Happy Funny

I’ve been sitting on the floor, just waiting for them to make a move… I raise my head and look longingly as they shift in their seat. Is this going to be the time they get up?

I rest my head back down on my front legs, slowly closing my eyes to make sure I have the energy I need in just a few moments when they finally get up. I hear their voice as they stare into that rectangle thing, as well as another voice that I’ve never smelled before. I can’t believe they are taking so long…

I hear their feet shifting, is this the moment? I raise my head and watch for movement, waiting for my moment to rise. But they stay seated, not getting up from their seat. I bury my head back between my legs. I can’t believe that they keep talking and not to me. Was I not a good boy?

Then, I can faintly hear a large door closing. I raise my ears towards the sound. Something is happening, I must tell them!

“Hey, someone’s coming! Someone’s going to hit the door! Something’s happening!”

They tell me to calm down, to sit back and relax, but how can I when there could be an intruder! There’s pounding at the door and I race to my feet, ready to take on the person who’s trying to get into my home. I quickly run to the door, even with my feet slipping on this weird floor. As I reach the door, it’s difficult to stop so I expertly turn and use my side to stop myself against the wall. Why can’t I run on this floor? Can’t think about that now, someone is trying to get in here!

“You can’t come in here! This is my home and my person and you’re not allowed!”

I hear the footsteps get softer, as if they are running away with their tail between their legs. Success! Another intruder thwarted from their pathetic attempt to get in our territory. I stand at attention in front of the gateway to the outside, puffing my chest to gloat about my triumph. My person walks towards me with a smile on their face, telling me that I don’t need to be so loud. There was a villain about to enter and this is how I’m rewarded?

“Wait, what are you doing!? They could still be out there!!”

I plea with my person as they make the strange knobs move to open the door, turning those things that make noises just before it opens. I lower my head, ready to lunge at any intruder, but there’s no one there. I look inquisitively as my person steps outside, they didn’t even put their shoes on or ask if I wanted to join them!

They return after what feels like an eternity, holding a strange box in their arms. It’s brown and has all kinds of smells on it. It smells like trees but also like that stuff my person puts on before leaving me at home alone. There are colors and smells throughout this box as something gets put in front of me. Is that a…. SQUIRREL! I bite down and grab it with my teeth and it lets out a squeak, that’s how you know it’s defeated. It feels soft and plush as I make it squeak over and over. I’ll make sure it knows that this is my home and I’m not giving it up. I take the SQUIRREL back to my bed where I can relax from working so hard to keep the intruder out.

My person came back to their seat and didn’t even give me a treat… Don’t they know I’m putting myself in harms way to keep them safe? They are talking to that rectangle thing with light again as if nothing happened. Now, I’m back to being ignored while I must listen to all these weird voices that I can’t smell. I curl up in my bed, of course, sitting on top of the SQUIRREL, resting my eyes since I’m being ignored.

As I wait for what feels like another one of my short years, my person starts to look in my direction! I point my ears and nose at them to show I’m listening, wagging my tail so they know I’m ready! I hear those words that I could listen to over and over again.

Yes! I’m a Good Boy! I can’t help but incessantly shake my butt and tail because I’m so excited, they must want to give me something and show me that they care! I waltz over, wiggling my body excitedly, anxiously awaiting their next move. A hand with its palm open is put in front of my nose. That smell… It’s absolutely intoxicating… Could it be? Only the best tasting crunchy thing I’ve ever had! I’m so good at being good.

Wait… Are they getting up? From sitting? Now they are standing! What are we going to do? Could it be time for a walk? To the park? Maybe even the car? There’s so many smells I’ve missed out on today, I’m ready to go!

I follow my person around, they are walking kind of funny. Holding up that small light in their hands, moving toward another door. They quickly move in and try to close the door behind them. Are they sitting down again? This time, on that funny looking chair that they have to lift open. I want to make sure they are doing okay so I push the door open to take a look and have a sniff around. These smells, I don’t want to have to smell them again, but at least I know it’s my person without a doubt.

They are leaned forward, just staring at that light in their hands. I brush up against them with my nose as they tell me to leave. I’m just trying to look out for them!

I wait right outside their door, keeping guard in case something happens. I hear the rushing water so I know they are going to come out soon. I look up as the door opens and my person just steps right over me, as if I wasn’t even watching. I slowly get up and follow them back to their seat. They need to know I’m here for them so I reach up with one paw and place it on their leg. I get a nice little head rub for my efforts, but I’m quickly brushed off as the chair moves back against that big wood thing.

I sink back over to my bed, waiting for the next thing to happen. I’ll just keep making the SQUIRREL squeak until my person is ready for our next adventure. Life is ruff.

December 18, 2024 00:37

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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