Adventure Contemporary African American

                                       MYSTICAL LANDING

“Wow! I am spinning downward to… where am I going? I thought this was just a test drive from the Timekeepers!  Sometimes they are just so secretive! Bump! Bump! I’m here! What is here and where is this place? Am I alive and what is it to be alive?”

Looking all around, the being feels itself, continually asking these questions of herself. Looking around she realizes that she is in unfamiliar territory. Attempting to get her focus and a clear vision of where she has landed, she senses the difference in the atmosphere. The air suddenly feels different on the thin layer of her luminous body. She sees that she is surrounded by a species looking much different from herself. She pauses and asks herself, “Am I in a dream or here alive in this space?” 

“Silence!” she said to herself. “I will need to learn of these beings and their ways.  Hmmm. I wonder what that will be like?” 

Musing over what she is sensing and seeing in this strange territory, she says with a sigh, “These are strange times you know!  According to the Elders, all of the planets are experiencing some shifting around. Well, I guess you could say that I am an alien here.”  

Peering around and out of the corner of her eyes, she sees what looks like another being, but unlike her. It has a different coat of skin than she has.  “I wonder what I am to call them and again what is this place  called.”  

Without hesitation, the alien went and introduced herself to the person with a different skin coat. “Hey, I just landed here in your home. What is it called?”  The stranger is taken back for a moment, puzzled by the luminous body. 

The stranger spoke with a kind, trembling voice. “Let me introduce myself. I am Alexus, and here place is called Earth, but  I can see from the color you are… you are not from around here or anyplace I have known. Who are you? First off, you look alien to me! Now, who are you? 

The alien spoke. “I just landed here. My name back where I come from is Danamon, the Brave One, Bringer of Luck, Compassion, Holder of High Vibration of Greatness, of Destiny, Love, Health, Money, and Friendship.”

Alexus, hearing that goes, “Wow” Nobody can be all of that! You, sure enough, got to be an alien! Wait a minute. You were just talking to me right and …” Alexus pauses. “You wouldn’t happen to be one of them aliens they have been warning us about in the past. Now almost daily we can hear something of the kind. So Danamon is what you say your name is? How is it you could know and say all the meaning of your name?”

“Well, Alexus, where I come from, we have this sacred council. ‘NET’ is what they call it. There are many councils of this kind, but this one is the evolved ‘Elders’.  and they are charged with naming a child at birth and calling forth the gift they are brought to the community.  Oh, and also, they serve in many ways, including learning of ways to keep all records on time. Back in my home, they serve as wisdom keepers and timekeepers of all space.  They live on all the planets of the universe.”

“Wow, dude! You just got way ahead of me! You truly are acting like an alien! Let me get this right. You are telling me that there is more than one world in the universe?” 

“Yes and no Alexus. There are also different earth layers - lower earth, middle earth, and upper earth. What I am telling you is that yes, there is more than one Earth, and yes more than one planet..  You who have called yourself human are sort of stuck here now in the lower earth realm.  You have made yourselves believe that this world is all there is. You lost your memory and detached, forgetting that you are a multidimensional being.”

“Let me get this straight, and forgive me if I am a little slow to get all you are telling me, and on top of it all, you are from where?”  

“Oh yeah,” says Danamon. “I am from another time and a much different planet and a new arrival here in the Earth plane. And yes, we appear different.  But in creation, we all are embodied in the same substance that represents the All That Is.” 

Feeling a little impatient with the newly met stranger, Alexus, Danamon asked in a kinder though hurried manner, “Could we agree to get to know each other as friends? In that way, we can learn from each other. My friend!” Oh yes says Alexus, “I am Alexus the artist”

 With a pause, Danamon continues. “As I had begun earlier in this conversation, I am alien to you as you are alien to me.  The difference between the way you and I see in the world is that you are programmed to react and obey something other than yourself, the self of creation.  When we traveled out from the original layers of our creation, some of us got stuck in the in-between layers of the earth's worlds.

“In my world,  those who we call the Timekeepers are able to tell us where we have landed in the web of creation.  These Elders indeed have learned the ways of time and keep track of our evolution. However,  you here on earth are lost to this wisdom. You call them time travelers but they are more even than just time travelers, they are the Keepers of Time, and they are Masters of Time.  They are the original of time itself and they tell us that they are Star People. Through your own evolution you too will one day evolve into a Star yet to be born.”

“Wow!” says Alexus. "I only hear of things like this by watching Star Trek! What can you tell me further about those other layers of the world?” 

“Alexus, I will be happy to tell you. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let me be clear and precise with you because you Earthlings are so misled by what you hear with your head, and are most afraid of listening with your heart. It is a way some of you get lost, separated, and land in the lower worlds. This happens to be the place you are right now. You are wondering why? You came here to this earth plain to be Earthkeepers.  Well, our Timekeepers, the Ancient Ones, tell us that you became too attached to what you created and this caused you to spin downward to the bottom layers, what might be called the underearth or in more modern terms, unconsciousness.  

