on her. After the kiss they were both panting loud and Jaden said "I longed to do that, and I will never stop missing kissing you" Zhoey blushed visibly and started walking ahead of Jaden. Two months has passed since Zhoey started dating Jaden and they stood in front of Zhoey's locker discussing their literature project when Jaden told Zhoey out of the blue " I love you, you know that right?" Zhoey stared at him in confusingly and before her mind could catch up she quickly said " I love you too Jaden." Shocking both Jaden and her. Jaden pulled her in for a hug and asked her "you dou?" And she quickly retorted "yes Jaden Mcrae." Jaden kissed her on her forehead and told her "I'm the happiest man alive. I have been waiting for you to say that and now that you have said it I feel like I should take you somewhere special,come with me?" Zhoey looked up and asked him in disbelief "you want us to bunk school?" Jaden smiled at his innocent girlfriend and said "the teacher won't notice anything plus you are a good girl they will only think that you are sick. Please come with me?" Zhoey knew she could not resist as Jaden looked at her with puppy eyes and she simply just nod her head, that's when she realised she would do anything for this bad boy she once hated😍. The end!

December 17, 2020 21:41

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