Shadows of the past

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt

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Fiction Horror Lesbian

There once was a girl named Katherine and she had a very crazy life. When she was in middle school she was very social and likeable. She even had a best friend and her name was Alison.  Everyone in the school liked her and she got along with everyone. Once summer had came around, Katherine wanted to focus on some time for herself; she did not want to see anyone or do anything that would distract her from having some time for herself that would included not seeing Alison. Over summer she had gained some weight. When she entered 9th grade people that used to be her friends and people in general started to make fun of her and bullied her for the way she had looked and the fact that she didn’t hang out with anyone during summer like everyone else. This caused her to think negatively about herself such as the way she looks, she had social anxiety and she was worried of what people would think about her. After that experience, she started seeing “shadows'' and those shadows represented the negativity and the darkness that she was feeling. Whenever she would pass by her classmates she would think the worst possible things that could happen. When Katherine would pass by Alison she would see even more shadows; those shadows were stronger than any other shadow she had seen or encountered. Katherine decided to just isolate herself and thought that it would be the best for her. All these shadows and the bullying continued from 9-12 grade. During 9-12 everyone would call her fat and would write on her desk and do many more awful things and no one would help her they would be asking why she's alone and make fun of her. Katherine's shadows had grown from just worrying about what she thought people would say about her to whenever people looked at her she would instantly start thinking of millions of reasons as to why they could be looking at her and she would always be scared and not want to go out. Once Katherine had graduated, she had decided to continue to go to school, surprisingly Alison went to the same college as she did. Katherine ended up having 2 of the same classes with Alison and that made Katherine nervous and scared. Alison sat next to Katherine in one of their classes together and when Katherine saw Alison it reminded her of  all the good times she had with her and missed how it used to be but her shadows would keep on saying “it was better that way, she didn't want you, she has a better life without you, she doesn’t need you”. Alison tried talking to Katherine but Katherine would always ignore her she thought it was for the best. Alison saw that deep down all Katherine wanted was a friend again but knew it would not be easy to get her to talk with her. She tried everyday to talk to her so that Katherine could know that she was not mad at all with her. Katherine had hated the idea of hurting Alison again by leaving her, Katherine did not want to make Alison disappointed or upset. Eventually Katherine realized maybe she had made an excuse with the shadows to hide the real reason she had stopped talking to Alison. Katherine didn’t want to believe what she felt for Alison. She thought that if she pushed it away the feeling would leave, but Katherine was tired of worrying what people thought and started talking to her best friend again. In the beginning it was small conversations as they talked more it became longer and longer and it was amazing. Alison helped Katherine get her happiness back and helped her feel confident again, it took a few months but with Alison by Katherines side she was able to help her find the bright light that was once lost. Katherine was so thankful for Alsion and when she was confident in herself she had the guts to tell Alison that she had a crush on her since the 9th grade, but ignored it because of the bullies and people that would be mean to her because of how she looked and how she was alone and not as social as she use to be. She thought that her shadows were right and that Alison would be better off without her and that Alison didn't want her anymore and didn’t need her. When Katherine was with Alison she had never felt more happy in her life and wanted to be by her side through all obstacles life would throw at them and knowing how Katherines life is crazy life would for sure through many obstacles. Katheine was even more happy that she let Alison know how she felt because she had kept that secret for a very long time. Luckily Alison had felt the same way about Katherine and they got together. Alison had also felt the same way for Katherine but never told her because she did not want to ruin their friendship and was not sure if she had felt the same way about her. Katherine and Alison would go out on dates and go on trips they would sometimes even study together as well the would do anything together because  they never wanted to be separated again; it was the happiest moment of both their lives. Katherine had never felt more happy and relieved she was excited that she no longer saw shadows anymore but when she had they were happy shadows. When she would think of something positive the shadow would tell her all good things and no bad things, she had no more dark shadows only light, happy, exciting ones and it was all thanks to her best friend that helped her find her way back, Alison. Katherine was happy that she went through this experience even though it was hard for her she would not change anything about it, it taught her a very good lesson to never let your shadows overcome you.

May 07, 2021 20:06

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1 comment

18:29 May 13, 2021

this is nice! i got goosebumps a little


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