Funny Sad Creative Nonfiction

“You know that red button you can buy? The one for five bucks? When you press it, it says “That was easy!”

“Yeah, uh I think so,” I replied.

“Well, I got one marked down! Only two fifty!”

“Sweet, I think.”

“I’m going to get another one.”

“So, things will be twice as easy?”

There he went, back in line at Staples. Couldn’t resist a deal. Then he was pressing those buttons all the way home until I was sick of it.

“What are you doing now?”

“Every time something is easy at work, I’ll use it there too.”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Way serious dude!”

“But you’re an obstetrician! What is easy about that?”

“Nothing. But there’s always hope!”

And so it went with my best friend until he had the inevitable nervous breakdown. That wasn’t easy.

I should have seen the signs. Too hard a life can make you get a prescription. Easy buttons are unbeatable. Until they aren’t. But I digress. The real problems started so long ago. He had everything, much more than I did. Rich parents. College tuition, and rich friends. Hey, parachuting for $300.00 a pop was like nothing for him. I’d sit at the aerodrome café and watch him fall out of the sky. Too far sometimes. It was the rush, no one wanted to jump with him. I certainly said no. Not my cup of tea, er coffee.

But that was his life. He lived it, everything easy.

Marriage was easy. Meet the right special someone who always makes you feel good. I mean always. I think his favorite song was, “Yer the cream in my coffee!” by the Whozits. Well I think he didn’t know the name of the band, he just called them that.

And his favorite hobbies were all easy. This guy would never learn to paint if he had a camera! He wouldn’t play basketball if a foosball table was handy. Skiing? Nah! He could afford Aspen easily, but the plane trip was too far. Staring down a mountain made him sick. “Do I have to wear a helmet?” he’d ask. They would say yes, of course. Then he’d lose interest. Maybe his head was too big. I don’t know.

But I was still his friend through thick and thin. Well mostly thin. I had to be an easy friend. Don’t ask me what that meant…Oh ok, I’ll tell you. Misery. Well not for him, obviously. He’d call me up when he felt like it. Two AM? Sure, why not. It would go like this:

“She left me again!”

“You know, Two AM means I AM not available! Capeesh?”

“Yeah, but she left me again!”

“What? Are you at the hospital working late or something?”

“Yeah. What does that have to do with it?”

“Everything. Get her some flowers, roses, and a nice card.”


“You know, show some interest! Breakfast in bed or something.”

“I don’t like roses. I don’t like the smell.” I hung up and turned my phone off.

Just like that. Clueless. Everything easy.


And my friend had beliefs about everything. I mean he would tell you things about what he believed in. Sheesh! And the way he would tell you what he believed in was so over the top. He discovered meditation, and it was the living end. He knew a new way to do it. I’m not making this up! Fifteen minutes meditating until he fell asleep, keeled over, face on the floor. Oneness with the universe had to be easy. But it was never enough that it wasn’t working for him. Everyone had to try it.

“You should try it!”

“How do you try being one with the universe?”

“Like this.”

“No, no that’s ok, really!”

“Just give it a second!”

“Fifteen minutes you said!”

“It’s not like you are being graded on it!”

I wish he was being graded on everything. That was the feedback he could accept. Except that he never got any.


So about that nervous breakdown, the one that changed him completely. I have to say, it was not the best thing that ever happened to him. Not by a long shot. Life pulls you up short like that, what do you have to fall back on? Is a whole life full of easy stuff going to get you through things like that? No way, not going to happen.

I visited him daily in the hospital, not the one he worked at. That wouldn’t be easy, having his colleagues always drop by. Well, there was this other hospital that he was at. Only for a few days. He was complaining and complaining. They wanted him to do group therapy. But he hated listening to other people’s problems. Not easy to do that. And the few times he saw a psychiatrist, it was just to get that prescription I was telling you about. Well, that’s not fair. The psychiatrist tried to do therapy, but my friend didn’t like the couch. Lights were too bright when you lie down, and that psychiatrist had mighty stale breath sitting up close and asking questions all the time. So, he left that place quickly because no one can commit you these days. I never knew that. I guess I have seen too many old movies.

