Horror Suspense Fiction

Every place in the world has a history. Whether a school building used to be an orphanage or a hospital used to be an insane asylum. In my case, my school has a history that no one would have expected.

It was December 15th 1998, at exactly 4:30 pm, when a blizzard appeared out of nowhere. We were on Christmas break, but Alex, Willow, Cecelia, Esme, Carol, Amber, Chelsea, Carla, and I  were at the school. We had Volleyball practice but our coaches left early due to a family event so we were the only ones in the school. "What a bummer! I was hoping the blizzard wouldn't come!" Chelsea complained. "We should finish up Volleyball practice then we can all call our parents. We have the biggest game of our lives tomorrow!" I say with as much enthusiasm as possible.  Chelsea just rolled her eyes and went with her little group. After we finished up practice we heard one of our girls scream in the locker room. We all rushed in to see the problem, but to our relief it was just Esme screaming because of her phone. "My phone lost connection! What am I going to do to contact my parents?!" Esme was yelling and rambling. Esme was the sort of girl to worry about every little thing. Esme was our tallest girl on the team. She's about 6'2 with long black and blue ombre hair. "It'll be alright Esme! I can probably take you home. I was one of the only girls on the Volleyball team with their license. “Thank you so much Tabitha!” Esme exclaimed. 

Once we all got done changing and ready to leave, the doors were frozen shut leaving us stuck inside the school. “What the?” I said trying my hardest to open the door.  I decided to have the other girls help try to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. “Well I guess we’re staying here for the night after all,” I said to the other girls. “What do you mean?! I have to get to my nail appointment! I also have to get home to straighten my hair for tomorrow!” Amber started yelling things she had to do. “It’s alright Amber, we can just wear our jerseys tomorrow. Amber sighed and went inside the bathroom. “Hey! I have an Idea,” Cecelia said in a mischievous voice. Everyone then gathered around to hear what Cecelia had to say. “You guys know how we have restricted areas where students nor teachers can enter?” she asked. Everyone nodded their heads. “Well, since we are the only ones here, how about we check them out,” Cecelia suggested. Everyone was agreeing on the idea besides Esme and I. “I don’t think that's a good idea Cece,” I say. Cece is a nickname I use for her when I don’t feel like saying her full name or when I disagree with her. Cecelia flipped her blonde hair and asked “Why not? Are you afraid that the rumors are true?” I was angry at this point and decided to say “No, that's not the reason. The reason is because there's a reason why we aren’t allowed in those rooms.” “Yeah, and we are gonna find out why!” she states. As each one of them pair up I finally give in and decide to go with them. The groups were Esme and Carla, Cecelia and Willow, then Alex, Amber and I. As we started to split up the power went out. We all weren't too far from each other so we all decided to meet back up with each other. “Okay so the power went out but that’s okay! We can still explore, I have some flashlights with me!” Cecelia says as she hands everyone one flash light. “Let's all meet back here at 5:20 and see what we find out,” I say while straining my anger. They all nod their heads and we split up.

My group decided to check out room 103. Walking into the room we were welcomed with an unpleasant scent. We all plugged our noses and started looking in the cabinets and drawers. There were many files of people who I assume were old students here. “Hey Tabitha, you might wanna see this,” Alex said as she was flipping through files of people. I walked over to see what she found and I was in total shock. The files were of people who have commited a crime. I couldn’t really read it very well but it seems like every single teen here had a death sentence at the end of their senior year. “What the-¨” I started to say but I was interrupted by a high pitched scream. My group rushed toward the gym seeing almost everyone there. When I checked the time it was only 5:26. “What happened?!¨” I asked everyone in the gym. They shrugged their shoulders too frightened to say anything. As I looked among everyone I realized that Carla and Cecelia were missing. “Where’s Carla and Cecelia?” I asked, trying not to sound frightened. Everyone gave worried looks toward each other giving me the sign they don’t know. “You guys don’t think… It could have been Carla or Cecelia, do you?” I asked while trying to stay calm. Before anyone could say anything Carla burst through the gym doors filled with tears. I went over to her to try to comfort her but she was in total shock. She was as pale as snow and her anxiety was really high. She couldn’t stop shaking. “Carla, Carla look at me! You need to tell me where Cecelia is!” I said trying to get her attention. Carla looked up at me and whispered “ Room -09.” “-09?” I repeated out loud. I looked back at everyone else. They were all scared for life. “Alright guys, we are going to search for room -09 and see if we can find Cecelia,” I said. Right when I was about to tell everyone to grab a flashlight Carla grabbed my arm and started shouting, “No! You can't go in there! It’s too dangerous! You will.. You will..” She kept saying “You will.. You will…” many times until she finally said “You will end up like Cecelia! Drop dead on the ground!” We all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say. “Wait a minute, there's no basement here. I’ve done many night shifts here and there was no basement,” I say. “Wait a minute, you work here?!” Willow questioned. “Yeah, I have been for the past few years. It’s for my mothers treatment,” I say answering her question. “That’s why I said there are reasons why we aren’t supposed to enter certain rooms,” I say in a sassy tone.  Everyone starts looking down at their feet in guilt. “There is one! I promise! I can show you it but you can not go inside!” Carla says as tears roll down her cheeks. “Show us where the basement is Carla,” I say. Everyone else in the gym was kind of hesitant at first when Carla and I were leaving but they soon followed not wanting to be alone in the gym.  

