Thriller Science Fiction

Destination Wichita

 “How far do I have to drive before I find someone I know?”

That was really the question of the day for Edward as he absently stared at the tail lights 50 yards ahead of him. He was never a big fan of these long drives and this was really one for the record book. He looked down at his white knuckles gripping the wheel and tried his best to slow his breathing.

It was route 70 to St. Louis and then, his destination, Wichita. With any luck he’d get there by early evening and with any more luck, he’d find his college roommate, Jerry, right home, where he belongs.

That word, home, always brings to him a feeling of security or safety somehow. But now, it just brings another wave of suffocating anxiety. He could feel his heart racing as he made the turn to stay with route 70 leaving St. Louis behind.

He thought it was comfort, that’s what it was. Home meant comfort to Edward. And that comfort, the real comfort was much farther east and supposedly behind him.

As he tried to stay awake, he reviewed the events of just the past 3 or 4 days and how quickly things a can really unravel.

Four days ago, he was trekking cross county from San Francisco to New Haven in the direction of a fresh start. He had a new house, a fixer upper they called it, as well as a spanking new job and a very pregnant wife (their first).

There’d been a hell of a storm the night before and he’d driven right through it. There was a lightening flash so bright his eyes were stinging. Actually, there were quite a few of these strikes but that one was the worst. It actually stalled his car right there on the highway. It’s been since then too that he’s had these really bad headaches.

Edward first saw the place on a whirlwind house hunting trip from San Fran about a month ago. He worked harder to sell it to his wife in a virtual format than the agent who showed it to him in person.

But it was perfect, an old Victorian with a porch around and even a grape arbor out back. Edward’s wife worried about the paint (peeling) and the roof (old). Each would need replacing soon enough but, it was still a majestic old home.

As he continued the drive down route 70 to meet up with Jerry, he remembered how the nightmare had started.

It was after 48 hours of drive time (2 hotel stays mixed in), Edward finally saw the sign for New Haven and starting feeling all this would be worth it. He broke out the cell to send a text his wife but thought better of it from what he hears of Connecticut cops. Besides, she was expecting him.

As he entered the drive, Edward thought it was strange there was no car present as she should be expecting him. But he thought it was all the better that she was out getting acquainted to the town already.

Edward excitedly turned his bit key into the old mortise lock but was disappointed when there was no click sound. He moved it back and forth and tried again. He shook the door a bit and began to wonder about the back door when he heard a voice,

“Hey there, you lose your dog or something? There’s no one home right now.”

Edward was a bit put off by the pushy neighbor and even more so that he had parked in the driveway too!

Trying the lock again, “Yea no, I mean, I know. I just can’t seem to get my key to work and my wife’s not home.”

The man now stood at the bottom of the steps. He pushed a faded tractor hat farther up his head and said,

“Now why would you have a key to my house buddy?”

He stepped up the rest of the way so they were both on the top, “What’d you say your name was again?”

Edward was suddenly very nervous and his head hurt again,

“Listen, I’m Edward, I live here, or I’m about to start, I guess. I just got into town and well, me and the wife must have got our signals crossed is all.”

He called her cell and got a voicemail.

“Haven’t you seen her? She’s expecting me.”

The man stepped toward the door and brushed Edward aside. He proceeded to insert his key into the lock and open the door,

“Edward, I don’t know what your deal is but you are trespassing and I’m calling the cops.”

The cops this man referred to were apparently good friends of his. Edward could see them all talking through the police cruiser window. He could only make out a few words here and there, “just showed up” he heard. He was furious now and his headache kept getting worse.

A heavy set cop came over to the cruiser and opened the door,

“Alright Edward, you’re in luck. The owner is fine with letting this go as long as you promise to stay away. Do you think you can do that?”

Edward complied with the instruction but from there he drove straight to the realty office. Someone had screwed something up or, this was some kind of a cruel trick. He punched the dash once for good measure before getting out and walking to the office door.

The real estate agent began, “Listen mister, you seem like a nice guy, but really, I just don’t know him and he definitely does not work here”.

Edward brushed his damp hair back from his brow and frowned.

The agent went on, “I don’t doubt you about having an agent and all, I’m sure there’s a mix-up, we can look at some properties if you like but maybe, just go home, you know?”

Edward placed his palms firmly on the table and recited the address for the fifth time, “It’s 111 Maple, off of Oakwood?”

The real estate agent stood now, “I’ve been here four and a half years, I know the street, but the guy you’re talking about just doesn’t work here and the house on Maple ain’t for sale.”

“Damnit, I know its not for sale! I’m the one who bought it. I fucking live there!”

As he left, he could hear the administrative assistant in the background, “What was that all about?”

“Fuck if I know, guys says he owns the house on Maple.” 

“The one we just sold? Gesh, has he seen that place? He should count himself lucky. And they call it a fixer-upper, my ass.”

About 1 hour later Edward sat in his car having just found out that, according to the deed registered with city hall, that he most certainly did not own the house in question.

And how far would he need to drive before he knew someone. His head hurt. He called her again, nothing.

Edward also called his sister back home and she hadn’t heard from her either. He went frantically to every establishment he visited on the trip a month ago and got nothing but empty stares. He knew he hadn’t slept in a few days but in no way was this a delusion. This was being done to him. No mistake.

This was one shitty trick to play. He gave the steering wheel a good whack and screamed.

The one touchstone between here and home was Jerry in Wichita. He had called and knew Jerry would be waiting. As of now, he was exhausted and counting the miles until he got there.

Maybe she left him. She could have just split. Just take the unborn baby and run. Maybe she was done with him. Maybe she was done with all of his insecurities. Good job or not. But this was a pretty complicated way to say it’s over.

With 10 miles to go, Edward made a stop to get gas. It was a good time to check in with Jerry to let him know he was on time. His head was starting to feel better.

The voice on the other end said, “What? Jerry who? Who is this? Hello?”

Edward asked the attendant, “You know a good hotel in Wichita?”

The attendant replied, “Where?” 

September 18, 2020 18:42

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