Inspirational Fiction Contemporary

It was a lovely evening. Harry and his wife, Julia, had hosted a party in the lawns of Lavanya, their farm house. Their son had returned back from Netherlands after completing his Doctorate in rural development. They were elated and proud. They had invited all their friends and relatives on this occasion. Harry’s friend was a caterer and he had carefully decorated the lawns. The lights on the walls, plants and trees illuminated the place brightly. Julia was fond of eating different cuisines hence she had arranged food according to different tastes. There were stalls serving idli, vada, dosa, uthappam from South India, bhel puri, batata vada, pav bhaji from Maharashtra, dhokla, khandvi, khakhra, phaphra from Gujarat, chicken and mutton dishes from Lucknow, mirchi pakora, pyaz kachori, dal bati churma from Rajasthan, chole bhature, sarson da saag, makke di roti and lassi from Punjab. In addition to all this there was Italian pizza, Chinese noodles and Manchurian, Spanish pasta. The desserts included ice creams, cakes, puddings, halwa, jalebi and rabri.

People were enjoying the light music while eating and gossiping when suddenly the music stopped. Harry had taken the mike in his hand.

Harry: Hello, hello. Attention please. Please come near the stage. I have something wonderful to share with you.

All the people moved towards the stage.

Harry: Friends, please be comfortably seated. I’m going to tell you an amazing story today. I’ve especially invited reporters from newspapers because I want the world to know this true story now.

Everyone looked at one another. What was Harry saying? Which true story was he talking about?

Harry: This story is about a boy of five who belonged to a rich family. He enjoyed all comforts but he was sad to see children like him being deprived of basic needs. One day he talked to his mother. I will not disclose the name of the boy just now so let’s call him Pratham.

Pratham: Mom, am I not very lucky?

Mother: Yes, of course, you are lucky. But why did you say this?

Pratham: I have a nice and comfortable house, good clothes to wear and I can eat anything I like. My parents are ready to fulfil my desires.

Mother was shocked to hear a just five years old boy talking like this. It was so unprecedented. She wanted him to spill his thoughts.

Mother: Pratham, you’re right. But what did you see, which made you feel like this?

Pratham: I saw two boys today. They were like me. One boy was crying because he was hungry. His mother told him to be patient. Father would bring food in the evening. But Mom, whenever I’m hungry and ask for food, you always give me options and I eat to my fill with food of my choice. And that boy, had to wait for six hours to eat something.

Mother: What about the other boy?

Pratham: It was so hot today. The boy did not have shoes and slippers. He was trying to tie broken slippers to his feet with a plastic string.

Mother: It is really sad to hear all this. But what can we do?

Pratham: You remember I was famished when I came back from school today. Actually, the father of that boy is working as labor in our school. They are living in the tents. In the period before recess, I heard the boy cry. So, I gave him my lunch. The boy was so happy. There were tears in the mother’s eyes.

Mother: That is really very kind of you.

Pratham: And when I came back today, you tried to stop me when I ran out of the house as soon as I came in. The second boy was standing near the park. I told him to wait. I gave him my blue slippers.

Mother: I’m proud of you my son. You feel the pain of poor people and try to help them.

This was only the beginning. Pratham started observing poor children more and more. He helped them whenever he could. He spent all his pocket money on small gifts to make poor children happy. After three years he made a strange request.

Pratham: Mom, I feel so sad for these children. Why are they so poor? I cannot give things all the time.

Mother: Yes, you’re right.

Pratham: Why do we have so many things?

Mother: Your father is educated and highly qualified. He has a good job and is paid well. He can fulfill all our needs. We can also afford luxury items.

Pratham: What are luxury items?

Mother: Things that we don’t need to survive but give us comfort in life. A big house, separate rooms, television, mobiles, laptops, cars, air travel are all luxuries……...

Mother went on speaking but little Pratham had already made a plan in mind.

Pratham: Mom, listen. I have a plan. Can I teach the small children to read and write? At least when they grow up, they will have good jobs.

Mother: Yes, that is a good idea.

Pratham: But Mom, I think I should go and teach them where they live. If children come to our house there will be problem.

Mother: What problem?

Pratham: Neighbors may not like poor children coming inside our house. The children will also compare our house with theirs’. They will feel unlucky.  They will be comfortable in their surroundings.

Mother was amazed to see Pratham thinking so deeply and planning accordingly. She bought some packs of colors, drawing books for the children. The maid of his house took him to a slum. Pratham tried to make friends with the children playing there.