As we were following Carla to room -09, I started remembering all the strange things that happened to me at the school while I was on my night shift. I was walking in the halls on my way to one of the teachers' rooms. My job was to give papers to teachers and sometimes help clean up the school but that night I had a completely different job. I had to lock up all the rooms that weren’t locked up. When I got to one of the teachers rooms there was a shadowy figure sitting in the chair with the lights off. “Oh, I didn’t know someone was still here! I’m sorry!” I said to the shadowy figure sitting in the chair. The person didn’t respond. “Are you still working or are you done?” I asked the shadowy figure hopping they would answer. I waited a few seconds for an answer. Yet again it doesn’t respond. “Okay I guess I will-” I started to say but the shadowy figure interrupted me. “Can you give me the key for this room please?” the shadowy figure asked. Before answering him I looked around the dark room hoping to find a name tag. “The name is Mr.Johnson,” the shadowy figure said. That startled me because I have heard rumors about Mr.Johnson. “O- okay! Here you go!” I say placing the key on the desk. I then quickly exited the classroom and locked up the rest of the rooms. That night I never saw Mr.Johnson again. I never had to lock up his classroom again either. 

Once we got to the stairs to the basement of the school the memories started to fade from my mind as I brought my focus back to the real world. “There really is a basement,” I mumble under my breath. I looked behind me to see who came with. When I looked back I wasn’t surprised at all that everyone came with me. “Well, shall we try to find Cecelia?” I ask knowing the answer. No one said anything. “Alright then, lets go,'' I say. Everyone had worry written all over their pale faces. As we start walking down the stairs, I hear Cecelia quietly moaning. “I thought you said she was dead,” I say to Carla. When I turned my head toward Carla’s direction, she wasn’t there. “Carla?” I said calling out for her. Everyone stopped in their tracks and started turning their heads and their flashlights, looking for Carla. I was about to say let shead back up until I heard someone scream. We all looked behind us and it was Esme. Esme was at the top of the stairs looking down at something. I pushed through all the girls to see what she was screaming at. To my surprise, It was Carla. Carla had been killed at the top of the stairs. There was blood coming out of her body and trickling down the first step. I bend over to check her pulse. Nothing. She had no pulse what so ever. All of the girls were behind me wondering if she was alive. I looked back at them and shook my head. Everyone's face got paler and frightened. They were all now like deer staring at headlights but instead of headlights they were staring at the body. “I think we should push her body down the stairs, go back to the gym to gather our things and leave!” Amber said as her voice started quivering. “I agree! This was a bad idea! We should just go!” Chelsea said. “What about Cecelia? What if she’s still alive down there?” I asked them. They both look at each other nervously. “I don’t really like the way this sounds but I think she’s already dead and we should just leave her,” Chelsea said. “You guys can leave but I’m not leaving until I find Cecelia,” I say, determined to find Cecelia. “Well what are we going to do with Carla then?” Amber asked me between quiet sobs. I didn’t think of that. I should have thought of it though. “I guess we can take her to the infirmary,” I say, still unsure if that’s even a good idea. “You're saying we should take a dead body to the nurses office even though we can’t do anything to bring her back? That’s just stupid,” Chelsea said. I could tell Chelsea was still on board with pushing Carla’s body down the stairs and leaving. “At least her body will be able to rest somewhere that’s not on the floor of where she died,” I say back. We argue for a few minutes until someone gets our attention. “Shut up!” someone yelled. We all turn our heads in the direction of the person, afraid of what it might be. When we saw who it was, we all froze

January 22, 2021 21:04

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