Christian Drama Inspirational

What is it that makes us family? Is it the places we live in with each other?

Is it the surname we are given to identify ourselves ? What is it? Is it even love? Each family is different. So different that what makes them whole is different all together . Let me tell you all a story to show you what I mean , something that happened around 1999 but to tell you what happened I need to go back to the very beginning .

I was born in the year 1975 and left on the front porch of another family. My parents always told me "We love you Brent more than the earth we live in itself," but I always thought it was a lie.

After all that, I moved from home, graduated from college and became a doctor , got married, lost my wife , got married again , broke up with her and got myself a girlfriend and then I finally realized to myself that no matter what I did that I was always gonna be was miserable. I then decided I would stay away from my parents and their kids (that they had ,after they adopted me) and spent my life brooding over things out of my control, such as, why my parents had left me. I nearly spent everything I had just to find them and almost ended up with nothing until I was able to start over from near scratch. One day in 1999 I came home to find my girlfriend and my ex-wife setting out dishes and preparing a big meal. It was like one of those big meals where you'd sit down for during thanksgiving.

"Whats all this?" I asked abruptly .

"Your parents and siblings are coming over for dinner" said my ex-wife .

"What , no,no,no,no"

"Oh , and they're bringing the champagne" added my girlfriend with a slight smirk.

"Uh uh, no , absolutely not." I replied sharply, "that is definitely not happening."

"About what, the champagne or your family"she joked .

"You know what I mean"

"Is there a good reason why you avoid them?" asked my ex-wife

"There is always a reason, in fact I could name a hundred different reasons."

" Well I doubt that theory, cause I can only name one, and it definitely is not a good reason ." said my ex-wife.

" Come on, you've avoided them for long enough ." stated my girlfriend.

"I also intend to keep it that way for as long as I can , I mean can't you call them and tell them that this isn't a good time for a family reunion."I pined

"No , we already have the things set out , now we are going to be having them over and that's final , so go put something decent on,and put on some cologne , you smell like moisturizer."

I needed a drink before I did anything, so as I entered my room and locked the door I went to the drawer that held my vodka ,and as I was drinking booze , my mind had a slight urge to look at something I hadn't looked at in a while.

Underneath my bed was a leather suitcase with the words 'Memory Bank'. Inside were the photos of my childhood.

I hadn't looked at these in awhile and for some reason I felt like looking at it . I found a picture of my parents and I hugging one another during Thanksgiving , I actually looked happy for that time, as did they , Christmas didn't look to bad either, my birthday was also full of joy and during Easter I didn't seem to have any hate either , the same for the other pictures on certain holidays as well . Then I found a note that had been written to me two years ,from my parents , it read; 'Dear Brenton , we know it's been awhile since we last saw you on your thirty-second birthday and yet we haven't seen you for a long time still , we just want to say we love you more than the earth itself . we know your life wasn't easy always and we admit we may of failed a bit ,but we tried our best. Just remember the good times that triumphed over all the bad and we will always cherish and appreciate you as our son - Love mom and dad.

P.S know that you are you always appreciated and loved.'

I started to shed a tear and then buckets of them. How could I have hated them this long . " God, " I said ," please give another chance."Just then my parents had entered the house with my siblings. I heard them call my name three times at least before I forced myself to move down the stairs out of pure joy. The fact that I was still appreciated by someone whom I had not appreciated in so long.

I was happy I had parents who appreciated me and it was my turn to show it back. When I got down the stairs I gave my parents a great big hug and told them ," I love you both"

Both seemed startled at the fact that their son who avoided them for so long could all of the sudden be hugging them.

"Brenton whats going on ,are you okay?" asked my mom

"I am now." I had said.

"Okay." said my dad

"Yeah it is okay" I replied

My parents didn't know what to do or say ,so they just said ," You smell like moisturizer."

I just could not help but laugh ,so hard that the tears came back. So , you see ,that is what some families are about . That is what makes them whole ,love , the home the name or even the people . Every one a good reason for family .For me and my family it was the appreciation we had for each other, and I didn't have to go to school for to learn this or even to look it upon the computer ,nope I just happened to have found it inside me and my 'Memory Bank'

November 21, 2020 01:03

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