“This is not a terrible thing though.  You can find your way out when you see that you came to the earth to learn a bigger lesson. You see, Alexus, we did not meet by accident.”  

“You mean, Danamon, you and me could be a thing? Well, you know, not like that. Were we meant to meet?”  

“Yes, I believe so, because I can assure you this trip came as a total surprise to me. The Timekeepers and teachers on my planet in charge of our development and heroic quest training were preparing us for a journey to help you with a New Earth. I did not think it would be so soon. As I told you before, the Wisdom keepers and Timekeepers had already informed us of changes on earth and that since we had graduated here, we would soon have to return, go back through the time, and bring those who are ready and evolving a remembrance of what they have forgotten and bring them up through the veils of time.”

Alexus paused and gave thought to all she had heard. “I see now how I have been wishing to have some sign that the Great Spirit was hearing my calling.” 

“Yes,” Danamon responded. “You Earthlings tend to always be looking outside to the appearance you have created of what this great Spirit should look like and many times its messages go unheeded.  When you solidify the Spirit with symbols and trappings, you shut yourself off from the true Spirit.  Well, Alexus, where I come from, we know that Spirit is just energy and we too are energy. Through our thoughts, we transport it into being and solidify its usage.  As an example, matter is energy before it becomes solid. You, dear one, are stuck in third-dimensional thinking. This makes it difficult for most of you humans to find your way out. You forgot that you are co-creator with that which some of you call God and others of you call Spirit are energy and embodied in your makeup.

“When you landed here some 4 billion years ago, you came with a true pure purpose - to discover your being in this dimension, to study it, to make a place for yourself and family, and to dedicate yourselves as the Earthkeepers, and take on responsibility for the care of the waters, trees, and earth medicine. But this purpose became lost and forgotten. All the problems you see before you humans now are all of your creation. If things are to change, you must be fully made aware of your original agreement.”

“Yes. I hear you. But we are of all different races and ethnicities.”  

“That is true, dear Alexus, but your ethnicity or culture are those things mirroring back to you -  your own creation. I am to remind you aliens that you are all aliens to each other. You have failed many times here in this earth plane because you have chosen to keep yourselves separate by codes of race. You make yourself fearful of your other hues and shades and you even grow to hate yourself in many forms. You have yet to see that you are all one being.  Surely as artists, you will know that. That is unless it is just another form of your ego to make you different.  I think I recall that the earlier arts reflect to the people their status, whether it was religious or political. This art was about evolution, was it not? To change the course you are on will follow a collective consciousness. It only takes one spark, and you dear Alexus, could be that spark to light the fire, as the one voice to draw a crowd.”

She paused. “It's clear to me now,” says Danamon, “that I did not just land here by accident; my journey was already in the making. Sometimes Spirit is like that. It appears when we least expected it.   The Timekeepers tell me that I have arrived here in your sphere because there are enough of you awakened on the Earth plane to make the call for a New Earth. You, Alexus, are just one of the ones to take the lead. I am sure there are more ready to stand with you. Yes, this is what you have been waiting for. I recall hearing you sing about the hearing and the calling of your ancestors and they're dreaming you into place.  Yes, for sure it is your kind who are the newly awakened co-creators of the New Earth. You made the response once before to lead the way and it was snatched from you by dark forces. Perhaps there were lessons to be learned.

“Perhaps, the lessons have been to remember that just as you are involved in co-creating your world, you are also responsible for its well-being.  When you took on the role of Earthkeeper, you become dedicated to its stewardship. We have but to look around you to see how your species has failed in this role. The oceans have been poisoned, the earth has been scarred, and the air is unhealthy for all beings who live on this Earth. This is a great imbalance. 

“The choice you now make will hold the sacred dream for the planet where all beings can enjoy peace and prosperity, where everything is in harmony with creation itself. You will remember that everything that you do has an impact on seven generations.

“You will remember that I have come because I am summoned here to help you to remember your original agreement to be Earthkeepers. You have outgrown your small dreams of what you once called comfort, success, and achievement. You are no longer happy with the big house left to you by your great-grandfather.  You have chosen this new layer of creation and in so doing your agreement is to hold the sacred dream for all the planet and all the beings to live peacefully.

“Now is your time to clean up your earth. To show your care for Mother Earth, begin your stewardship by talking with your other selves.  Feed good foods to your body and good thoughts to your mind. Look to your heart for the answers. These positive vibrations will filter out into the rest of the world. Be the Earthkeepers.”

Author: Tahirah 'Arina' Abubakr

August 11, 2023 18:52

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