An Untamed Pet

Submitted into Contest #78 in response to: Write about someone who keeps an unusual animal as a pet.... view prompt


Bedtime Teens & Young Adult Fiction

Sameer was a 16 years old boy and was entomophobic. It was july and his summer vacations.

All day he plays with his friend 'Akshay'. Akshay was Samir's classmate and bestfriend. 

After having his breakfast, Sameer went out as usual to play with Akshay in the ground. They planned their meeting on yesternights. 

Sameer saw his chum Akshay already arrived at the ground wearing knee pads. 

"I'm sorry for arriving late."

"You are late as usual Sameer. Now don't waste time, go and wear your pads and grab your bat.", Replied Akshay

After their cricket practice they left for their houses. They lived in the same colony. On the way they stopped at a tea stall for some snacks and tea. 

"Today's practice was much better than yesterday's practice.", Akshay said

"Yeah! Day by day we are getting better.", Replied Sameer

Sameer was eating his samosa when he felt some tickling on his neck. He put down his Samosa on the plate from his left hand and tea from his right hand. He put his right hand on his neck and grabbed something he was unaware of. When he checked his hand to see what it is, he saw a cockroach. After he saw it, Sameer cried a loud cry and felt unconscious. When he felt unconscious everybody hurled towards him and tried to wake him up. Akshay was in the state of shock. It was when the owner of the stall sprinkled water over his face Sameer woke up from his unconscious state.

Akshay was confused over the scene he just witnessed.

"What was it? What just happened to you?", Asked Akshay

"I'm entomophobic.", Replied Sameer assuming that Akshay knows what it meant.

"Entophobic! What's that?", Asked Akshay

"It's not ENTOPHOBIC but ENTOMOPHOBIC. It is the phobia of insects or in other words I'm scared of them but very much scared.", Replied Sameer

"But why you never told me about it. We are best buddies, we were supposed not to keep secrets hidden from each other. Then Why?

"I was afraid that if people came to know about my fear of insects they will make fun of me. But now when you have witnessed it yourself there's nothing to to keep hidden from you and I'm sorry Akshay I should have trusted you as you are the only loyal friend I have ever got in my life.

One night Samir woke up from his sleep as he felt dehydrated. He went to the kitchen without switching the lights on. But when he came back from the kitchen he switched on the lights and what he saw on his bed was even worst than the worst of his nightmares. It was a huge SPIDER lying on his bed. He couldn't do anything to get him out from there. He thought of waking his parents up but it was the hours of the night where people were in their deep sleep. He grabbed a chair and placed it infront of his bed with the angle from which he could keep an eye on it. 

Alarm rang at 7 in the morning waking Sameer up with it. Sameer opened his eyes and his eyes searched for the spider from yesterday but it was nowhere to be found. Infront of his mirror Sameer stood and quickly took off his clothes to check if the spider was in there. But it was also not there. Sameer then quickly ran out from his room but not towards washroom but inside his parents bedroom to fulfill his sleep from last night. 

In the afternoon Akshay called him and asked " Why he didn't came today for practice." But Sameer lied to him and said that he was not feeling well and that's why he didn't came for practice. After Sameer hanged up the phone call with Akshay, he immediately rushed towards his room and searched each and every cornor of his room but found nothing. Ultimately he became tired and quit his search or in other words 'Hunt' for the spider.

After many nights, one night Sameer once again felt dehydrated but this time he had already kept a jug of water inside his room. He switched on the lights of his room and stood up to drink some water. After he kept back the glass on the table, he checked his bed and saw nothing and felt a sense of relief. When he put his legs inside the blanket, he saw the same spider lying on the wall infront of him.

Sameer did the same as he did the first time he saw it. He sat down on his bed with his legs crossed, his right hand under his chin and kept staring at it. But after some time he became frustrated as he could no longer take it. He remembered as a kid what his mother used to say to him whenever he was with his mother and saw a stray dog, " Don't be afraid of him. As long as you will not harm him, he will not do anything to you." So he once again put his faith on the saying of his mother and switched off the lights. However he couldn't sleep quickly but after some time ultimately went asleep.

Next day he woke up and saw spider not there but instead of being anxious about it. He felt comfortable with it. From now on, that spider appeared every night not knowing from where but with the commencement of the new day he disappeared to some kind of Nowhere land. 

Sameer was now became accustomed to it and it didn't bother him anymore. But paradoxically began to like his untamed pet. 

Akshay went to Sameer's house one day and decided to stay. 

He woke up at night and put the flashlight of his mobile on and screamed loudly. Sameer immediately woke up and asked him "what happened?" 

"There is a freaking spider on our bed.", Asked Akshay

"Oh! sorry I forgot to introduce you. This is my pet cum room mate 'Timmy' or you can call him 'Tim'.

January 28, 2021 17:09

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