Pratham: Hello, everyone. How are you?

The children did not say anything. They were afraid of him and ran away.

Pratham: Please come back. I’m your friend. I want to help you.

One boy: How can he be our friend? He’s wearing good clothes. He’s not like us.

Pratham heard a boy say this. He went back home. He asked his mother to buy loose fitting ordinary clothes for him. He rolled them in the soil to give a dirty appearance.

Mother: Pratham, what are you doing?

Pratham: I can’t be their friend in my clothes. I need to look like them. Then only they will become my friends and talk to me.

Pratham wore clean-clothes on top and dirty clothes under them. He went out of his house. In a desolate street he took out his clean clothes and kept them in an old school bag. The children did not recognize him and allowed him to join their game. For a week he was just their friend. He told them about the colorful and wonderful world outside their street. Then he talked about how they can also change their life by learning how to read and write. He was able to arouse their curiosity and inspire them to learn new things.

He took picture books for them and made them speak out the names. The children sat on a small broken platform and eight-year-old Pratham became their teacher. Whatever he learnt in school, he taught them. He brought colors and drawing books for them and taught them how to hold colors and write with them. It was amazing to see how this little educator taught them poems, counting, days, months etc. He was able to motivate the children to study. His parents talked to a Principal of a government school and told him the whole story. The Principal was impressed by Pratham’s initiative.  He consulted his officers and was given special permission to admit twenty- four children in mid-session. The school made a separate section for them as teachers needed to devote extra time to raise their academic level and transfer them in regular classes according to their age. Pratham  continued helping them in their studies.

Pratham’s parents encouraged him and helped him with the resources. They tried to find jobs for the parents who were unemployed. Strong will power is the key to great achievements. The efforts of the little boy inspired the people of that area to improve their living conditions. His parents kept a check on the academic progress of the children so that they do not drop out due to ignorance and desperation.

 It is commendable that Pratham did not let these activities disturb his studies. He did all this in his free time. This became his favorite pastime. When he was not busy in his academics, his mind was busy devising innovative methods which he could employ to improve the life of these people. His parents often said that Pratham had a strange hobby.

During vacations people plan visits to hill stations and famous places. Pratham was different. Every year he visited interior parts of his country to see how the common people actually lived. He talked to farmers, labors, potters, blacksmiths, rural women, men, children and elders to acquaint himself with their thoughts, attitudes, dreams and problems in their lives. Years passed and his enthusiasm to help the deprived and destitute increased day by day. Boys of his age love to play games on mobile, internet, field games, go for movies, eat out, flirt with girls or go out with friends, but Pratham was too devoted to the needy people. His parents wanted him to behave like normal teenager but he was determined. He read books on rural people and researched on internet to understand their situations and how a change could be brought about.  He tried to find means of solving their problems.

He completed his graduation in agriculture and did a six-month internship in a village. This gave him experience of actual rural life and an opportunity to interact with them day in and day out. He made a google search to find one of the best universities for agriculture and rural development studies. He utilized his spare time and prepared for entry into best universities to get formal education in his favorite subject and fulfill his dream to make lives of poor people meaningful.. His portfolio was very impressive and he got admission in Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He completed post-graduation and doctorate from Netherland which has the best university in this subject.

To honor his diligence, determination, devotion and passion the Government  of India has permitted him to work on a pilot project in rural area and of course has shown full faith in his abilities. They have provided him a team of most dedicated officers who will assist him in planning and implementation.

After hearing all this you must be eager to meet Pratham our story hero. Well, Pratham of our story is no other than our most obedient and sober son, Sammy. His dedication towards poverty-stricken people has made all of us proud.

The whole gathering in the lawns of Lavanya were too bewildered to say anything. They looked at Sammy with wonder. Then the whole place echoed with a loud applause. Everyone wanted to congratulate Sammy personally. They offered their services and willingness to help in this noble cause.

Harry and Julia were proud of their only son. There were tears of happiness and contentment in their eyes. Soft music restored. People surrounded Sammy asking him several questions feeling proud to know him personally. Sammy enjoyed narrating all details.

January 29, 2021 19:20

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15:19 Feb 04, 2021

I enjoyed this. It was a beautiful story. I really liked when Harry started telling the story about Pratham/his son, it almost looked like a fable. Well done.


Suman Saxena
18:50 Feb 04, 2021

Thank you for your appreciation.


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