We threw a big party for him when he came home. He was a changed man. Look Ma! No therapy! Happy for the first time. I asked him his secret. He said he read a book and the first three words written were these, “Life is hard.” Amazing! Whose life gets changed with just three words? His, I guess.

We drifted apart over the years after his nervous breakdown. He moved away and got serious about things I didn't care too much about. Did he get back with his wife? Nope. Did he lose his job? Well, not in the way that you think. He lost his job as in got rid of it. Told it to take a hike. Good for him I thought. Wake up in your forties and realize you’ve been sleeping your whole life!

But life can be like that. If things don't go to plan, just smell the roses and say that life is hard, and don't wake up your friends at 2 AM!

June 13, 2023 04:02

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Michał Przywara
20:37 Jun 21, 2023

The unusual tag combo caught my eye, and yeah, it's both funny and sad. As I read along, I kept thinking of the idea of the fixed mindset - where everything is absolute, where a single success or failure defines everything about your life. Naturally in that mindset, easy things are preferable, because they reinforce how awesome you are (and challenge… well, challenges those ideas). But we need challenges, don't we? They're honest, they bring us down to earth. (Fitting that part of the story involves parachuting.) The friend certainly see...


Joe Smallwood
14:41 Jun 25, 2023

Thanks for such an insightful reply Michal.


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Penny Winn
16:01 Jun 21, 2023

Very enjoyable read. Great writing style!


Joe Smallwood
13:40 Jun 22, 2023

Thank you for reading it, Penny.


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Nina H
10:13 Jun 20, 2023

The easy way or no way - I feel I’ve known a few like this as well!


Joe Smallwood
14:04 Jun 20, 2023

Thanks for reading.


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Helen A Howard
17:04 Jun 18, 2023

Interesting story Joe. The MC clearly felt his friend had it all without really trying and felt more than a touch of envy and annoyance by his attitude. We’ve all known people like that! Totally irritating. The “friend” felt it was ok to call at 2 am! Not the most considerate person lol. Everything was so easy like he hadn’t known a hard day in his life. Until it wasn’t. Interesting how life can change in that way. Well written characters.


Joe Smallwood
03:02 Jun 20, 2023

Hi Helen, Thanks for reading. You are most encouraging. Especially when you say that a character is well-drawn. I actually knew someone like this. Expecting life to be easy can cause a lot of unnecessary suffering.


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Rabab Zaidi
01:38 Jun 18, 2023

Very interesting but sad.


Joe Smallwood
12:12 Jun 18, 2023

Thanks for reading.


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Zatoichi Mifune
20:17 Jun 15, 2023

Can't say I love it enough! Great, great story. 'Funny' and 'Sad' tags are so rare I just HAD to read this. Oh, and the fact that you wrote it so of course I'm reading it :) Smell roses, say that life is hard, don't wake your friends up at 2AM. Advice we all need. (Especially the don't wake your friends up)


Joe Smallwood
02:23 Jun 17, 2023

Hi Zatoichi, nice to hear from you again. Glad you liked it. You are right, funny and sad don't usually go together. It is a funny and strange combination. Nice to see how enthusiastic you are about writing. I found this story to be easy to write. Anyway, still looking forward to your first one! Bye for now.


Zatoichi Mifune
09:32 Jun 17, 2023

Hi again. This was easy to write? Reading it again I suppose I understand that... No I don't. Also I posted a story... I think it was yesterday... Or possibly the day before. I need to check. If you would check it out I'd be grateful! :)


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Mary Bendickson
11:34 Jun 13, 2023

Got it down now. Hard, 🌹 roses, let sleeping friends lie.😌 Hope you are still friendly. What's this with two stories, again?


Joe Smallwood
13:04 Jun 14, 2023

Thanks for reading Mary.


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